C25k and 30 Day Shred



  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    Day 4 down.. and ran a little over 3 miles yesterday... my shins and calves are killing me.. don't know if it's from the running or the jumping jacks/jump rope/ and butt kicks Jillian dose.. trying to work through it but its so painful!.... W1D5 of Jillian tonight :)... Running and week W1D6 tomorrow!!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I was able to complete W1D2 of C25K, and Day 3 of the 30 Day Shred. Is anyone noticing that their flexibility is improving? I can actually touch my toes. I never could do that before. Woo hoo! 30 day shred tonight. If I don't get to update this weekend, you guys have a GREAT weekend!
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    you too! yes i did notice i'm becoming more fleible i could touch my toes before but i can lean foward and grab the bottom of my feet now.. who knew!
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    ran 3.5 miles on Saturday.. and Shred Sat/Sun.. took friday off cause i ended up working late.. I was down 2lbs on Sunday :) YAY!! How is everyone else doing?
  • bobbi_jo2
    bobbi_jo2 Posts: 118 Member
    I started 30 DS on 2/13 and I just barely started week 4 day 1 of C25K.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    Welcome Bobbi! that is about where i was when i started.. then i didn't feel tired while running and just kept going.. and now i'm running the full 5k 3 times a week.. i also started the shred on the 13th :D..
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I haven't had a chance to weigh in, but I am losing some inches. No more hops when I put on my jeans that I retired this past November. Woo hoo! I finished w1d3 of c25k yesterday. I finished L1D4 of the 30 Day Shred Saturday. I wanted to do the 30 day shred yesterday, but the heel of my foot was hurting. Heading to the shoe store to get some good running shoes after work.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    so much for having a group lol
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    There is a 30DS group on here, all you should join over there so we can talk about 30DS AND C25k together.

    I started 30DS and c25k last week.

    I am on day 6 of 30ds and wk2d1 of c25k. I do them back to back :) I usually do the 30ds first then run but today I just did c25k and getting ready to do 30ds. I had workers here and I dont think they would like to see me do the 30ds through the window ;)
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    Amanda... I totally thought I replied here last night. I swear sometimes my posts get lost in cyberspace. lol

    I have good news though... I finished Level 1 of 30DS tonight! Yay for me! It's still a sweaty workout for me, but I have gained so much endurance and strength. So excited to start Level 2 on Thursday! :)

    Morissa... What is the group called? Do I need an invite?
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    I'l be finishing level 1 this weekend and starting fresh with level 2 on sunday or monday... I had to take a break from exercise yesterday and tonight as well... and friday cause i have plans but 4 days this week should be good... My calfs were really sore and my hip was bothering me so I thought I was due for a couple days of rest.. but i'm really gonna push out my run and the shred tomorrow :D.. need to be down another pound this week to be on track for vaca!
  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    is it still to late to join in the party I am on week two day2 of c25k I do it tues, thurs and Sat. I am jumping back on the 30ds today. my plan is to do 30ds 5 days so mtwfs along with c25k t,th.s on thurs i also take a tone plus class that is an hour long and is a lot like 30ds with weights cardio and core. sundays will be my day off. Also how have you guys been counting you c25k do you count your minutes running and then your minutes walking, if you are early into the training like myself?
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    yes its not to late.. welcome! I also do my running on tues, thurs saturday :).. I generally take fridays off cause i worka t a pizza place and i get home lateish... :D starting level 2 of shred on Sunday/Monday
  • lyoung0216
    I haven't had a chance to weigh in, but I am losing some inches. No more hops when I put on my jeans that I retired this past November. Woo hoo! I finished w1d3 of c25k yesterday. I finished L1D4 of the 30 Day Shred Saturday. I wanted to do the 30 day shred yesterday, but the heel of my foot was hurting. Heading to the shoe store to get some good running shoes after work.

    Can't wait to wear smaller jeans that are just sitting in my closet!
  • lyoung0216
    So I kinda took 2 days off, oops. But I am still doing both the 30DS and C25K. I am starting Week 2 of the C25K today! And I am on day 9 of level 1 of 30DS. I really like the 30DS, I feel like my arms and legs are already getting stronger. AFter the first two days my legs hurt from the lunges, but now its getting easier. I tried level 2 on saturday after I did my level 1 workout just to see if I could do it. I was able to do some but had to take breaks. The C25k hasn't been too hard yet, of course it was only week 1! I do my running for that after the shred. I feel like it would be harder to go out and run and then have to do the shred, so I use the shred as a warm up to my run.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    how was level 2.. i've heard its easier then 1.. did you have to take breaks cause you were a little warn out from level 1.. or was it hard...
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    yes its not to late.. welcome! I also do my running on tues, thurs saturday :).. I generally take fridays off cause i worka t a pizza place and i get home lateish... :D starting level 2 of shred on Sunday/Monday

    not going out for pizza now yes!!!!!!!
    gonna have a salad instead
  • ekball
    ekball Posts: 12 Member
    I run, and I started the 30DS last week, so I guess I'm in! Question for you guys....did anyone have soreness on the outside of their thighs when first starting the Shred? I was OK last week, as far as the soreness was concerned. But then something happened.... Last Saturday I ran 5 miles, then followed it with day 3 of the Shred. I think I was OK after that. Day 4 Shred on Sunday - something happened. My outer thigh was quite sore Monday, and again yesterday when I did Day 5 - so much so that I really had a hard time with any of the squats/lunges (but especially the side lunge). I was supposed to do day 6 today, but I can't - my leg is really bothering me. Did anyone else have this? I run, so I didn't expect my legs to hurt, but these lunges are killing me!! I don't know how you guys do this for 30 days straight!!!
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    Amanda… Are your calves sore from running or 30DS? I need to watch those pre-packaged salads when shopping at Trader Joe’s… I brought one to work today (without reading the label… I hardly EVER do that) and I was sticker-shocked! Tomorrow, I am making my own salad.

    Hi Alicia… I’m tired just reading your workout schedule. LOL I haven’t started the C25K yet, but I was wondering how to log it as well… I think separating the walk minutes from the jog minutes is probably the easiest. Btw, welcome. :smile:

    lyoung… I remember the first two days of Level 1 and thought there was no way I could continue, but of course I did, and I am getting stronger every day. I’m the same way… I do 30DS first and a cardio session after.

    ekball… I just finished Level 1 of 30DS, and I can’t say that I’ve had extended thigh pain… definitely after the workout, but the next day I usually felt fine. I hope your thigh feels better soon. :smile:

    Time for my cardio workout! See you tomorrow...
  • lyoung0216
    I run, and I started the 30DS last week, so I guess I'm in! Question for you guys....did anyone have soreness on the outside of their thighs when first starting the Shred? I was OK last week, as far as the soreness was concerned. But then something happened.... Last Saturday I ran 5 miles, then followed it with day 3 of the Shred. I think I was OK after that. Day 4 Shred on Sunday - something happened. My outer thigh was quite sore Monday, and again yesterday when I did Day 5 - so much so that I really had a hard time with any of the squats/lunges (but especially the side lunge). I was supposed to do day 6 today, but I can't - my leg is really bothering me. Did anyone else have this? I run, so I didn't expect my legs to hurt, but these lunges are killing me!! I don't know how you guys do this for 30 days straight!!!

    Yes , I did have the outer thigh pain. It was only for the first few times though. And I did kinda take two days off after day 6... :)
    I'm sure that helped with the leg pain/recovery. Now that I am on day 10 of the shred, I don't notice it anymore. It is definitely from the side lunges, I had never done them before nor noticed those muscles being tired/sore. Keep at it and eat protein! It will get better! I run too, after I do the shred. I start week 2 day 1 of c25k today. Also, you run a lot already, so that probably adds to your legs being tired.