girls in their 20s? I need friends!



  • Hi, I'm 20 (Turning 21 on saturday!) - I'm new to FP and looking to get fit and healthy and enjoy life whilst I'm still young and adopt a new lifestyle hopefully.
  • llllj
    llllj Posts: 5
    Hey girl! I'm 5'6 and have been lingering between 135-140 I want to get down to 125, although weight isn't as controlling a factor as just getting my strength back and fitting back in my clothes. Let's do this!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    ladies.... eating 1200 calories may simply not be enough - especially if you are working out. whatever you do - don't go under 1200 -- and if you work out you should be eating back some of your calories.

    I am 29, 5'6''
    SW on 1/1/11 303.4
    CW 199.
    GW 160
  • I'm with everyone else ... 26 yrs old, Trying to lose about 20-25 lbs to get back to my weight from a few years ago.

    I'm also new to MFP, so I'm still figuring things out!

    Feel free to add me, gals. :smile:
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 29, 5'9., and 148lbs. I also feel super awkward in clothes and am always an "in between" size. I hardly ever where jeans anymore. Leggings are my new BFF, haha. Would LOOOOOVE to get down to 138lbs. I've been on MFP for 2 weeks and have lost 2lbs so far. Hoping I can get the other 10lbs off. Feel free to add me :) I am eating around 1500 calories because I am breastfeeding a little one still.
  • thesimplist
    thesimplist Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 28 and in your shoes. I've been trying to lose 30 pounds for the past four years. 5'6" and currently around 137 pounds. I started out at 156 and I have 9 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight, though I may try to lose more after I get to 128 based on how I feel (I was about 125-130 in college and 115-120 in high school).

    My net calorie goal on MFP is 1360, but I end up eating anywhere from 1600-2200 calories a day depending on how active I am. Sticking to that plan I've been losing about a pound a week. Feel free to add me, ladies!
  • atownsend84
    atownsend84 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 27, 5'3, weigh 171 right now (I was at 180 in the middle of January!) and want to get down to 135. I'm eating 1200 calories per day and want to get to 135. I want this so bad! I have a major interview for grad school admission coming up in July, and would love to be a size 6/8 and feel as confident as I can.

    Someone else said this earlier too, but I want to wear a bikini and real shorts this summer, and NOT Bermuda shorts and t-shirts! Let's motivate each other!
  • I'm on the verge of turing 22 and I'm looking to lose the last few pounds to reach my first goal and then I'm going to reassess my situation. I'm currently 4'11" and I weigh 118 (my starting was 125) but it's still more then what I would like for my height. I'm looking for people to help keep me motivated and to help me when I'm struggling.
  • Hey, I'm 22, 5'3'' and have a 4 month old son. Am currently 154lbs and need to lose weight before I go back to work in October! Feel free to add me- would love to make some new friends along the way! :smile:
  • Hi all! I'm approaching 24 years old and looking to lose a few lbs (10ish) and continue to make more healthy choices (in regards to eating, working out, personal life, etc) - feel free to add me! :)