Always in "starvation mode" for calories

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone else has this issue. I never have actually ate a lot. In the past though what I did eat were all the bad/wrong things, high in calories etc. Now that I've been serious about dieting I have started eating better foods and lower in calories but have not increased the amount that I eat. I honestly average about 600 calories a day. At first I wasn't exercising, and just ate better types of food, weight fell right off... then it stopped. I have recently started a good workout routine and I seem to be losing again, however one day after a workout in the morning then power walk in the afternoon my net calories was 1. I only eat when I'm hungry. Over the past couple of days I have been thinking "Ok, I need to eat more" but it almost makes me sick to think about eating when I'm not hungry. Now for some information, my SW 250, CW 233, GW 140. It's not like I don't have A LOT of weight to lose. But am I doing myself more harm than good not taking in more calories?? I have never been one to be able to wake up and eat, so I never eat breakfast, Lunch I have a Lean gourmet meal that fills me up. 90 cal granola bar for snack, and a decent dinner. I drink 2 cups of coffee and water. That's it. Any suggestions or am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?


  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    i'm having the same issue, ever since i been logging my meals it really shows how little i eat. Not to mention my workout pretty much negates just about everything i do eat and idw eat anything unhealthy to make up the difference.
  • nic0dice
    nic0dice Posts: 6 Member
    I'm having the same problem... but if I'm not hungry. I'm not going to eat. Simple as that.
  • I have the same exact problem. No worries. I don't eat that much either.
  • Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :smile: I was discussing it with a friend of mine and he said "Just go eat a big mac woman." Ummm no. I'm actually doing well with eating healthier and it's been pretty easy to keep up. I'm not just going to go eat a big mac /sigh lol
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I have a solution!

  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :smile: I was discussing it with a friend of mine and he said "Just go eat a big mac woman." Ummm no. I'm actually doing well with eating healthier and it's been pretty easy to keep up. I'm not just going to go eat a big mac /sigh lol

    Most people on starvation diets usually gain their weight back and then some. Just sayin'
  • Think of it this way from a "nature" perspective: you are telling your body that there is a food shortage by not giving it enough calories. The lack of calories puts your body into panic mode and causes it to want to hold onto the energy it has--which is your fat. If you eat more, healthier choices, of course, you will probably start dropping again. Otherwise, your body is going to hang onto that fat to conserve it for the hypothetical famine it thinks it is in due to the excessively low calories it's getting.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?
    You got to 250 pounds eating 600 calories a day? This is not the amount you've always eaten.
  • Islandpunch
    Islandpunch Posts: 3 Member
    I am also a little skeptical about this. If this is true you may want to talk to your doctor if you haven't yet. O.o
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    Drink protein drinks? They are high in calories.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?
    You got to 250 pounds eating 600 calories a day? This is not the amount you've always eaten.

    No she said she ate calorie dense food (eg junk food) but the same amounts or portions. eg. she may have eaten a big mac for lunch, but now she is eating a salad and meat.. fewer calories but she feels the quantity is about the same and she can't force herself to eat in larger quantities.

    Calorie dense foods which aren't "unhealthy" - nuts, avocado, olive oil, cheese, full fat milk.. eat some more of these and net 1200 or you will end up losing lean muscle mass and having a high body fat % and not enough muscle (and consequently, a lower BMR).
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?
    You got to 250 pounds eating 600 calories a day? This is not the amount you've always eaten.

    No she said she ate calorie dense food (eg junk food) but the same amounts or portions. eg. she may have eaten a big mac for lunch, but now she is eating a salad and meat.. fewer calories but she feels the quantity is about the same and she can't force herself to eat in larger quantities.

    Calorie dense foods which aren't "unhealthy" - nuts, avocado, olive oil, cheese, full fat milk.. eat some more of these and net 1200 or you will end up losing lean muscle mass and having a high body fat % and not enough muscle (and consequently, a lower BMR).
    I know what she said. And at the end she says it's OK because it's what she always ate. Which is patently false.
  • am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?
    You got to 250 pounds eating 600 calories a day? This is not the amount you've always eaten.

    Portions are the same, choices were different. When I gained the weight I WAS eating big macs, and french fries, with a large soda to drink. NOW that I'm trying to lose weight I have started eating lower calorie items but pretty much the same portion size as say a big mac.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?
    You got to 250 pounds eating 600 calories a day? This is not the amount you've always eaten.

    Portions are the same, choices were different. When I gained the weight I WAS eating big macs, and french fries, with a large soda to drink. NOW that I'm trying to lose weight I have started eating lower calorie items but pretty much the same portion size as say a big mac.
    Are you seriously suggesting that because you're eating the same VOLUME of food you are somehow getting equivalent nutrition?
  • 1sweetpea70
    1sweetpea70 Posts: 48 Member
    How can you weigh what you weigh if you've only ever eaten 600 cals a day...wouldnt you be like 80 lbs? Not being mean, i'm just not gettin the math part i guess...
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    am I okay since this is the amount I've always ate?
    You got to 250 pounds eating 600 calories a day? This is not the amount you've always eaten.

    Portions are the same, choices were different. When I gained the weight I WAS eating big macs, and french fries, with a large soda to drink. NOW that I'm trying to lose weight I have started eating lower calorie items but pretty much the same portion size as say a big mac.
    Are you seriously suggesting that because you're eating the same VOLUME of food you are somehow getting equivalent nutrition?

    No and she's actually trying to ask for advice so if you have some, give it.

    MY advice is to just try to incorporate little snacks in. Increase gradually. Someone posted a picture of peanut butter which actually isn't all that bad. I slather some all natural stuff on a slice of Dave's killer bread and I'm good to go. That's nearly 200 calories right there.
    Have you tried maybe incorporating shakes and smoothies? I know for me, I HATE eating in the mornings. I don't know why but everything is dry and I gag on it going down. It's weird. I usually drink a protein shake with no problem. Things like that can help. You'll have to play around with things until you have a really good well-rounded day because snarky comments aside, 600 calories is not going to help you in the long run.
  • Thank you lolagotthin,
    But to maybe clarify...
    I didn't keep track of calories when I was gaining weight... It wasn't but a few months ago, so breakfast would have consisted of 3 cups of coffee with lots of sugar, and creamer, lunch would be maybe 2 pieces of pizza, dinner would be a burger with cheese and fries. I drank nothing but soda all day after the coffee.... so I'm definitely not saying it's the same amount of calories. Not by a long shot.
    But now, I'm eating low cal lunch, low cal snack and a low cal dinner. Only 2 cups of coffee with splenda, and low fat creamer then water all day. I have the same sense of being full as I did with the higher calorie foods.
    I'm not trying to suggest anything, I'm looking for help. I can't be doing something right if it's telling me I'm in starvation mode all the time. I apologise for any confusion.
  • tiffloy
    tiffloy Posts: 7 Member
    I think you are stunting your metabolism. And your body does really start "burning" until you eat in the morning. If you eat breakfast you'll be more hungry sooner in the morning as well because your body is working like it should. I really think you are making your weight loss harder than it needs to be. And if you ever start eating more - like going off your diet you'll gain weight fast due to your slowed metabolism.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I recommend putting full fat creamer (half and half) in your coffee, eat a handful of nuts (almonds) and a piece of fruit for your snack, and eat a normal lunch (a sandwich on reduced calorie bread) with a lowfat yogurt and some veges (peppers, baby carrots, cucumbers) or a piece of fruit, and a normal dinner (4 ounce piece of chicken or fish or turkey sauteed in olive oil, 1/2 cup of brown rice or whole grain pasta or a baked potato, and some salad with olive oil and vinegar or some vegetables sauteed in olive oil). This is not unhealthy, not a huge quantity of food, and will help you to fill in some of your missing calories. It is also balanced, and will give you the fuel you need to continue on your journey into health.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I also agree that eating in the morning makes me feel hungry all day... If I eat the right kinds of foods, I can feel satisfied. But, when I don't eat in the morning I don't have an appetite most of the day. I know you said it makes you feel sick, but maybe something small (a toaster waffle or piece of toast will be enough to get your stomach growling for food.)