
Does anyone use the Pinterest Fitness board for motivation? I do. I have found lots of fitness tips, recipes and running motivation there.


  • I've been on Pinterest everyday since I discovered it a week ago. Lots of pinteresting things on there :)
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    Sure do! If you'd like to follow me my user name is the same there as here. :)
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    It's very addicting.
  • candace34
    candace34 Posts: 27 Member
    What is the whole idea of pintrest..never been on it..thx
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    Pinterest is helping me with my diet and exercise routine! It's awesome. :)
  • It's very addicting.

    yes it is, MFP and Pinterest are replacing FB for me
  • Does anyone use the Pinterest Fitness board for motivation? I do. I have found lots of fitness tips, recipes and running motivation there.

    I'm a pinning addict! Love it! My board is called "Motivation Fixation"
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    What is the whole idea of pintrest..never been on it..thx
    it is a website with virtual pinboards, you create boards of things that interest you such as fitness, recipes, decorating ideas. Then you scroll through pins that people have put up and pin them to your boards. There is also a pin it button you can add so if you are on a website such as allrecipes and want to pin a recipe to your board you can.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    It's very addicting.

    yes it is, MFP and Pinterest are replacing FB for me
    yep me too...I still visit FB but not nearly as often. Some status that people post are better left off FB.
  • Yes - I'm addicted !!! Lots of fitness motivation on there.
  • I do! I have found so many healthy recipes that taste awesome. I also found running motivation :)
  • I love Pinterest, it's very addicting but also very helpful!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Yup! Love the fitness board. Total Pin addict here too! :)
  • althea22000
    althea22000 Posts: 28 Member
    I've just discovered Pinterest a week ago and love it! I didn't know there was a fitness board but will definitely check it out.
  • madeinforks
    madeinforks Posts: 50 Member
    i love pinterest!!! have lots of boards I save and there are lots of fitness quotes and ideas you can get on is awesome!!!
  • It's very addicting.

    yes it is, MFP and Pinterest are replacing FB for me

    Same here! I love Pinterest. Loads of great recipes and ideas! I never thought of making an actual fitness board though, great idea! :) If anyone wants to follow me, I'm AngelaG2006. Come follow me yall! :)
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I requested to join, but over a month, and no response =(
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I think you have to get an invite from an existing member - i tried to request one directly too and it never came.
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    Add me! I'm constantly pinning new recipes. FairuzyAmanuzy
  • YES! i love pinterest. I have a fitness motivation board and another board with healthy recipes. I get so many great ideas and new workouts off there :)