Eat breakfast, hungrier at Lunch?

For some reason whenever I eat a high protein breakfast I am absolutely starving at lunch time; whether I have an egg or a protein shake (pre-made). However, when I don't eat breakfast I tend not to feel as hungry at lunch time. Doesn't make sense, does it? Anyone else have this issue?

I'm at 1200 calories a day for a 1 pound per week weight loss and I am pretty much hungry all the time. However, the breakfast thing is confusing.


  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    That's always been the case for me, too. Unfortunately, if I skip breakfast my blood sugar gets dangerously low. I eat breakfast around 6:30, snack around 10, and then lunch at 12.
  • I see all the time posts about "lots of vegetables, lots of protein, lots of fiber" - but I still feel hungry. I think the stomach is full but the blood sugar is too low or something so I feel hungry. I just had a full check up and all blood work checked out good so it's not like I have a diabetes/hypoglycemia issue.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You could just skip breakfast.

    If you really want to eat, though... when you eat the high protein breakfast, are you eating anything else with it? Do you need more fiber with it? Maybe some carbs?
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Have you tried a little mid-morning snack? I have a piece of lower sodium jerky around 11 or so and that helps me get to my usual 1pm lunch time.

    You could also try 1/2 serving of nuts. Almonds are really filling.

    My hardest time of the day is that time between breakfast and lunch. If I can make it past then I am good for the day. I know it took me a while to get used to breakfast and certainly to a high protein breakfast (not my usual Pop Tarts). It gets easier especially if you find something that works for you like a snack to tide you over.
  • try eating a snack two hours after breakfast> i now eat 6 times per day - 7- 7;30 breakfast, 9;30 - 10 snack, 12;30 -1 lunch, 2;30 -3 snack, 4;30 - 5 snack then workout, dinner before 8pm - nothing after 8pm
  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    Same here, I can't do breakfast at all as I find I'm SO hungry if I do. I skip it and make up my calories from lunchtime onwards. seems to work ok for me.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I have this same issue. Because of it, I usually just don't eat breakfast. Sometimes I do if I'm famished in the morning, but then I feel like I need to have a snack to get me through until lunch. Very strange...
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    same with me, now I skip breakfast and have those calories in the afternoon. I think I am a PM eater, dinner is my biggest meal of the day.
  • I used to never eat breakfast, because I'd be hungry one to two hours later. Now, I am finding that to be a good thing! I feel like I am constantly eating, actually... I guess going from two meals a day it's very different!
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Why? because your body has been fasting overnight. Breakfast will stimulate your metabolism, therefore burning more energy. So, yes it is quite common to feel hungrier later in the morning. Best to balance your calorie intake throughout the day. If you're not much of a breakfast person keep it light - just a piece of toast or fruit to start with.
  • Thank you everyone for the input. :smile:

    At least now I know it's not me and my whacky metabolism.
  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    I thought skipping breakfast wasn't healthy. . ? I normally eat breakfast even though I am not hungry so I can get my metabolism/blood sugar going. I do become hungry about 3 hours later and eat a handful of peanuts or I have a coffee after my breakfast and then suck down water till lunch. Having coffee and then water is filling until lunch time cuz the caffeine stems the appetite and the water takes up space in the tummy. :-)
  • I'm a little strange in that I don't even like the smell of coffee. I rarely drink soda so I don't have any caffeine intake. I just tend to eat more/feel hungrier all day when I eat breakfast and especially when its a high protein breakfast. If I skip it all together then I'm not as hungry at lunch.
  • I also drink at least 16 ounces of water on my commute to work, 16 ounces at lunch, 16 ounces in the afternoon, and at least 16 ounces with dinner so I'm getting plenty of water.
  • Eating breakfast is very important. It kicks your day off giving you a start to your daily nutrient intake, improved cognition, and your metabolism. The reason you're not hungry if you don't eat breakfast is because you're body is going into a sort of "low maintenance mode." It's hungry but it's been fasting so long that you're not getting the signals, like hunger pains, to eat.
    I think the biggest thing is that being hungry is normal! :) When you're hungry for lunch after eating breakfast, it's you're body's way of telling you that it's burning energy and wants some more! A breakfast high in protein and fiber is one to aim for and you're already hitting the protein. Try adding granola to your morning or oatmeal..that'll help get grains in too which is always a bonus :)

    Hope this helps :)
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    Eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism, that is why you find you are hungrier. Try starting with a warm herbal tea or hot lemon water first thing in the morning, then have a light later breakfast (Greek yogurt, hard boiled egg, peanut butter toast, etc) Then have your normal lunch and a light snack between lunch and dinner. You may find that this keeps you going a little better. I have the same issue when I actually eat too early in the day.