new ideas to stay at 1200-1300 cals



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'll exercise, just so I can eat.
  • I just found out Monday that I am pre- diabetic :( so here I go full guns forward...I need to lose 30 pounds, exercise and stay away from 'simple sugars'. Would love to hear ur suggestions
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    Here is 1000 calories. It's what I took to work today.
    Celery, Wheat French bread, yogurt with fresh strawberries, tuna, oatmeal, raw mushrooms, scrambled southwestern egg whites, salad with lite raspberry walnut vinaigrette dressing and a chocolate protein shake.
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    Whoops, pic too large

  • 1DEH
    1DEH Posts: 23
    i can't... so i work out :)

  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I hear your pain. I've been there. You'll have to make some major changes but once you do, you'll find that you have a hard time being able to get all of the 1,100 to 1,300 calories in!!!

    First, DITCH the prepackaged foods from the grocery. Don't care if it says diet, lite, etc. It has too much sodium in it!

    Second, NIX the fast-food. Period. Pack your lunch, which means allowing yourself a half hour every day to prepare lots of veggies, lettuce, other greens, etc.

    Third, SWITCH from standard bread, whole wheat or otherwise, to WASA crispbread. The calorie savings is tremendous and the taste is better and satisfying. Therefore, with WASA you can have your sandwich and eat it too. Or, you can use WASA's a croutons in your salad. Very versatile.

    Just a few ideas. Hope that helps and best of healthy eating to you!

  • I have only been dieting for two weeks, but this is the first time I feel like I can accomplish a long term effect. I drink two Idealshape shakes a day, eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit 4 oz of lean meat a day. I am staying under 1000 calories a day. With these shakes I stay full for at least 3 hours but still get 100% DNV. I love them. I exercise a lot too. I am dancing two hours a day now. I feel great too!
  • It can take a while to adjust yourself (and your taste buds) to a healthier lifestyle, especially as you transition away from foods that are high in fat and sugar, so cut yourself some slack! I find that eating a lot of veggies, some fruit and lean protein has worked well for me. Some of my standards are:

    plain no fat greek yogurt blended with a banana and frozen berries for a tasty smoothie. or sometimes just a greek yogurt and banana if I am in a rush. greek yogurt is an acquired taste since it is tart, try starting with one with more fat like a 2% and wean yourself down, the same for the flavored varieties which can seem too sweet after a while and you can appreciate the plain.

    3 eggwhites, a slice of cheese and two pieces of wheat toast for a breakfast sandwich ( I am a fan of adding ketchup)

    no fat cottage cheese with celery and reduced fat triscuits

    steamed veggies (spinach, brussel sprouts, asparagus)--I usually pack some to snack on at work

    a big salad is always good filler...take care to watch the dressing and potentially high calorie toppings like cheese and nuts

    cliff bar body builder protein bars are good to have on hand and can be a small meal when paired with a banana

    being prepared is the biggest thing, I find it is hard to find healthy, low cal options when dining out or on the go. I keep nuts in my and at work and will pack a pb&j if I am hitting the gym and know I will be out running errands after. Good Luck!
  • Hi there. Welcome to the club!!

    I eat several small meals a day and it helps to keep my hunger on a schedule. It takes less in one sitting to fill me up which means I eat less overall. If I get too hungry in between, I tend to overeat. You might try things like Quinoa, Kashi bars or Kashi frozen pizzas which are really good with lower and yet healthy calories. For breakfast I eat one whole egg with two egg whites and a little laughing cow cheese. I have a half of piece of homemade very healthy bread. It might help to get rid of the pastas and the potatoes for a while. You may also want to be sure your breakfast is packed with protein...maybe eat eggs sometimes.

    It would be great if you could add some exercise too. I don't always eat enough calories I don't think, but I exercise a lot and keep my calories usually between 1250-1350 (sometimes I go up to 1400). I feel good and satisfied almost all of the time and my body is getting noticeably stronger. I've lost some weight too.

    Good luck!!! You'll be ready for that baby in no time! :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    i can't... so i work out :)

    Me too. I keep my calorie goal higher, and my weight loss slower. Better to eat more and have enough energy to workout than to try to have too few calories and be too cranky to workout.

    I target 1500-1600 on non workout days and 1800 for workout days.