So Fustrated I want to cry...

I have been at this now since Feb 5th and on MFP logging for a little over a week I was losing weight beautifully, I have been good, no sodas, drinking 4-6 32 oz bottles of water aday, not going over my calories...I get on the scale yesterday and I gained a pound I fugured ok bad day so I wieghed again today and gained another pound and a half, I even measured my self and gain 1/2"...

WTF is wrong with me .. I can't eat less I'll starve.. I eat only 1200-1300 calories a day, I am not able to workout much this weekend i walk 1.5 miles and did an at home curcuit where I over did it on squats and hurt my thigh muscles but that shouldn't cause me to gain back 2 pounds and 1/2 inch...

I am so fustrated right now I want to cry scream and just give up.. why bother eating healthy and making all the sacrafices i am if it is not going to work...

Help me PLEASE... right now I can really use some support and ideas.

I have ordered an elliptical from my local Walmart but it wont be in til the weekend, I figured I would have more than 2 weeks of successful weight loss before i platto'd out and eating so little I should still be losing or at the very least not gaining..

typical day of food for me:
Morning coffee with non dairy creamer and sugar 65 cal
Oatmeal for breakfast: 2 packets 1 plain 1 raisin date and walnut
lunch: 1 cucumber 7-8" long, 1/4 cup walnuts, 15 cherry tomatoes
snack: navel orange
dinner: 4-6 oz lean meat (chicken or fish) 1 serving rice or pasta, and 3 servings vegetables (usually broccholi, but have been mixing it up a little)
evening snack: yoplait fat free light yogurt: 100-110 cal

I work in an office and sit behind a desk all day can't do much about that then get home, cook, clean and relax an hour or so before I go to bed at 9 and read til 10ish asleep by 1030 most nights and back up at 630 am and do it all over again...


  • Your body is just adjusting. Keep at it and you will lose.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Try upping your protien and dropping the carbs. Also, if you can't find time to work out find ways to move... take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far away and walk in, etc. and don't beat yourself up. Sometimes it happens. Stay focused and on plan. You'll get through it.
  • dschavers
    dschavers Posts: 55 Member
    Don't give up! Give yourself more time and keep trying. You can do this!
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    I am limited on the protiens I can eat, my triglycerides are really high and HDL really low so my diet allows for 4-6 oz lean meat a day, that is why the yogurt and nuts to give more protien, can't have eggs to much fat and cholesterol... love cheese can't have that much eaither same problem....
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    Don't give up, I know it's hard. I lost a tremendous amount of weight in only a few weeks, but gained back 2 pounds this morning, and the last few days my calories have been sneaking upward and my exercise is done. I'm discouraged, too, but I don't want to give up!! It's too important to me.
    I think it's coming up on my TOM, though, so that might be it :(
    Stay positive, and keep chipping away at it. Exercise will help jumpstart your loss, for sure! Are you excited for your elliptical? You'll have to tell me about the Walmart one and if it's any good- I was eyeing them in the store the other day.
    Good luck!
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    I am limited on the protiens I can eat, my triglycerides are really high and HDL really low so my diet allows for 4-6 oz lean meat a day, that is why the yogurt and nuts to give more protien, can't have eggs to much fat and cholesterol... love cheese can't have that much eaither same problem....

    I found foil bags of pink salmon today at the store and bought a few of them! Chicken of the sea brand- foil packets like the tuna fish. Do you eat seafood? Fantastic protein source!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    It could be water weight from sore muscles or it is close to TOM?
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Don't give up!! I know this is very hard, but try not to become obsessed about it. When this happens to me I sometimes become very stressed and obsessed about the number and end up gaining weight. I find when I relax and remind myself that my body weight will fluctuate I relax and lose the weight.
    Good luck and remember it is a bumpy journey not a race!
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I am limited on the protiens I can eat, my triglycerides are really high and HDL really low so my diet allows for 4-6 oz lean meat a day, that is why the yogurt and nuts to give more protien, can't have eggs to much fat and cholesterol... love cheese can't have that much eaither same problem....

    I can totally relate on the high triglycerides....
    Its not the protein you need to worry about for lowering triglycerides, its the sugars and carbs.
    Reduce your sugar intake to below 30g a day and get in some walking.
    You do those two things and continue eating your allotted calories in good healthy meals and you will see progress both on the scale and with your cholesterol.

    My doc put me on prescription strength fish oil called Lovaza too.
    Try taking some fish oil and that will help your triglycerides too.

    Good luck, don't give up !

    It took us years to put on the weight, don't expect it to go away so quickly.
    Slow and steady and YOU will win the race.
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Don't give up, I know it's hard. I lost a tremendous amount of weight in only a few weeks, but gained back 2 pounds this morning, and the last few days my calories have been sneaking upward and my exercise is done. I'm discouraged, too, but I don't want to give up!! It's too important to me.
    I think it's coming up on my TOM, though, so that might be it :(
    Stay positive, and keep chipping away at it. Exercise will help jumpstart your loss, for sure! Are you excited for your elliptical? You'll have to tell me about the Walmart one and if it's any good- I was eyeing them in the store the other day.
    Good luck!

    I wish it was TOM visit but that was earlier this month.
    I am excited about my elliptical I have done alot of research and the one I found in the approximate price range I can swing is the Golds Gym 410 from Walmart for $387 on the walmart credit card it is 0% interest for 12 months so for only 40 a month I can pay it off in 10 :-) After straining my leg muscles this weekend I have ahard time standing or sitting and walking is very uncomfortable but and getting thru it.. hopefully my elliptical comes in and I am healed enough by the weekend to start using it...
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    I am limited on the protiens I can eat, my triglycerides are really high and HDL really low so my diet allows for 4-6 oz lean meat a day, that is why the yogurt and nuts to give more protien, can't have eggs to much fat and cholesterol... love cheese can't have that much eaither same problem....

    I found foil bags of pink salmon today at the store and bought a few of them! Chicken of the sea brand- foil packets like the tuna fish. Do you eat seafood? Fantastic protein source!

    I have been eating salmon rom the meat department so less salt and I have it about once a week budget doesn't allow for more unfortunately
  • angbak60
    angbak60 Posts: 31 Member
    I know how you feel! sometimes, we do everything we know to do and the scale doesn't reward us. Personally, I only get on scale 1-2 x per week. If I eat something salty the night before, it would make the numbers go up. another thing to consider is the calories - are you eating enough for your height/weight? If not, your body's metabolism could be off. I've also heard it's best to eat more calories at lunch than at dinner.

    about 7 yrs ago, I lost about 32 lbs on weight watchers. Unfortunately, I stopped doing what I needed to and yielded to life's stresses and ended up gaining it back plus some more. anyway, here I am again.

    what I have learned is to be as kind to yourself as you would a good friend. wishing you the very best...
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you.. now instead of a big bowel of pasta t odrown my fustrations in I'll go make a heathy dinner and keep struggling along...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Been on this journey for 32 months and can tell you that you must change your mindset and stop the stressing... Your setting yourself up to fail if you keep at this the way you are... Your injured and can't exercise, your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle, and you have only been at this for what 2 weeks.. If you really want the change and to better yourself than do it, Make the lifestyle change and start living it... This is a marathon not a sprint, get up everyday and do everything you can to be as successful as you possible can, that is all that you can ask of yourself and then get up tomorrow and do it all over again. And stay off the scale.. Pick a day and way in on that day once a week at the same time each week. Your weight will go up and down so much over the course of even a day that you can drive yourself insane... If you truly want to change and make this the rest of your life than take it one day at a time and keep working toward your goals..... Good Luck.........................
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Sounds like you're doing fine diet-wise. What you are seeing is almost certainly just water weight, which is completely normal when under heavy calorie restriction. You may not see your weight move, or notice results for a couple of weeks at a time. The best advice I can give you is to focus on the process you are following, and let yourself feel good every time you make a good choice regarding healthy diet and exercise. You WILL see results in time as long as you keep it up!
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    You are eating really well, and drinking a lot of water which is great - so don't change. As you are just getting started, don't give up. It takes time for your body to make the switch. If you keep going, the weight will come off.

    I know it's hard to see the scale not moving or going up (mine has been doing the same now for over a week) but stick with it. It will happen.
  • neh310
    neh310 Posts: 99 Member
    OMGosh I had nearly the same thing happen to me. I live(d) a mostly sedentary life, I have a desk job. I start working out and watching how I eat and bam - pounds melt off - until I was 10 pounds down. Then nothing for the last week's weigh in. It is very frustrating and you think "there is no way I hit a plateau this early in the game!" But ultimately, I decided what these wonderful people have said is true. It took years to get to this weight, and it will take a while to get it off. But I feel better, my stamina has improved, and the 2.5 inches I have lost off my body is enough to keep me going! Please keep at it. You will get there.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Been on this journey for 32 months and can tell you that you must change your mindset and stop the stressing... Your setting yourself up to fail if you keep at this the way you are... Your injured and can't exercise, your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle, and you have only been at this for what 2 weeks.. If you really want the change and to better yourself than do it, Make the lifestyle change and start living it... This is a marathon not a sprint, get up everyday and do everything you can to be as successful as you possible can, that is all that you can ask of yourself and then get up tomorrow and do it all over again. And stay off the scale.. Pick a day and way in on that day once a week at the same time each week. Your weight will go up and down so much over the course of even a day that you can drive yourself insane... If you truly want to change and make this the rest of your life than take it one day at a time and keep working toward your goals..... Good Luck.........................

    Listen to Ed. This is the most solid advice you will find on this thread.
    It took all of us a while to get where we are, and unfortunately, it will also take us a while to get back to where we want to be.
  • I've only been tracking my food since January and only on myfitnesspal for a week. I find this entire process brainwashing. I eat from 1200-1300 a day. I lost the first 10 lbs and then stopped. Now, have lost two more and those two just go up and down. I try to weigh only once a week because of the ups and downs. Some days, our bodies hold more water than on other days, etc. I have reached a point that I have to add more exercise. My body has adjusted to the 1200 calories and doesn't want to drop another pound! Don't give up! You are on the right track with your new exercise equipment. I'm sure that will help you. I totally understand your frustration.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Even during these frustrating times, don't give up!

    Here is a blog post I did to encourage someone else who was frustrated that she was doing everything "right" but still wasn't losing weight. She IS losing weight NOW by the way, because she didn't give up!