Always in "starvation mode" for calories



  • Thanks last 2 posters :) The slowing my metabolism is one thing i was concerned with. I will try to slowly increase more good foods, and I never tried a smoothie for breakfast, I could probably do that. Thank you for your suggestions.
  • Hi there,
    I hope I can help.
    I've experienced many different forms of eating from high calorie junk food to barely anything. I've tried out various fad diets which have not helped me in the slightest but what I have gained is knowledge and experience.
    I, like you used to consume perhaps 600 cals per day. My reasons were I worked irregular shift patterns and got into this habit of eating twice a day. on top of this my job was very active and I would go to the gym 4 x per week. No doubt I lost a lot of weight BUT, and that is a huge but, I lost all my muscle and was virtually skin and bone and little else. When I changed jobs and started eating better my weight literally increased overnight and continue to for months after. That was until I worked it all out.
    After thorough research in nutrition and how our bodies worked i am back to losing weight in the correct way.
    Basically here it is in a nutshell.
    To lose weight it's all about calories in versus calories out however, our bodies are incredibly smart. I f you are consuming only a low amount of calories your body will be in starvation mode therefore your metabolism will have slowed down drastically and when you go a long time eating very low calories your body will also adapt to this and you will lose little or no weight at all.
    It's all about fuelling the body and burning the fat with workouts rather than starving it. This makes it easy to maintain. As long as you are in a deficit you will lose weight but with proper workouts you will keep your muscle which is what we need to burn fat in the first place.
    It can be a little scary increasing calories but I advise you do it very gradually just a little extra per day so as not to shock your body and as soon as it realises you are no longer starving it your metabolism will pick up. Our bodies are creatures of habit and you may not feel hungry now but if you keep eating regularly your body and mind will accept this as normal and it will become a new habit. You won't even have to think about it.

    Take everything slowly, it's not a race.
    Good luck
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i agree with those who suggest adding in snacks throughout the day.

    some quick snacks i like to have are:

    carrot sticks and hummus
    apple and almond butter
    protein smoothie with almond milk, fruit and a little spinach
    stuffed bell pepper with ground turkey, spinach and laughing cow cheese
    boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes and berries
    plain greek yogurt with a little nutella and fresh strawberries

    sometimes it's hard for me to get calories in with just standard meals alone because i need to eat gluten free. adding in little 150-200 calories snacks throughout the day is really helpful. i try to average 1600 calories a day
  • sandragorka
    sandragorka Posts: 2 Member
    Last spring I took a course called "Fitness for Weight Management". We discussed that females should never have less than 1200 calories in any day. That should be considered a minimum.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I think you are stunting your metabolism. And your body does really start "burning" until you eat in the morning.

    I appreciate the sentiment but that's actually false. Your metabolism continues to burn all the time, it doesn't stop when you go to sleep, and doesn't start because you eat breakfast.
  • You need to eat breakfast. Force at least just a piece of fruit. It will boost you metabolism and you will be hungrier for lunch. Eating 600 cal a day isn't heathy
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You need to eat breakfast. Force at least just a piece of fruit. It will boost you metabolism and you will be hungrier for lunch. Eating 600 cal a day isn't heathy

    She doesn't need to eat breakfast. The timing of the food is irrelevant. She just needs to eat more in general.
  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    Some *****ES are ruthlesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (seriously) ganging up on some one for having a question

  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    You are starving yourself and wrecking your metabolism. Eat more.
    Edit: agree with previous poster, the timing of your meals doesn't matter. You don't need to eat breakfast if you're not hungry in the morning. You do need to eat at least 1200 calories (probably a lot more if you exercise).
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    "just eating more" is not a solution. It's simply not that easy.

    OP - try healthy fatty items like avocado, nuts, and 3.5% milk. If that's not working then try adding a small portioned snack here and there. Like 3 almonds when you drink a glass of water.