Any smokers out there?



  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    I quit 2 year ago in April with Chantix..! I have crazy dreams as it is so I didn't have any side effects... Plus, and while I don't support this idea, I used my friends left over Chantix and found I only needed that first week of pills. You can do it..! It's totally worth it, I promise.

    What helped me was giving myself one extra day after my quit date, I called it a April Fools Joke and quit on the 2nd instead. Just give yourself a break and breathe.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    I used to be an occasional smoker. I think I've smoked maybe half a pack in my life. I never really found anything about tobacco addictive....maybe I'm just odd rsrs
  • lgladybug
    lgladybug Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a smoker and I haven't quit but have thoughts of quitting. When I'm half way through a pack I always say "this is my last pack'. When I get down to two I start panicking and having thoughts like OMG what's going to happen if I don't have my ciggs. How will i make it through the night, my breaks at work!!! After a meal I will just die without a cigg. I know it's a mind thing and I so want to quit but I have to truly want it. I will continue with my anxiety attacks as usual until i've had enough. =) I hope it goes well for you and me.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I've quit smoking almost a year ago (the one year mark will be on the 1st of March this year) and in the process I've lost 101 lbs too.
    So with the authority that these achievements give me (if any) let me demistify a few things:

    If you quit you'll put on weight.
    Well I've 101lbs that say otherwise. Quitting coupled with a change in eating habits has brought me more energy then ever before, I didn't get as tired as before and could keep exercising for longer thus making weight loss easier and not harder.

    I' can't quit, it is too hard to quit.
    You can, if I could so can you and let me tell you something else, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The way I describe it is First week = Hell, First Month = Nightmare, First Trimester = Bad Dream, First Year = Liberation.
    Yes you'll crave, yes I still have occasions where I feel like I'd like a cigarette (very few and far between), but these go away almost immediately, in the early days they'd last for a couple of minutes or so and then once you focused on something else they'd go away. Now they last only a tenth of a second when a behavior or action where you used to pull a cigarette triggers the memory and you feel like you should have one, but almost immediately you dismiss it.

    I like the smell / taste!
    Really? So next time you're going for that chocolate on your press why don't you try to eat one of your cigarettes instead if you like it so much? Next question.

    I don't really want to quit, it is a social occasion.
    I never had a problem socializing as a non smoker, as a smoker however there were plenty of times where I had to break a conversation to go satisfy the nicotine demon outside.

    Smoking calms me down.
    Really? I've never had the feeling of "I'm running out of cigarettes and everything is closed, what do I do now?" again since I've quit smoking. I'm calmer and can concentrate easier as a non smoker then I ever could as a smoker when I had, for instance, to take regular breaks from whatever I was doing to go have some puffs outside.

    So to all the smokers in this thread...

    If you knew with 100% certainty that the next cigarette would be the one that would cause you lung cancer, would you smoke it?
    I'm pretty sure what your answers were, so STOP now as the next one may very well be THE ONE!

    I'll leave you a resource that I've found very useful, there's a group of really helpfull people out there and there's a bunch of great advice and support on those forums, so take some time to register and just quit.

    You can do it! :)
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    You're addicted to "having something in your hands".
    This is true. If I don't have something in my hands, I'm a nervous twitchy wreck.

    thats what she said....sorry ;)
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I quit smoking two and a half years ago after smoking for 15 years. It took me losing someone who was like a father to me to cancer for me to finally quit (cold turkey). It was a huge eye opener for me, my kid's were my reason for quitting.
  • cornfritter22
    cornfritter22 Posts: 230 Member
    bump started reading this thread, but have to get to bed now.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    My mom and dad smoke. Like chain smoking one right after another. They are trying to quit now with the electric ones it works for my dad but not my mom. So I guess it is a hit and a miss with it. When they quit they are going to take all the money they would be spending on cigarettes and are going to spend it on a new car payment :glasses: it's good incentive for my mom especially.
  • Hello everyone I'm Jeff and I'm an Ex Smoker.. "and the crowd applaudes" :tongue: :bigsmile: I just gave it up about a month ago but I really don't miss it at all, went cold turkey... I bought a lot of bubble gum to help and it worked so far.. Oh and I smoked for over 25 yrs... So it can be done to just put them down.. Just have to want to put them down..
  • I smoke and haven't been able to quit.... Everyone says cold turkey but I've done that before and it only lasted a year and I was back smoking again.
  • crissy170
    crissy170 Posts: 31 Member
    I just quit myself . last July 20th ,, i smoked for over 35 yrs and i freakin loved smoking! just one day i seen an article for a hypnotist coming to town for $59,99 and would take my desire to smoke away .. so ithought for that price ( equal to a carton) i take a chance .. and that was my last cigg! i did gain weight . but i alowed myself that as after 1 week i didnt smoke? it was worth it to stay quit ,,, my husband had 6 by pass done 10 yrs ago so he quit then , i , just couldnt take the smell of it in my car and lets face it ,, u cant smoke anywhere anyways! in Canada anyways . i spent more time looking for "smoking sections" etc then i did watching the events! very frustrating ! hence the reason im here , to lose the wieght i gain from smoke cessation
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I quit with really worked for me except for the messed up dreams... it made cigarettes smell and taste awful!

    ME TOO! Chantix was my miracle!!! Messed up dreams, but it really works! I was a smoker of 15 yrs. I will be smoke free for 2 yrs on April 19th! If your insurance covers it, give it a try! If not, well, its is really expensive. Good luck to you! I know what your going through!:flowerforyou:

    I LOVED the dreams. Alas, when I went off the Chantix I started smoking again. I've quit several times. This last time in December. I think I've got it kicked this time because I really wanted to quit this time.You have to really want to and commit to it or it will not work.
  • Marley112586
    Marley112586 Posts: 168 Member
    I've smoked for 10 yrs. I've tried time and time again to stop and nothing has stuck. The longest I quit for was about a year. Everyone I know smokes. EVERYONE. That has made it extremely difficult. But why I posted was to inform some of you that chantix can make you has suicidal tendencies. Not saying not to try it. But be aware of that. My mom took it and wellbutrin and both made her try to kill herself. Shes a little nutty to begin with so that might has something to do with it :tongue:
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I quit 2 year ago in April with Chantix..! I have crazy dreams as it is so I didn't have any side effects... Plus, and while I don't support this idea, I used my friends left over Chantix and found I only needed that first week of pills. You can do it..! It's totally worth it, I promise.

    What helped me was giving myself one extra day after my quit date, I called it a April Fools Joke and quit on the 2nd instead. Just give yourself a break and breathe.

    I quit April, 2010 too!!! I quit on the 19th, and I too used Chantix! Chantix was my miracle! I however took it for a full 2 months, I wanted to make sure I had the very best chance for success, I tried to quit and failed so so so many times! But I am finally a non smoker, after 15+ yrs! I honestly never thought I would really quit! So happy I did! My brand is over $5 a pack now! No way I could afford it now! lol
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I quit with really worked for me except for the messed up dreams... it made cigarettes smell and taste awful!

    ME TOO! Chantix was my miracle!!! Messed up dreams, but it really works! I was a smoker of 15 yrs. I will be smoke free for 2 yrs on April 19th! If your insurance covers it, give it a try! If not, well, its is really expensive. Good luck to you! I know what your going through!:flowerforyou:

    My husband and I both used Chantix, he used it twice. While I think it worked well for me (I am back to smoking due to seperation and bad choices...I wouldn't blame it on a failure of Chantix), he had a horrible time with it. We both had very vivid dreams, but he became suicidal.

    I am currently waiting for my ecigarettes to come in the mail. If I can't stop all together (yet), I will at least eliminate the tobacco and toxins.

    Yeah, all I had was the vivid dreams, but I know that it can cause depression and suicidal thoughts, especially if you had depression issues to start with. Such a shame that he had that reaction. Good luck with the ecig, my brother in law got that, but he only uses it when he is somewhere that you are not allowed to I hope you have success!!!
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Sometimes I think that I don't quit just because I don't wanna turn into a preachy ex-smoker. Advice is one thing, those of you that posted all your happy 12-stepper mantras can talk to my b@lls. Congratulations, that worked for you, now go be happy in your damn meditation room talking to your plants or whatever. You and your swamii can touch each other and recite incantations and leave me the hell out of it. Props to those of you that told me where to get an app or discount Chantix... that's an action item that a guy can follow through on.

    The thing keeping me from quitting is the unknown habit that I'd replace this particular habit with... 'cuz I'm not deluding myself about addiction bahavior - smoking is just the unhealty manifestation of whatever is so broken within my psychological makeup that I feel a need to abuse myself. That's not going away just because I suddenly decide cigarettes are icky... some other monster is going to rear it's head and fill the void.

    I like to tell myself that smoking is the only thing keeping me from killing hookers. However upset society is that I'm polluting my body and their air, they'd be waaaay more upset if I was dumping strangled prostitutes down by the railroad tracks every couple days.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I've been smoking for years and I'd like to quit. I've tried a few times. I tried Chantix once and it did help but I had bad side effects from it. I had vomiting and diarrhea. I am going to quit but not right now. Having a hard enough time watching what I'm eating, I'm gonna lose weight first and then deal with the smoking thing

    I used to say this very same thing. Then I finally asked myself, what would I rather have, 10-20lbs to add to what I have to lose, or lung cancer? And I couldn't workout either, made my lungs hurt too much and I could not breathe! Sounds to me like you just don't want to quit, I don't mean that as an insult. Its just the way it is. You have to really want to quit. Good luck to you on your weight loss/health/fitness goals! And good luck on quitting smoking some day!
  • I just recently quit 10 days ago. I traded my ciggarrets in for a gym pass I have been smoking for 17 years and im only 30. sad huh? ive had 2 children and just recently gained all my weight in a matter of 3 years.. i let myself go that bad. what I can tell you is this.. Ive have the worst self esteem ever over the last 3 years! & these last 10 days have been amazing. The best way to go is cold turkey...why drag it on with a bunch of smokeless ciggs or patches, if after 8 days you feel like a million bucks! and after 2 weeks you cant stand the smell. it takes 9-10 days for you to accept the positive outcome of quiting.Ive done it before, and started again because i guess apparenty i was young, nieve & not ready! it is hard, but ive noticed when i leave the house or do an extra chore i keep my mind occupied and trust me when you quit smoking you feel an extreme extra burst of energy, every single day, all day!! and what better way to do it then keep a positive mind that your saving money, you can breathe better and just keep reassuring yourself of these positive things all day!! burn it off at the gym! I personally always hated the gym, but it has kept my mind occupied! and gives me 1 extra positive thing to look forward to throught my day!! lots of gum & mints!! :) Stephanie
  • I quit 9 months ago exactly today!!!

    I used the champix tablets for a few weeks to get over the initial withdrawals

    you just need to keep at it and be strong

    I feel amazing for stopping and the smell - my god I never thought I smelt that bad, not only that my kids were smelling like that going to school as well

    I can't stand the smell of it anymore and I can tell a smoker a mile off