blood test results



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    My dad when he was diagnosed cut out a lot of processed stuff. That helped him. He still has what he wants but he cuts down. I know the big thing they told him at his classes was to cut out cheese. (and his story was all the men looked at the woman running it and said 'nope, not going to happen' He did cut down)

    The cereal is not good for you. If your pre-diabetes turns into full blown Type 2 you'll be spending a lot more than $40!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    No offense but you sound a little stubborn in not wanting to give up your sugary high GI cereal and foods.
    You need to educate yourself about what Diabetes does to your body. What it does to your vessels, your organs, your heart.
    If you are aware of what this could do to you, you will be a little more concerned about what you put in your mouth. And I doubt it will be sugar or white foods.
    If your Doctor didn't give you any info when you were at his office... then you should see an endocrinologist. They specialize in this.

    Check with your local health department. OR,

    They have local events, classes and screenings.
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    well you also have to take in consideration that i only have about $25 to spend a week on groceries for my daughter and I, so i have to budget and do alot of couponing! i dont eat alot of fruits and veggies because they are expensive and there are never coupons for them!
    also i eat all 3 meals at home b/c i am home 24-7
  • Chuldah
    Chuldah Posts: 5 Member
    Diabetes medicine is very expensive too. Fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy foods are the fuel your body (and your daughter's body) needs. Consider replacing some of the processed items you eat with fresh ones. It's not nearly as expensive as you might think, but it does take a shift in your thinking and some work to find suitable recipes. Here are some links:
  • I understand your dilema...It is something that is very common...High Carb foods are the most cost effective for those on a budget and processed high carb foods are the ones that typically have "Extreme Coupon" potential. Folks like GMI know that if they can get you to buy this stuff once, you'll be back. There like drug dealers that give you the first buzz on the house.

    We had the same thing growing up....we ate high carb, meatless meals very often. Tons of Rice, potatoes, pasta, polenta, bread. Now 5 out six in my immediate family have blood sugar issues. A pancreas only is cabable of making so many units of insulin in its lifespan. Metabolic Syndrome just makes your pancreas run balls out so it wears out sooner. Its akin to driving an old car with the pedal to the floor most of the time...something has to give.

    Look for Eggs on sale, if you could add protein and a little fat to a smaller portion of cereal you will minimize the insulin response. Also Legumes purchased dry and cooked at home are healthy alternatives to high GI Carbs, fill you up, are a source for vegan protein and are cheaper than dirt. Pasta made Al also not so bad....and Al Dente is really chewy...not what the box says....I generally take like 25% off the cook keeps cooking after its drained.

    Its sad but one offers discounts coupons or 2 for one deals on the healthiest foods like produce or lean proteins. Its only gonna get worse with the rising price of petroleum.

    Best of luck to you...hang in there!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Exercise will bring blood sugar and cholesterol down. One year ago my fasting blood sugar was 101 and total cholesterol was 190. I pretty much kept eating the same and this past doctors visit blood sugar was 84 and cholesterol 134. Exercise definitely helps to bring down blood sugar as much as changing your diet. Just what my experience has been.

    ^^^ Is soild information. But please read close "FASTING". 70 to 100 fasting blood sugar would hit normal ranges. But a random test during a day of 101 would be very common. A known dibetic with a random daily test of 84 with any altered level of mental presence and negative stroke test/head trauma would get treatment in my ambulance more often than not, depending on how far out from the ER we are.

    Blood sugar numbers are very much realitive to the situation (timing of food intake). So don't get caught up just looking at the numbers alone and think that a certain number is always good or always bad.
    Those were my 12 hour fasting numbers but I understand what you are saying. I try to keep on top of my number, test once a week during the day just so I know. My blood glucose monitor is just as important to me as my blood pressure monitor.

    Your numbers were good to start with and went to awesome with the work you put in.
    Really? Cuz my doctor scared the crap out of me last year. He said 101 after a fast is too high and started talking about pre diabetes and all that. Oh well, I guess it worked. Thanks, it wasn't really that hard, just started walking, then did Insanity.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    So you do not have that much money to spend on groceries, yet you have 20 boxes of cereal? Seriously, do you not see anything wrong with this picture? Cereal is expensive, I am sure you can replace a box of cereal with a few apples.

    But I am sure you are going to come back with some snippy comment about that too.

    Exactly why did you come here, to get help or sympathy?
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi There! i received the same diagnosis last year. I had quite a few tests and they all stated that I was in the pre-diabetic range. The good news for you is that you can reverse this just by watching what you eat (and any exercise won't hurt either!). A few others have mentioned the GI numbers in foods. GI means Glycemic Index. The funny thing about GI's for foods is that some of the foods that you thought were good for you may actually have a high GI rating which is affecting your blood sugar. What helped me was to start learning how to eat "more like a diabetic". There are many great articles about what you could be eating to help lower your blood sugar. Food with a lower GI (55 and lower) are going to help, while ones at the high range will hurt. But keep in mind that you should start eating more veggies and limit your breads and cereals. I also started to replace any sugar I was adding into foods with a sugar substitute like Splenda and Stevia. I know some people are completely against sugar substitutes, but for me it made all the difference. If you can't afford fresh veggies, try frozen. It's not as nutritious as fresh but it's the next best thing and much more affordable! Try limiting your processed foods. Yes, they are cheap, but you're only hurting yourself in the long-run. Start clipping coupons, shopping in lower priced stores and buying store brand items so you get more for your money. I completely understand how tough it can be to eat healthier on a strict budget but little changes here and there are really going to help! Many others on here have had helpful comments. Best of luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I've been there and, though I'm not perfect, I'm really starting to get the hang of it so I know you can too! :smile: <---to get started-not all -inclusive but you get the idea. I can't remember what the best site was but this is just an idea to start you off.