new, with ALOT to lose!



  • scentexpress
    What you are doing is great, by simply watching what you are eating. That's exactly how I started my journey & it's how I've continued. My starting weight was over 380 lbs; I'm currently @ 257 (I cannot wait until my Monday morning weigh in because I feel like I had a big loss).

    It was just that simple for me. I did not & have not followed any of the latest 'trendy' diets, no fads, no pills & no supplements. It's all been by using my common sense & googling all of the 'good' & 'bad' foods. I then selected my favorites from the good & integrated them into our diet. I found a way to love water & drink over a gallon a day (I HATED water, btw...couldn't hardly stand a standard 8 oz glass prior to this UNTIL I started seeing the weight fall off my body, energy level energy level increased & my complexion cleared). And, I just got out and started moving...the first mile I walked almost killed me but now I mix walking with running & do an average of 7 miles.

    Congratulate & appreciate yourself for every 'smart' decision you make & forgive yourself when you have a weak moment & give in to temptation. Move beyond that moment & do not beat yourself up for it..the mental sabotage & battery that we inflict upon ourselves can be so detrimental. Expect the peaks & valleys & train yourself to stop worrying about instant results; learn to enjoy living in the moment & appreciating the small victories. It means you are training your brain to adapt to a new & much healthier lifestyle. Good Luck to you!!
  • morganfox5
    that's great, getting started is always the hardest! once it becomes your new daily life you will love it :)
    the best of luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend for support!
  • katwj76
    katwj76 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I've been on here for 50 odd days and haven't lost anything yet, in fact I gained my first month because of meds. I'm 336 and would like to lose at least 100 lbs. What was working for me exercise wise (until I hurt my knee - I'm on crutches now) was water aerobics. We can do a lot more in the water then on land. Take babysteps, drink your water and have fun. And please add me, we're on the same path.
  • Irishblue62
    Hi I found water aerobics at the Y to be a HUGE help. I had a knee replacement and did not heal well, thought that was the end of my mobility, gained weight, ate for comfort and became very depressed. THEN I swam with the kids and could move so joined the Y in the fall. I have lost 45 pounds, am a lot more comfortable and am gaining back muscle. I also work out in the weight room under the guidance of a trainer. Good for you that you are on here. Working off 10 pounds is WONDERFUL ( I hate to say lose because that sounds like it is easy and as we all know, it is not) Friend me if you like. I love talking with people about the ups and downs on this journey to good health.
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    Hi there and welcome to MFP! U DID IT! U took the first step and started on ur journey! Feel free to add me if u like!

  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the replies and support!
    I had never heard of the couch to 5k plan, but I'm definitely going to try it, I miss being able to run so much!
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi and welcome, feel free to add me
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Hello, welcome! Feel free to add me.
  • tiffanyvc
    HI! Add me if you'd like, I'm not new (I've been on here for a long time, but have been slacking for most of it), but I'm always happy to have new friends on here!

    Exercise is NOT easy, otherwise, everyone would be skinny and fit. :) For me, as a newbie, I found the bike to be the easiest way to get started in exercising. I also had an injury that hindered my weight loss and made exercising very, very difficult (it's hard to exercise when the doctor tells you "NO WALKING"). It is still difficult for me, but I've learned what I can and can't do and have chosen exercises that I can do. I noticed someone else said this earlier, too, that when they started the elliptical, they could only do 15 minutes. That was me a year ago. But now, I'm on it for an hour. It's still hard, but I can do it!

    You'll get there too. Just keep it up and try not to get discouraged. We're all here to be supportive!
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi and congratulations for taking the first step. It's usually one of the hardest! I started off at 289lbs back in 2010 and wasn't really motivated enough to make a permanent change. I came back at the end of last year and still didn't stick with it. I've always been about losing weight quickly and have probably tried every quick fix there is known to man. I have finally realized that slow and steady is the most practical and healthiest way to lose weight. I came back a little over a month ago and God willing I'm here to stay! I have lost around 27 pounds since the end of last year and believe me, seeing my jeans get baggy and hearing the compliments will motivate you more than anything!

    When you weigh what we weigh exercise is not easy. Some people have recommended Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, which I think is an awesome video. However, when you weigh almost 300 pounds it's very hard to do videos like that or to run, do jumping jacks and other high impact exercises at first. Our knees are already weakened by carrying all that extra weight and one wrong step can cause excruciating pain. Not to mention trying to catch your breath! The best advice I can offer - and what has worked for me - is to find something that you like to do and give it all you have to give. If you like it chances are you will stick with it. Even if you can only do a few minutes at a time do it and work on increasing that time. Once you get a little more fit add in other exercises that will strengthen your heart and your muscles. I do a Firm Express series (in addition to Zumba, treadmill, and a stationary bike) which incorporates weights and cardio for a sculpting/cardio workout. I am still not, however, really good at it and have to modify lots of the exercises but I do what I can and give it my all. That is all you can do but that is doing a lot. So don't kick yourself if you're not able to do more. If you stick with it you WILL get there. Just don't give up!

    Be sure to drink plenty of water, get a sufficient amount of rest every night and stick to eating healthy as it definitely takes all of this to make a change. And use this website including all the people willing to be here for you and help you through this journey. Also, as someone else mentioned, if you slip up every now and then don't beat yourself up about it or allow it to become a full fledged fall. Get right back up and keep moving forward. Sometimes, allowing yourself that treat every now and then can actually keep you from bingeing or eating bad foods more often. Do whatever it takes to help you be successful!

    My name is Lainey and you can also add me if you want to! Good luck to you!