I think I've hit a plateau. Discouraging!

help! How to stay motivated? What worked for you to get past the plateau?


  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    Me too...
    I always hit the plateau at the same weight :(
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I kept on going. I decided to switch up my workout. I was doing the same workout over and over, so I added spinning to my eliptical. I kept weight training, but went for lower weights and more reps. I also upped my calories. Yes I eat more! I moved my calories up to 1400 and the weight has been melting off.

    So, mix up the workout. Cross train.

    Lower weights more reps.

    Play with your calorie intake. Add 100 calories to what your daily number is now. Do this for a week. If you're still plateauing add another 100 and see what happens.

    Everyone is different, so find out what works for you.

    And don't give up. Setbacks happen. Accept that and keep going. The goal is to not stop.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    If you haven't had weight move in more than 6 weeks of consistent diet and exercise, then it's a plateau. If it's been less than that it's a stall. When people hit a stall at a certain weight, then they need to do something different and usually that's to up the intensity of your exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LUVNME94
    Switch it up! Whatever workout you are doing change it. You can also go to a nutritionist and they can help you change up your meals so that your body will be shocked and start burning the calories and fat.
  • eileenyun
    eileenyun Posts: 6 Member
    Rachnroll, me too... Always this weight! i just want to see a lower number, even if it's just 1 lower.
    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Upping the intensity is probably the way to go.
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    I found that hitting my plateau seemed to coincide with upping the intensity (and to a smaller degree, frequency) of my workouts. Eating more doesn't seem to affect my numbers positively. I've just tried to switch to more interval based jogging/running, hoping this will kick start something!
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    If you haven't had weight move in more than 6 weeks of consistent diet and exercise, then it's a plateau. If it's been less than that it's a stall. When people hit a stall at a certain weight, then they need to do something different and usually that's to up the intensity of your exercise.

    Thanks a lot for your input.
    I will increase my time at the gym and I guess add a bit of strenght exercises instead of doing only cardio...
  • rachel819
    rachel819 Posts: 3 Member
    I was "stalled" for 3 weeks doing 1200 calories faithfully, I read many posts about increasing calories and I did to 1500 and have been loosing ever since. Compared to the calories I was taking in before mfp I'm sure my body really thought it was starving.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    If you haven't had weight move in more than 6 weeks of consistent diet and exercise, then it's a plateau. If it's been less than that it's a stall. When people hit a stall at a certain weight, then they need to do something different and usually that's to up the intensity of your exercise.

    Thanks a lot for your input.
    I will increase my time at the gym and I guess add a bit of strenght exercises instead of doing only cardio...

    ---You will lose much more weight in the long run if you add strength training to your exercise routine. It's critical! :)