so disappointed :(

today is thursday which means it is my weekly weigh in. today marks 6 weeks of doing MFP. i have my settings to lose 2lbs/week. i had been doing that until this week. i only lost 1.1lbs. now while that is still good (at least i didn't gain), it really bums me out. i didn't change anything that i had been doing the previous 5 weeks. still working out 6 days a week and staying in my calorie limit. if i have everything set to lose 2lbs a week and stay within my calories and workout goals...why shouldn't i be losing 2lbs a week still? so depressing because i feel as though i have done something wrong.



  • jenebeyer
    jenebeyer Posts: 5 Member
    Not evey week will be a stellar one! Any loss is better than a gain! Your body may be used to what you are doing - as you lose weight, the harder it becomes since your body is becomming more efficient. Mix up your workouts, modify what you are eating and you will probably see a change. Good luck and keep it up!