Too much sugar



  • kmbhoya2000
    kmbhoya2000 Posts: 174 Member
    As someone said, try the sugar free coffeemate, also yogurt is one you have to watch super should look for one that has 7 grams of sugar or less, which is very hard to find, fiber one yogurt is one that is lower sugar...
  • EvaDS
    EvaDS Posts: 2 Member
    Me too I was just thinking this seems to be an issue to stay under the daily balance and not enough on the calories, etc.
  • hides89
    hides89 Posts: 6 Member
    MFP sets mine to 24g, and I go over mine every single day on fruit and healthy foods alone - forget any treats I might have!!

    Should we minus the fruit/natural sugar from the total to get an accurate reflection?
  • mimonde18
    mimonde18 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm very concerned about the sugar in my diet. Try to eat fruits that are low in sugar. Greek yogurt plain with berries are good. Try stevia raw. Good Luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Simple refined sugar is something to definitely try to avoid. Anything processed, i.e. corn syrup, maltose, dextrose, etc. Anything with -ose on the end is something to try to avoid--excluding fructose, which is a natural sugar in fruits. Also, foods labeled "sugar-free" do not come without consequence. Sugar-free means unnaturally sweetened with chemicals, in which your body reacts to the fake sugars just like real sugars, except you are putting something unnatural into your body. In my opinion, if you really want to have a treat, make it the real thing. Just watch portion size.

    You should watch how much fruit you eat a day, but in my opinion there are essential vitamins and nutrients you will lose if you exclude these from your diet completely(long-term anyway).

    Certain yogurts do have these processed sugar chemicals in them, but I say you have to weigh the effects of having a yogurt with processed sugar or having a whole doughnut, cake etc. If it keeps you on track and it's low calorie, eat it until you stop losing and you HAVE to change your diet.

    Lastly, in what I have read, the best time to have sugar is after a hard workout. The carbs along with protein and *I have even recently read caffeine (crazy !) wil help give your muscles the boost they need to recover more quickly. So if you can't cut down on the sugar, rearrange when you consume it.

    I disagree with the "simple refined sugars" comment..... a little bit. All sugars DO end in the letters "OSE" Fructose is NOT the only natural sugar though. Do avoid foods with ADDED sugars, not everything that contains "ose."

    If you eat ANY dairy products you are eating MALTOSE .... this is a natural sugar too.
  • EvaDS
    EvaDS Posts: 2 Member
    I guess in alot ways it's a reference but perhaps it's not entirely necessary to focus when you are supposed to eat fresh fruit daily and just keep cutting out the unnecessary sugar then it's ok.
  • Saw my doctor last week and this is what he told me. I am borderline diabetic and was worried about too much sugar since I have 5 fruit every day, mostly in smoothies. He said eat all that natural sugar in the morning and burn them off during the day. Stay away from processed sugar as much as possible. I normally have 65-100 natural carbs every morning and my blood sugar has improved. I almost always have normal or slightly below normal blood sugar readings without any medication. He said it is all about moderation and eating healthy foods. I have lost 13 lbs over 7.5 weeks and I am very happy with this slow process.
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    Sugar has been a serious issue for me because of my sweet tooth and has totally ruined my diet in the past. So i did some research and saw that too much sugar will increase your insulin levels for a longer period of time, causing your body to store the unused sugar as fat!! "More sugar doesnt make you sweeter it only makes you fatter", this is what a friend of mine told me before introducing me to atkins which helps me to lose weight because they focus on lowering your carbs. I dont believe in everything it says but i do follow a low carb diet (>50g per day) and only really increase on workout days. Think about it!
  • I did the same thing about six months ago, and was continuously frustrated...

    Now I just look at the total carbs for the day, your sugar intake is included because sugar is a carb. I try to stay with natural sugars such as fruit, and just make sure I'm under that carb limit.
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    According to MFP, my daily goal for sugar is 26, but that seems nearly impossible to stay under. Today I've already reached 27 - the breakdown for that is:
    8 - Coffeemate
    2 - granola
    3 - blueberries
    14 - yogurt

    So it's not terrible food, but just more sugar than I realized.
    Try going with a different a plain greek yogurt and flavor with sf preserves,fruit,etc.....might help a little with the numbers :)
  • Cullenbraille
    Cullenbraille Posts: 34 Member
    I like stevia a lot. I won't generally eat sugar free items because sometimes I get headaches from sweetnlow, Splenda, and equal. It is very hard to keep that number under. I agree with what the others are saying about fresh fruit.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    The amount of sugar I eat was bugging me every time I looked at my diary. I'm no science doctor but i decided i'm not going to worry about my sugar. i'm over what MFP recommends after breakfast almost every day. It's almost always from fruit and/or dairy. I'm continuing to lose weight and get in better shape in general. Once that stops then I might look into the sugar issue.
  • You are totally right! I just was generalizing. You need milk kids.
  • I'm not good at the quoting:
    I disagree with the "simple refined sugars" comment..... a little bit. All sugars DO end in the letters "OSE" Fructose is NOT the only natural sugar though. Do avoid foods with ADDED sugars, not everything that contains "ose."

    If you eat ANY dairy products you are eating MALTOSE .... this is a natural sugar too.

    ***You are totally right! I just was generalizing. You need milk kids. And obviously I didn't realize this was the milk sugar....
  • Astro Zero Fat Free yougurt is only 4g of sugar, and its delicious! I personally like the peach one!