I can't get my scale to move



  • Okieace
    My scale was stuck for three weeks till yesterday it started moving down again. It happens time to time. Just do the right things and with time it will come off.
  • TeaTheCoffeeLady
    Sounds like you reached a "plateau." You should change your work-out routine. Do you exercise first thing in the a.m.? Are you eating 5-6 small meals? What about sugar intake?
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Are you using a measuring tape? I've often been stuck on the scale, but still lose inches. Also, check your sodium/water intake.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    70% of what we look like stems from what we are eating....so that is probably where the problem starts.

    Eat no less than 1200 calories a day, even if that means eating back your calories that you have burned.

    Focus on eating lots of lean proteins and fresh vegetables / fruits.

    Are you drinking enough water? Drink half your body weight in ounces per day, and for every cup of coffee/tea/pop you have drink 2 additional glasses of water. It does seem like a lot but after a week or two your body will be fully hydrated, will adjust to all the extra water, and you will begin to see changes (more energy, healthier skinny, faster metabolism, etc).

    Also, are you doing strength training in addition to cardio?? This is essential.
  • lorrin92
    lorrin92 Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost five pounds in two weeks by just keeping under my calorie goal. I work at Sonic, so I'm on my feet all day. I'm supposed to intake 1200 calories a day, but I normally don't get to that, although I'm trying hard. I've been combining cardio with weight training and that seems to work. I walk/run for ten minutes, then hit the weights for ten minutes, then back to walking/running. To shed fat instead of building bulk, try doing a lot of reps with a lower weight. On the leg press, I can do about 200 lbs, but I choose to do more reps at 40 lbs to lose weight instead of gain bulky muscle.
  • spatters77
    I can't get my scale to move

    have you tried a hammer?

    I find that when I pick it up off the floor it moves much easier. :)

    Sorry but I thought of the hammer thing also and this just made me laugh.
  • FromMama2MILF
    FromMama2MILF Posts: 8 Member
    It's important to make sure the portion sizes that you log in your journal are the true size of the portion you consumed (i.e. 1 cup v. 1 1/2 cups makes a difference throughout the day). Also, you should be logging all that you eat in a day. A little bite of something here or there, may seem minimal at the time, but when logged on your tracker, you can see where it makes a big difference with regards to the calories you're consuming.
  • drod218
    I noticed that you are not exercising. I'm 42 years old and have a slow metabolism. If I try to lose weight by only eating right with no exercise, the pounds come off very slowly and I get impatient and quit. I suggest adding some form of daily exercise... then you will see the pounds come off.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Is your scale made of dark matter? If so, I can understand not getting it to move.
  • NicciGarvito
    you mentioned not even getting to your 1200 cal mark for the day, underconsuming calories can cause your body to go into starvation mode and hold onto every calorie and every bit of fat you take in, make sure you are reaching your daily cal. goal. Do so by eating alot of lean protien and veggies, and COMPLEX carbohydrates
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I've lost five pounds in two weeks by just keeping under my calorie goal. I work at Sonic, so I'm on my feet all day. I'm supposed to intake 1200 calories a day, but I normally don't get to that, although I'm trying hard. I've been combining cardio with weight training and that seems to work. I walk/run for ten minutes, then hit the weights for ten minutes, then back to walking/running. To shed fat instead of building bulk, try doing a lot of reps with a lower weight. On the leg press, I can do about 200 lbs, but I choose to do more reps at 40 lbs to lose weight instead of gain bulky muscle.

    There are several issues with this. First, netting under 1200 calories isn't healthy for your body. An average body has a caloric require of over 1200 calories to run a body efficiently and most people it's above that. Your organs, brain and bodily functions all require calories to run. When you don't fuel them, they don't function as well. Also, when you eat 1200 calories and burn 400 calories, it's the equivalent of eating 800 calories. This will cause your body to lose weight and maintain fat.

    Next, WOMEN CAN NOT BULK. That is fact. They need testosterone in order to build large amounts of muscle and can not get that naturally. Heck, do you even realize how difficult it would be to look like Jillian Michaels? These women who have a lot of muscle train a lot and are on specific diet plans in order to gain a lot of lean muscle mass. In fact, women want to lift heavy. And people need to eat closer to their TDEE so they can cut FAT. Below are two example of women who not only gained weight but became smaller in size and have tighter bodies. Take some time and look at the workout routine of the second link. She is lifting a ton of weight and eating 3000-4000 calories a day.


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Everything Psulemon just said.

    Doing the leg press on 40# will do nothing but take up time.

    Doing the leg press at 200# will help give you a cuter, higher, rounder, firmer bum.
  • candyben
    I have been loggin everything I eat and underestimating my excercise calories, which is good. I have started to switch up what I am eating as it was the same thing over and over and am adding more protein and less carbs into my diet. I have started to work out again - doing P90X! Which I am happy about, haven't checked my inches but have noticed that my clothes are fitting tighter so have been a bit scared to do that. Trying to get over the hurdle of eating more than 1200 calories a day- will take my brain a bit to get that item down.

    Thanks everyone for your comments I feel better now about it, will keep plugging along - it is the first time in a long time that I am committed to doing this 100%! :happy:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I have been loggin everything I eat and underestimating my excercise calories, which is good. I have started to switch up what I am eating as it was the same thing over and over and am adding more protein and less carbs into my diet. I have started to work out again - doing P90X! Which I am happy about, haven't checked my inches but have noticed that my clothes are fitting tighter so have been a bit scared to do that. Trying to get over the hurdle of eating more than 1200 calories a day- will take my brain a bit to get that item down.

    Thanks everyone for your comments I feel better now about it, will keep plugging along - it is the first time in a long time that I am committed to doing this 100%! :happy:

    You probably have some water retention if you just started P90X again. That should dissipate over time. But keep pushing to get more nutrition and you will see weight loss.