Gained it all back to the last ounce....

Well, today I have hit a new low... I guess a high really. I have gained back all my lost weight! I am so pissed at myself because I know it is my own fault. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me. I have been excercising, but eating everything in sight. So pissed at myself and more mad that now I have to lose what I already lost. I can already feel it when I exercise that I had gained the weight back, but I did not want to believe it. I refuse to give in though. I am going to go back to doing what made it work in the first place.

1. log and measure my food
2. exercise 4 to 5 times a week
3. avoid high fructose corn syrup

I got obsessive about how much weight I lost rather than how much fun I had trying new foods which led me down the path of donuts and pop-tarts when I was depressed the times I did not lose weight.

So my question is this:

What did you do to motivate yourself after experiencing a major weight gain?


  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    I took pictures of my belly. Really. I lost 50 lbs 2 years ago (Weight Watchers) and have gained back 15 of it. While that doesn't seem like much, it's made a big difference in my clothes. I went down from 230 to 179 and now I'm at 188 after staring MFP.

    I've never done "real" before & after pics, but last week I stood in my bra & underwear & took pictures. It made me sick- even at my biggest I was a "I'm confident, I'm cool, I have good style" kind of girl. But these days I just want to be stronger and fitter. It was frustrating to see myself with all the rumples and bumps. I'd like those to smooth out a bit!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Well, today I have hit a new low... I guess a high really. I have gained back all my lost weight! I am so pissed at myself because I know it is my own fault. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me. I have been excercising, but eating everything in sight. So pissed at myself and more mad that now I have to lose what I already lost. I can already feel it when I exercise that I had gained the weight back, but I did not want to believe it. I refuse to give in though. I am going to go back to doing what made it work in the first place.

    1. log and measure my food
    2. exercise 4 to 5 times a week
    3. avoid high fructose corn syrup

    I got obsessive about how much weight I lost rather than how much fun I had trying new foods which led me down the path of donuts and pop-tarts when I was depressed the times I did not lose weight.

    So my question is this:

    What did you do to motivate yourself after experiencing a major weight gain?
    Avoiding the HFC is probably going to net the same results somewhere down the road. You'd be better off learning how to eat the foods you enjoy rather than omitting them because it's easy to fall back onto them on a bad day. Learning how to eat them in portion will leave you NOT craving them and chances are you won't have the same weight regain.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    A picture someone tagged of me on facebook got me going again. I gained back my lost weight in the last year as well and I kept telling myself I would re-start soon but would never do it. That picture did the trick early last month and I decided not to take the picture down because everytime I see it on my profile, it gives me a good kick in my behind to keep going.
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    I have only gained back3 pounds but I already feel terrible and fat. I am trying to find the motivation to start working out again and eating right. My first step in coming back to MFP. And I'm hoping that will help me begin my journey again.
  • carolyn3572
    It took me 14 years to get inspired again. I got tired of thinking of all the things I wanted to do, but was too out of shape and fat to do. One of my greatest motivations right now is me. I have changed the way I talk to myself, reward myself and look at myself. I still see the areas I want to work on, but I don't dwell on them anymore. If I have a bad day I forgive myself and move on. When I don't want to go to the gym I make a bargain with myself..."Ok....I will go for 15 minutes...and then I can be done" and it works, I don't feel guilty because I have gone and I am proud because I have moved even when I don't want to. When I am on the treadmill and I don't think I can run another step and I just want to give up, I use this line on myself "You can do anything for 2 minutes". Its corny I know, but it works for me.

    Another thing I try to keep in mind is how hard I have had to work to take off the weight...and then I ask myself if that "insert favorite treat here" is worth it. If I decide I want to have something outside of my menu plan I make a "deposit" in my exercise bank...adding some more calories to my day so I can manage my food better.

    I use other people’s successes as inspiration to. I went around for a long time being jealous of other people and the weight loss and now I use that to motivate myself.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    It took me 14 years to get inspired again. I got tired of thinking of all the things I wanted to do, but was too out of shape and fat to do. One of my greatest motivations right now is me. I have changed the way I talk to myself, reward myself and look at myself. I still see the areas I want to work on, but I don't dwell on them anymore. If I have a bad day I forgive myself and move on. When I don't want to go to the gym I make a bargain with myself..."Ok....I will go for 15 minutes...and then I can be done" and it works, I don't feel guilty because I have gone and I am proud because I have moved even when I don't want to. When I am on the treadmill and I don't think I can run another step and I just want to give up, I use this line on myself "You can do anything for 2 minutes". Its corny I know, but it works for me.

    Another thing I try to keep in mind is how hard I have had to work to take off the weight...and then I ask myself if that "insert favorite treat here" is worth it. If I decide I want to have something outside of my menu plan I make a "deposit" in my exercise bank...adding some more calories to my day so I can manage my food better.

    I use other people’s successes as inspiration to. I went around for a long time being jealous of other people and the weight loss and now I use that to motivate myself.

    I know what you mean. When my husband lost a lot of weight, I was very jealous. Then he gained it back. I lost over 30 lbs and he was not jealous more like "you would not want to be with me if you were thinner" attitude. It is a vicious cycle, but him and I both agreed that we are both going to try to lose weight together.
  • rickcote13
    You have to be clear on why YOU are losing weight..... If it's because "someone said you should" prob not going to work.. (Been there done that)

    I know personally I was concerned about being around past 50, and excluding myself from things because I was too big to enjoy them or be able to do them at all...

    I set a goal 5 years ago to be able to compete in drum corps again and I will do that this summer. My journey to healthy lifestyle is not over and never will be. But with the tools i have learned and the encouragement of my friends I WILL enjoy a healthier life...

    When I have a bad meal or a bad day it is just that.. Don't allow it to snowball into a bad week, month, ......

  • sistersuziestaci
    I have gained all my weight back and then some. I just watched the scale creep up and up and up. Now I have to learn how to start over and keep going. Food is the hardest for me. When I see a good day on the scale I reward myself with food. It is totally backward but I haven't figured out how to change that behavior. One day something in your mind will trigger and you will say enough is enough and start on the long road again. I think the thing I need to realize is weight loss is not a destination. It is a jorney going the wrong way on a moving walk way. If I keep going I make progress. But if I stop not only do I stop progressing I fall farther back. You cant be stationary. Keep going . You will make it again.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    What has helped me is substituting weight goals for size and fitness goals. Sure, it's still fun to see the scale edge down but I rarely weigh and don't get hung up on that number. I use the number on the scale more to keep track of my BMI, TDEE, etc., so I'm setting appropriate calorie goals for myself.

    Goal #1: skinnier jeans. I just got down another size and already have the next smaller size in my closet. As soon as my clothes are too big for me, they're outta here. Someone at the clothing bank can enjoy them. I don't want them there to grow back into.

    Goal #2: fitness achievements. Running farther, faster, lifting heavier, doing more intense and longer HIIT sessions, working at a higher resistance level in spin classes, yada yada. I love seeing the changes in my body composition occurring. It's extremely motivating.
  • rickcote13
    What has helped me is substituting weight goals for size and fitness goals. Sure, it's still fun to see the scale edge down but I rarely weigh and don't get hung up on that number. I use the number on the scale more to keep track of my BMI, TDEE, etc., so I'm setting appropriate calorie goals for myself.

    Goal #1: skinnier jeans. I just got down another size and already have the next smaller size in my closet. As soon as my clothes are too big for me, they're outta here. Someone at the clothing bank can enjoy them. I don't want them there to grow back into.

    Goal #2: fitness achievements. Running farther, faster, lifting heavier, doing more intense and longer HIIT sessions, working at a higher resistance level in spin classes, yada yada. I love seeing the changes in my body composition occurring. It's extremely motivating.

    This is great... Something that gets over looked.. Scale reports a number. There are plenty of unhealthy people with a good number... I want more than a good number. I am ok with a number as long as I feel better...
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I read my journals… I kept a weightloss journal through the years. Today I cried reading it, because this is time 3 of gaining back to 200#’s. I always get into the 150’s and gain back… I reread my journal today and read how happy I was, how I said id never feel disgusted with my heavy body again… Well… Im disgusted again but it gives me motivation to quit this yo-yoing and meet my goal once and for all.

    Lifestyle change… I need to stop “dieting”.
  • carolyn3572
    I have gained all my weight back and then some. I just watched the scale creep up and up and up. Now I have to learn how to start over and keep going. Food is the hardest for me. When I see a good day on the scale I reward myself with food. It is totally backward but I haven't figured out how to change that behavior. One day something in your mind will trigger and you will say enough is enough and start on the long road again. I think the thing I need to realize is weight loss is not a destination. It is a jorney going the wrong way on a moving walk way. If I keep going I make progress. But if I stop not only do I stop progressing I fall farther back. You cant be stationary. Keep going . You will make it again.

    My break through moment was in the grocery store...the ice cream isle to be exact. I had just weighed in and had a great loss...I was shopping for a healthy dinner and decided I did so well I deserved a "reward". I was standing there trying to decide what flavor of ice cream to buy for my "reward", even had one in my hand. I started to walk away and it hit me. This was ridculous...if I reward myself with ice cream I will be working twice as hard at the gym or managing my food. I decided then and there...I don't want to work to take the same pounds off twice. I deserve better then that. I walked back and put the ice cream away. I won that night, but I know I will have more doesn't mean that I can't have ice cream, but I need to eat it in the right frame of mind...not as a reward for doing well.

    You will get there. It may take awhile, but it happens. Its not easy even when it does. A life time of learned behavior takes a lot of dedication and commitment to overcome. I am in it for the long haul and I am worth it. We all are! :happy: