Any smokers out there?



  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I just started Chantix about a week ago, i'm still smoking but it seems to make me forget when "it's time" for another cigarette. I have not smoked one when i first wake up or right before bed for 2 days now.. i figure that cut two out per day so maybe it will be less and less as the time goes on. My insurance only covered $10 of the 30 day prescription and let's just say it cost me twice as much as i spend on cigarettes in a month!! But i'm ready to quit, just tired of the smell, the dependency, and not being able to breathe well when i exercise! If you are ready then go for it!

    It is expensive! But well worth it, at least it was for me! I tell everyone, Chantix was my miracle! Good luck to you, I hope you have success!!!!
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    i'm a smoker and i want to quit...eventually.i really don't feel like now is the moment to stop.first i want to lose my weight and then try to quit smoking.i just think it's better to solve one problem at a time.

    This was my line for 8 years. I quit smoking when I was pregnant with my daughter and then picked it up again about 4 weeks after she was born because my brother-in-law came over and asked if I wanted one. That is all it took. Then I kept telling my husband that once I lost the baby weight I would quit smoking again. Here it is almost 9 years later and I am still fighting with my weight and was still smoking. I am currently on the step 2 patch and only smoke 2 per day. Once this pack is gone, I refuse to buy anymore. I can't keep putting it off and blaming my weight. If I am battling chocolate cravings, I may as well deal with nicotine cravings as well. The thing that finally pushed me to try to quit was my first week of Jillian's 30DS. I could not breath and was reaching for my inhaler after every cardio section. No more! I have 6 smokes left in my pack and then I am done!
  • Hi,

    Decided to give up cigarettes for Lent. Gone cold turkey and so far after two days going ok.

    The main trigger for me is getting in the car and the first thing I'd normally do is light up, cannot really avoid that. But just got to remember why I've stopped, health, money and the smell. You might not realise it but we smokers stink to non-smokers!

    Going to counteract the weight gain by speeding up my swimming.

    My advice is, you need to have your head in the right place and want to stop. Give yourself a goal to achieve. And if you feel tempted think about all the stuff you've done to get where you are now without a cigarette and you'll be undoing all that good work.

    Good luck
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Holy crap, I just re-read my last post and I'll sorry that I came off as a raving jerk.

    See what happens when I try to quit?
  • Holy crap, I just re-read my last post and I'll sorry that I came off as a raving jerk.

    See what happens when I try to quit?
    Yeah it was pretty harsh! LOL That is exactly what I am afraid of :smile:
  • I quit 9 months ago exactly today!!!

    Congrats to you!
  • I was a smoker for 22 years and made up my mind finally to quit. I joined a support group with a leader that provided a lot of great information about cigarettes and the health hazards. You will have to gain 100 pounds to risk your health the way cigarettes do. That fact hit home for me and relieved the fear of gaining weight. I was also afraid to exercise when I was a smoker.

    You can do it if you make up your mind. And your husband will be just fine with you as a nonsmoker.
  • It will be 8 years in April that I quit smoking and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I told myself that if I wanted to start trying for a baby, I would have to quit. So I committed to using the patch and voila, I did it. I'll have to admit, it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but so worth it. Now I'm able to do things I couldn't do before like become a runner. I'm getting ready to run a 10 mile race in May and a half marathon in September. Good luck!!! Feel free to friend me for support.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Smoke a half pack of cigarettes and put 2 pieces of scotch tape around them. Write down on a piece of regular paper why you want to quit and be brutally honest with yourself. Wrap that pack with the paper that you wrote and put another piece of scotch tape around it. Keep that pack with you at all times and put a round of tape around the opening to the smokes for everyday you go smoke free and if you smoke use that pack to smoke from. Each time you take one out you will be forced to unwrap the pack and look at the reasons why you are giving this habit up and you will think of why you want one. If this doesn't stop you from wanting that cigarette I don't know what will. I craved one after going cold turkey doing this for 2 months and tried to unwrap it and even went as far as getting something to cut the wrapping off before I realized how far I'd come. I then wrapped the pack back up and found another way to deal with the stress I was going through.
  • jaxson65
    jaxson65 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with you. Cold turkey is the only way to quit. It's nearly two years for me now and I can't stick the smell at all. I can smell a *kitten* from a hundred yards away. Disgusting habit wished Id done it years ago now might have had a few less wrinkles.:flowerforyou:
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 330 Member
    I quit a year ago. It was difficult. Especially during stressful times. I did gain weight, but I gave myself 6 months to not worry about it. Quitting smoking was so important to me, that a few months of gaining weight was worth it. Now, I am focusing on losing weight because I have the not smoking under control. And my ex-finace smoked whom I lived with at the time. It can be done if you are motivated. Don't worry about the weight. It will come off!! (FYI, my quitting smoking had nothing to do with our

    I loved your FYI.... LMAO!!

    Way to go on your accomplishment of being smokefree for 1 yr. I like the mind set you used going into it!

    I myself quit just over 5 years ago after smoking for close to 19 years. :(
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Went all week and all weekend without puffing.

  • I quit 2 months ago, it was/is the best thing I've ever done. I PROMISE AFTER A FEW WEEKS..the desire goes away. YOU CAN DO THIS. And the other poster is right..JUST DON'T BUY THEM. I ate lolly pops and sugar free gum to take my mind off of it. The first few days are tough but each craving is only a minute or two long. I did gain 10 lbs...hence the need to lost 17 lbs. now.
  • It took me about three years of trying before I finally quit. Some things I used were Nicoret, then I switched to hard candy. I would buy one pack every two days, so, when I quit I started keeping track of all the money I would have spent on cigarettes. I have saved about $600 so far since I quit in July. Also, a lot of exercise just to get me out and moving really worked for me.
  • That's my story too! I'm on fitnesspal because I gained 10lbs once I quit smoking. I'm healthier now than I have ever been in my adult life and it will only get healthier from here!
  • I'm on the same boat. I really want to quit but it's very hard for me and I've tried before and have had severe withdrawal symptoms to where I feel like I'm losing my mind. I will quit very soon though. I have found the patch to be very effective in eliminating withdrawal symptoms. This is how I'm going to try to quit again.

    Good Luck to you! :)