Caffeine or no Caffeine???



  • misskgb
    misskgb Posts: 26 Member
    You worked so hard to kick the habit, why get back into it? Your body will start to rely on caffeine again and you will find yourself with no energy unless you get that caffeine kick,

  • etajr
    etajr Posts: 49
    Soft Drinks are not just about the caffeine. There is a bunch of other junk in them that is bad for you. Caffeine is a drug and has it's good and bad. If you have kicked the habit I would stay away!!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I am not really allowed to have stimulants. However I do have a couple of days a week one serving of Advocare Spark. It has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee but is loaded with vitamins and it tasted like fruit punch kool-aide and only 45 calories. It helps my husband with his ADD as it is known to help improve mental focus. It costs about a little over a dollar per serving and I love it. It is my "treat."

    I don't think caffeine itself is harmful. I go months at a time without. But all I drink is water unless I have a Spark which is mixed with twice as much water as instructed. I love my water! Indulge every now and again. I know I do.
  • tiffanyvc
    Good job on giving up sodas!!! I've tried that a few times, and it has been very difficult, though I am in the process of trying again - I fudge sometimes by stealing a sip of my husband's, but I figure that is better than having my own!

    My thing with caffeine is this - anything that you say you "HAVE" to have in order to function in daily life isn't a good thing. Typically, I only drink soda at work to get the caffeine high, so that meant on the weekends, I didn't get my caffeine dose and I was sluggish and exhausted and no fun to be around all weekend. That showed me that I am addicted to caffeine and therefore, I need to stop.

    Yes, caffeine gives you a boost, but how critical is it? Can't we get just as much energy by drinking enough water, eating healthfully, and getting proper sleep at night?
  • WheyStrong
    WheyStrong Posts: 71 Member
    I think caffeine is the most effective natural substance that will aid in fat burning and energy boosting. It gets a bad rap because it is found in a lot of sodas and energy drinks, but caffeine is not the reason those drinks are unhealthy for you. Try taking caffeine before your workouts or when you really need a pick me up. Coffee, tea, or caffeine tablets are a great alternative if you want to stay away from sugary drinks. Just take in moderations and I believe it will be a great contribution to your success.
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Caffeine reportedly has benefits. Either way, it's my only vice and I'm sticking to it. =P
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I stopped drinking soda but not my coffee. I drink my black with no sugar so the calories are not that much. Caffeine has a lot of health benefits. I could never cut it out completely.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    As I scanned through the posts, I did not see anyone address caffeine-induced cravings.

    Some people report an increase in food cravings, early onset of hunger, etc. Not all people do, but this could be a diet derailer if your energy boost is also inducing hunger and cravings. Just thought I would bring this up.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I don't drink pop...but I do have the occasional coffee. I wouldn't recommend it all the time, but in moderation why not? Sometimes you just need that extra boost.
  • stlbluesangel
    stlbluesangel Posts: 23 Member
    I've been using the Crystal Light Energy with Caffeine packs. Just add to water and you get the caffeine and great flavor.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Caffeine ?!?!?!?! i efing LOVE Caffeine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MommyTKD
    MommyTKD Posts: 61 Member
    I'd rather give up air than coffee. And the people around me would rather I give up air than coffee. 'nuff said!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I'd rather give up air than coffee. And the people around me would rather I give up air than coffee. 'nuff said!

    HA. I cut back on my coffee after the holidays. I mentioned this to my younger brother and his exact words, " Man I bet your employees are loving you right now!" BRAT
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    When I've quit caffeine in the past it has made me feel so much better. I've been on a coffee kick lately. Trying to cut back on it now though. I can't stand the taste of soda any more. I used to drink like 3 a day but now the taste doesn't appeal to me. I'll have one once in a while but I am done completely with it. Coffee is too good for me to give up completely though hehe.
  • Keran24
    Keran24 Posts: 90 Member
    I think people are all different in how their body handles caffienne. I get low blood sugar after drinking it. I have read all kinds of studies on the good and the bad. I have read that it raises you metabolism. I peronally drink in moderation. Just one cup of green tea in the morning, hot in the winter and iced in the summer. Doesn't seem to interfere with my weight loss but I have to have it with a meal or I get hypoglyemic (low blood sugar).
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    i drink 1/2 caff coffee for breakfast, so I don't get the full jolt, just a lil kick out of bed!:wink:
  • mrh1227
    It is good that you quit pop, as that is among one of the biggest contributors to obesity in the United States. It is honestly worse for you than some of the burgers you might order at a fast food place. Don't let it find a way back into your life if you've already kicked the habit. You'll be better off in the long run :)
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Oh, how I miss caffeine!! I would drink 3 24 oz. sugar free rockstars a day. I was definitely addicted. Then, I ended up in the er. I made myself allergic to caffeine. I can't have a drop of caffeine now or I end up in the hospital. It really sucks as I LOVE ice tea. Now it's water, every single day, all day. It really sucks. :sad:

    What were your symptoms?? I recently had to give up my morning coffee (one cup) because I was having a bunch of weird neurological issues and migraines. A friend of mine said it might be due to my gluten free diet as well (not tolerating caffeine) but I'd never heard of an allergy to it! (I mean, I know its possible...).
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    If I don't have my cups of tea (strong) each day then I get withdrawal - I really think I am addicted. So Caffeine all the way - but only in Tea. Don't drink fizzy at all. Am trying to reduce slightly, but I couldn't go without.
  • Zombie41
    Without chocolate for a YEAR???!!!!! I almost fell off my treadmill when I read that. That is like no water for a year...stop breathing for a year! I could never EVER stop eating least stick to the dark chocolate...I give you the gold star for will power.