Dr. Bernstein Diet

Has anyone here tried the Dr. Bernstein Diet? If so what is your opinion of the progra?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I checked out his site and didn't see enough information to conclude anything. It seems to be a program that you pay a fee for.

    I did enjoy his children's books about bears.
  • flibberdajibbitt
    flibberdajibbitt Posts: 52 Member
    I liked his bears books too LOL
  • sharonkshea
    Yes from what I've heard it's quite expensive and very low calorie, but also includes vitamin B shots, which is what has me curious. My biggest problem with dieting is feeling lethargic so I've been wondering if the shots greatly boost your energy levels, not to mention help metabolize carbs and fats in the body!
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Taking a B-Complex supplement would be a lot cheaper if you're wanting to try it for better energy release.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    You can get vitamin B shots from your doctor if you are deficient, no need to pay for a diet for that.
  • sportyskylar
    Just another fad diet with a large calorie deficit.

    - waste of time
    - waste of money
    - leads to weight gain after like with any fad diet
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    You can get vitamin B shots from your doctor if you are deficient, no need to pay for a diet for that.

    I agree, had a friend who paid for diet pills that came with "fat melting shots". Just looked like vit.b
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I take sublingual B drops every day because I was deficient. I don't even think it affected my energy levels...
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    Hi Sharon,

    *Please keep inmind that this is MY opinion and my own personal experience... Other's may have felt or experienced this particular diet differently*

    Here goes...

    I went on the Dr.B diet a few years back... From what I can muster from memory (when I quit the diet I swore I would never ever do something like that to my body again and vowed to forget it ever happened) I had to visit the clinic 3x's a week for shots in the *kitten*. I had to keep a daily diary on a weekly calendar they provide for you and bring it to my appointments... I think I was only allowed to eat no more than like 930 calories a day and it had to be all fresh foods (no processed) and I'm pretty sure they give you a list of all the foods you're able to eat and you're not allowed eating anything off the list... The program was killer expensive... I spend upwards of $650 a month! I lost 20lbs in a matter of a couple of months but I was starving... literally starving... all I could think about was food... all. the. time.. It effected my friendships, my relationship, even my relationship with my family! I didn't have any energy except to think & dream about eating like a normal person... When I finally quit because my mind/body/soul just couldn't take it anymore I binged (and I've never binged in my life) for a straight 2 weeks! Eating anything and everything.. Made myself sick doing it. Then within a matter of a couple of months I gained the 20lbs back PLUS another 13lbs... This is when I realized "THERE HAS GOT TO BE ANOTHER WAY OF DOING THIS!" "A HEALTHY WAY!" ... It took me about a year to even think about trying another "diet" and after loads of research and help from friends who'd been through losing weight the healthy way I decided to do it the right way slowly losing the weight I had put on...

    So to make a long story short - my experience was horrible. IMO - it's not worth the money and what you'd be putting your body through. Stick with MFP, stick with working out, and EATING!! eating healthy :)

    Good luck and I hope in some way this will help with your final decision...

    God bless,

  • sharonkshea
    Thanks everyone for your input. I think I will just supplement my multi-vitamin with a B vitamin and hope for the best!
  • Sexyf28
    Sexyf28 Posts: 47 Member
    I've done this diet. You go to the clinic Mon, Wed and Fri. You weigh in and meet with a nurse who goes over your food diary and yes, you get vitamin B6 and B12 shots - either in the butt or the stomach. You DO lose the weight quickly and yes, it's VERY restrictive. I didn't find that I was hungry on the diet at all though. It is SUPER expensive that's for sure. The diet is all about the diet and not about excercising. I didn't notice partcularly though that I had more energy from the B shots.

    I am following the diet again now but not going to the clinic - just following the food lists and what to eat when. I find it works for me.

    I think there are people out there that each diet works for and no one should judge you for it.
  • cmskingsley
    cmskingsley Posts: 13 Member
    I've been on Dr. B's twice and both times it worked for me. I didn't gain back "all and then some" after going off the program (I gained back 10 of the first 50 I lost and stayed steady there until after I had my son). I'm back on the program. It is very restrictive, it is expensive (but what people forget to mention, if you are in Canada, is because the program is medically supervised it is a tax deduction so you get some of it back!), and you need to be diligent with the maintenance after you get to your goal weight.

    I've lost 35 of my 135 pounds I need to lose. I go three times a week to be weighed, speak with the nurse, and get my injection. I see the clinic doctor every 2-3 weeks. They take my measurements, blood pressure, and pulse every 3 weeks. Approximately every month they send me for bloodwork to keep an eye on things.

    Not every diet is for everyone. I have done many and find that this one works best for me.
  • sandyd56
    sandyd56 Posts: 1
    I also did the Dr. B diet several years ago. I'm here because I gained most of it back.:ohwell: I find it interesting that they make the claims about success that they do - nobody tracked me after I left. I suspect they are selective in their statistics. But that is true of the diet industry.

    Here's what I can tell you:
    - very expensive program, so you have a lot of incentive to lose the weight quickly!
    - it does work; if you follow it you will lose the weight, and quickly
    - you will be medically supervised, mostly by nurses
    - you will be on a very restricted diet, essentially low to no carb, with caloric intake possibly under 100 calories
    - whereas they tell you what you can and cannot eat, there is really very little nutritional counseling that you can take away with you after the fact
    - you will need to visit their clinics between once and 5 times a week, depending on where you are in the journey
    - you will get vitamin B shots at your visits

    If I were to go on this program again, this is what I would do differently
    - I would choose my own weight goal. I was very happy with what I looked and felt like after losing 60 lbs; their goal was for me to lose 75 lbs, and I accepted it. I never did get to that goal. But I did get to a point that my friends thought I was getting too thin, and my hairdresser told me afterwards that she was worried because my hair was no longer healthy
    - I didn't know that you could "stop" at any point and go on maintenance. I would do this when I got to a weight that felt right. This is probably the most critical part of the program, where you learn what level of intake will keep you from regaining the weight, and where you add healthy carbs back into your diet. By never getting to their goal, I never really got through the maintenance part of the program.
  • fionawilliamson
    fionawilliamson Posts: 110 Member
    I have never done this diet but i know someone who did. She lost weight very very quickly. Which of course got me interested. I contacted the clinic an you MUST go 3 times per week for the shots, so if you don't live or work close to a clinic you are out of luck. I did notice that if you stray too far off the diet you gain the weight back just as quickly as you lost it. Save your money, use this site, you'll be better off.
  • bernicem77
    bernicem77 Posts: 14 Member
    I did this diet 6 years ago and lost over 100lbs. 6 years later and I've gained most of it back. Not because of the diet, but because I went back to my unhealthy ways. If you want more information about the diet, look up drbforums.com I'm sure you will find the answer to most of your questions.