"binging" after dinner



  • mycovington
    mycovington Posts: 17 Member
    I tend to be at my most vulnerable after dinner too. I bought a small sewing kit and started reparing pillows, jeans, shirts that have small holes to keep my hands busy. I'm not a great sewer (Is that a word?) or anything so you don't particularly have to be good at it. It does help keep me from binging because I'm doing something and I find that it's very cathartic. It doesn't take a great deal of my attention so I can still carry on conversation or watch tv, ect. Sometimes I go to bed earlier too so that I am not awake to be tempted. :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Every time you want to eat, drink water instead. Drink a full glass of water. If you are still hungry then measure yourself a small snack of something healthy like almonds or vegetables.

    It is essential to keep busy...keep your mind off of food.... This is why instead of just watching TV I workout while I watch TV. I usually ride my stationary bike or do a whole bunch of free exercise on Bodyrock.tv (it is a great website you should check it out).

    Organize something! Paint your nails! Phone a friend! Join a class! Get a new hobby!

    Or, try a brisk walk around the block with your iPod...

    Chew gum!
  • curvylady1
    curvylady1 Posts: 30 Member
    I used to do that, do well all day and then binge in the evening. However I've found that not buying sweets, junk etc home helps...if I'm really craving something I ask my husband to go out and get it for me (usually at night)...and he comes up with the BEST reasons to why I shouldn't have it. That has somehow helped...an hour later it is forgotten.

    Lastly, I brush my teeth once I've decided to stop eating for the day. It helps my brain to understand that the day has ended and there will be no more eating.

    It is very important that you try to figure out WHY you binge so you can work on he correct aspects of the problem.

    Don't give up, you've done fantastically well.
    Good luck for the future. =)
  • Applelina
    I go for a walk or try to train one of my dogs, but this is not easy for me. If it's in the house I will want to eat it. I do keep a lot of food in the house for my children. It is literally on some days a battle to stay away from eating something (usually sweets). I've managed so far by buying things that I just won't eat. If that doesn't work I make it an early bed night, take a shower, brush my teeth and retire to the bedroom to be farther away from food.
  • zeikiya989
    I pretty much agree with what everyone else has said above.

    Maybe need to eat more calories or more fulfilling foods. Is there something emotional that is triggering this? If so may want to try journal your thoughts or taking a walk when you are having these feelings. Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes we think we are hungry but really dehydrated. Also is was mentions about the foods in the house. When you are binging even though we will eat anything, try to get rid of the high calorie foods in your house until you figure it all out.

    I have binged for both reasons one because i was hungry i wasn't eating the right foods. now i know what foods make me feel full. Also i sometimes binge when i am upset, angry, mad, sad, depressed or just bored. I have figured out what things make me do this and I am working on alternatives.

    Hope you figure it all out.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Ugh I'm so bad about this. My weakness is cocoa pebbles!!! I just save up cals during the day for my night time munch downs.
  • bmwirries
    I think I understand what you are saying here. I did the same thing, and still do sometimes when I don't get the proper nutrition in for that day. My body is craving something so I just overeat. I try eating slower at supper and concentrating on nutrition. I hope this helps.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    i did this every night for years and have finally got it under control. here is how i think i managed to get it better under control (even though i admit, sometimes i mess up)
    in all seriousness after spending 2 years on here and making never really staying under my calories i finally admitted to myself, what the hell am i even trying for????? i ruin it every night!! do i really want to lose weight??? HELL YES! can i do it if i keep acting this way??? HELL NO! i've got working out down, but all the workouts wont matter really if i eat this way every night. its only you who can change it. dont expect a 100 degree turn around overnight, you'll have good days and bad days, but if you're gonna throw in the towel on anything, throw it in on the binge eating, its all about mental control. somtimes even saying it outloud when i want to eat: NO ! helps.
    ps. if you are smoking weed and thats contributing, i can only say either limit it, wait until later, or work on mind over matter.
    also helpful : gum, lots of water, you've gotta get real with yourself. i know how hard it is, but nothing changed until i realized i was choosing to feel dissappointed and guilty every morning and that none of my goals were going to change unless I changed it. binge eating has become a habit and it will take a bit of work to stop it. but you CAN do it. take it from me i promise.
  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    You just need to try extremely hard to have more will power & say no to yourself. Once you get in the habit of not allowing yourself to eat that stuff as much, you'll get used to staying away from it. It has worked for me anyways.

    One thing that definitely helps me is eating dinner late. If I have dinner at 7 or 8, I'm fine for the whole night. But I've noticed that if I have dinner any earlier than that I get extremely hungry later on. The same thing goes for my fiancé. Give that a try maybe. Also make sure you drink a lot of water before and after you eat.

    Good luck!
  • gypsytravlingirl
    I find that a large glass of water really helps...then walking out of the kitchen and even outdoors. The "need it now" fix will soon pass. I think its best as some others stated...don't have your past "comfort" foods in the house. Get them out...today! Have your family on board to help...they don't need the extra calories either. I found it most difficult when my daughter would make "treats" of brownies, bars, etc. When they know what the possible negative outcome is and how it can affect YOU, they will change too. Out of sight...out of mind. Do you have a support system/buddy? Get on the phone and call them if you get in one of the compulsive moods...thats what it is when we just can't stop...and we're not really hungry.
    Mind over matter...I hope this helps you. Its not easy...but who ever said it was? Good luck!
  • honeydoozy
    honeydoozy Posts: 46 Member
    There are a lot of great suggestions here, for sure.

    Brushing teeth, followed by a generous rinse with Listerine is good for pretty much ruining any eating experience for at least an hour :sick: And your gums will be so healthy! :bigsmile: I wholeheartedly recommend this one.
  • kjj1984
    If it is just an oral fixation - try drinking low cal fluids after dinner. I have the same issue and have found that drinking tea or some other hot beverage (for a treat I like sugar free hot chocolate) keeps my mouth busy. Another behavioral technique is to keep your hands busy...if they are busy with an activity they can't be putting food in your mouth (seems simple enough, but can be hard to find something you like doing more than eating). End of the day- if I am full of liquid (and dinner), food seems less of a necessity. Chewing gum may also be an option.

    Just my thoughts :)
    Hope you find something that works for you!
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I really appreciate everyone advice; and I've tried almost all of the suggestions. I got rid of all the "junk" food but I'll eat whatever is in the house. I chew gum like crazy. I had been making afghans but after 3 of them I got tired of doing that. Brushing my teeth works sometimes but not always. I've tried hot tea. I try drinking something first. I have to workout in the mornings or I tend to not do my workouts. I eat healthy during the day....a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats 55-30-15. I live in the country so there isn't anything to do here at night. I retired early so I'm home almost all day. I seem to be able to keep myself busy during the day. But after it gets dark I just can't seem to stay on track. I used to ride my bike and run with some groups 4 nights out of the week but haven't been doing that all winter. That kept me out of the house until 7 or 8 pm - then I'd come home and eat dinner. That seemed to keep the bingeing at bay. Maybe once the time changes and I can get outside more I can get this under control. I really think it's a bordom issue but I just haven't been able to take control.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I really appreciate everyone advice; and I've tried almost all of the suggestions. I got rid of all the "junk" food but I'll eat whatever is in the house. I chew gum like crazy. I had been making afghans but after 3 of them I got tired of doing that. Brushing my teeth works sometimes but not always. I've tried hot tea. I try drinking something first. I have to workout in the mornings or I tend to not do my workouts. I eat healthy during the day....a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats 55-30-15. I live in the country so there isn't anything to do here at night. I retired early so I'm home almost all day. I seem to be able to keep myself busy during the day. But after it gets dark I just can't seem to stay on track. I used to ride my bike and run with some groups 4 nights out of the week but haven't been doing that all winter. That kept me out of the house until 7 or 8 pm - then I'd come home and eat dinner. That seemed to keep the bingeing at bay. Maybe once the time changes and I can get outside more I can get this under control. I really think it's a bordom issue but I just haven't been able to take control.

    It's NOT about will power, a sign of any weekness or an oral fixation in my opinion...

    If it is, you will find your strenghts and figure it out.

    But I suspect it it emotional and if this is the case, binging is only a sympton.

    Before you are about to eat, write down how you are feeling, if anything happened to make you feel this way and what eating will accomplish...Or think it will anyway.

    Good luck!
