Hello from North Wales, UK


My name is Samantha and i come from sunny Wales in the uk.!
Today is Day 1 of traking my weight. I'm 30, 5'2 and just over 10 stone ( 145lbs ) so i want to shed about 20lbs. I have never tracked my weigh or focussed on what i eat (and how much wine i drink!) or bothered to exercise so i have my fingers crossed and hopefully the determination to stick to it. Then i can focus on giving up smoking hopefully because of my new 'exercise regime'

Well there it is, it's official here i go!!


Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hello from South Wales.

    *looks Northwards and waves*

  • sarahdangar
    sarahdangar Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Samantha,

    I'm here because I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago and am petrified about putting on weight. I'm a healthy weight now that I'm happy with but in the past when I have tried to stop smoking I have put on weight and then started back on the cigs to get rid of the weight again. I'm determined not to do this this time - I want to stop for good. So, I'm trying to be really aware of what I eat and am trying to exercise - something I haven't done for about 15 years!! Feel free to add me as a friends, lots of the diet diaries on here are from the US including products we can't get, bit frustrating at times!

    Lots of luck

  • Ashboy1994
    Hey from south Wales, wishing you the best of luck with your new journey
  • Twinkletoestasha
    Twinkletoestasha Posts: 53 Member
    From Essex here bit further away but welcome. Feel free to add :) More the merrier. x
  • myf1101
    Hello from west Wales and welcome. I have been on here for 4 days so far so still a newbie myself. If you want to add me as a friend please feel free to do so.

    If anybody else wants a west Walian friend then please feel free to add me as well.
  • KellieLouise84
    Hi from south wales!!! welcome and good luck!!
  • richied26
    richied26 Posts: 948 Member
    Hi from North Wales...good luck
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    Hello from Wrexham!
    Awww thanks everybody for saying hi!
    Really friendly bunch and quite a few in Wales i see!!!

    Have a good day everybody :)
  • nominal
    nominal Posts: 6 Member
    Helloooo from West Wales! *waves*
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member
    Hello from north (ish) Wales :)