Unmotivated with little to no time.



  • skpstone
    skpstone Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the lucky position of only living 9km (5.6mi) away from where i work. I ride a push bike to and from work everyday and go for a bigger ride on the weekend and it is that in combination with MFP that has enabled me to lose 13.3kg (29lbs) since ths start of January.

    Admittedly it took a few weeks to get used to and build up the stamina, but now it takes only a little more time than driving to work would normally take. And once you get into a routine, it gets so much easier, and that wasted 'driving time' is put to so much better use.

    I cannot recommend it enough :) Again, this only works if you live a suitable distance from work ;)

    Good Luck.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Leave some of the housework for a bit and either get an exercise dvd to work out to or if you have a Wii get one of the wii fit, active sport or just dance games as these are fun and will give you a good workout. Alternative buy a cheap exercise bike and use that. I used to get up early in the morning and do half an hour before thechildren woke, when they were small and I have gone back to doing this now (before they get up and laugh at me - there is nothing less demotivating that having two teenagers killing themselves laughing at your efforts).

    I discovered mine recording me doing Wii zumba and they threatened to post it on-line. Too funny. There was some retribution and as far as I know it's not on youtube (and if it is, I don't want to know about it).

    I would suggest finding a mommy and me yoga or other class with young moms. It shouldn't be too hard to find. I also subscribe to if momma ain't happy and healthy then no one is. Hubby helps out or has a miserable wife. You can't do it all but you have to take care of yourself. I've always put myself on the list and I swear that is why my kids (now tween/teen) are happy and content young men. Although they harass me something fierce they tell me how proud they are of my efforts to get healthy. My oldest son can hardly wait until i'm fit enough to play soccer. He wants to come cheer me on for a change.

    Start small. Take whatever time you can get. Wii fit has been my saviour on many an occasion when I don't have time for the gym. Just start moving your body, anyway, anyhow.
  • sarahdangar
    sarahdangar Posts: 43 Member
    There is never enough time, yet we can always make time! I have a three year old, a hubby and a full time job. It would be a lie for any of us to say that juggling isn't difficult. I've got the 30 Day Shred which my son does with me (he thinks the jumping jacks are hilarious!), it's not the best workout ever but only 20 mins, so easy to fit in. I then go to a spinning class one evening a week and then on a Saturday morning when my boys want to be slobs! I've bought a rowing machine too, so even when I really am time strapped, I try and put in 10-15 mins rowing and some sit ups (normally once we are all fed and my son is in bed) - something to keep moving. It really isn't easy but find what suits you and try to relax about it. Good luck
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I am a mother of 5 small children and I am also married so I know about not having time. If you or your child has a Dr. appt. you make the time to get there. If you make getting healthy have the same priority as other appointments in your life you will get there. Make an appointment for your workout daily, and I am not saying finding time for your workout. You have to make time. So schedule it in like you would an appointment and don't budge on it.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    There are plenty of things you can do at home with no equipment needed. Choose several exercises and do a circuit
    of things for 15 - 20 minutes:

    high knees
    butt kicks
    run in place
    jumping jacks
    wall sits
    mountain climbers

    Taking my baby out in the stroller was very helpful for me in losing weight. Walk as long as you have time for. Pick up the pace next time you go out. Tackle some hills next time you go out. Start jogging for a minute then walking for a minute. Work up to jogging the whole time. etc.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I agree with a couple of things posted:

    - Let some of the housework go. Whether your husband chips in, or some of it just waits, it's okay. You don't need an immaculate house and all. Taking care of you (exercise) will make you feel better and be happier, which makes the house nicer to be in :smile:

    -DVDs! I go to the library and check out 2-3 at a time. I keep them for a week; if I like them I can renew them, if not, I just return them. No cost at all (as long as they aren't late!) And the ones that I really like, I might buy when I have an extra bit of money. I love Jillian Michaels and Billy Blanks (Tae Bo), but there is really something there for everyone: yoga, pilates, step aerobics, zumba, Tae Chi, Belly Dance, even Hula!

    I get up a earlier and do my workout first thing in the morning. My baby (he's now 5 months) either isn't up yet, or if he is, will usually sit in the swing and watch me and wave his hands around and kick. He's been doing that since he was about a month old.
    Come to think of it ... look for mommy & me exercise DVDs ... your LO might enjoy the time with you!

    Another option is to workout on your lunch break. Or find another way to be creative about making time to do it.

    Exercise can boost your weight loss. But it also builds stronger muscles, better endurance, and more flexibility - all important for a healthy, resilient body. It releases endorphins, helping lift your mood, making you a better wife and mommy. There's really nothing bad about it!
  • MaddoxsMommy
    MaddoxsMommy Posts: 51 Member
    Push ups, sit ups, planks, jumping jacks, squats, leg lifts, dips, lunges, burpees...all if these things can be done in the tiny breaks you get in your day. I am a single mom to a very energetic one year old...I take him outside to play and he digs in the dirt while I do squats and jumping jacks. Just fit it in wherever you can. It doesn't have to be all at once during a designated "exercise time." Little things add up after awhile!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD's are a fun and great way to get started. You can do 2 miles in 30 minutes or 3 miles in 45 minutes. She's low impact and because of her workouts I've lost 45 pounds. I wish you the best of luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    For any one that is real pressed for time do Tabata intervals. In the long run a 12-15min tabata routine will burn more cals and elevate your metabolism over the course of many hours as compared to 1 hour worth of cardio. The protocol itself only takes 4min but you have to give yourself time for warm up and cool down (which usually consists of me lying on the floor, gasping for air and looking like I am about to die. XD )

    Here is some info...not the best but the quickest that I could find:
  • kdesign007
    kdesign007 Posts: 3 Member
    @thepetiterunn: You really helped me get off my butt today! Thanks!
  • Tonibbls
    Tonibbls Posts: 5 Member
    I also had to start getting up at 4am ... It is the only time when someone doesn't need me . My daughter is 3 , I work full time. I'm always busy. My house work ...yes it has suffered . But I AM happier , which makes my family happy :) Develop an attitude of "How can I?" instead of I don't have time.Because you do have time...It's the managing of the time and prioritizing what is actually important. Do the dishes and laundry need done. Yes but do them AFTER you have taken care of yourself :) Trust me they will still be there! I also have a jogging stroller and we started using this when my daughter was about 6 wks old. Even just to make it to the park , get fresh air ... It's a start you can do it . !!!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I'm a single mom of three and I will tell you........I got to 200lbs because I didn't prioritize myself and I had the same "excuses" as you.......I wanted to spend time w/ my kids, I was tired, I was busy, I had to make dinner, I had laundry.........etc etc etc. And with every kid I just got bigger and bigger and unhealthier and unhappier. It's a cliche, but it's important for those kids to see you happy and healthy. I think that us moms have to sometimes think of it this way: isn't it WORTH an hour a day to be happier and healthier and a good example for our kids? isn't it WORTH maybe putting off laundry today? or investing in a jogger? YOUR HEALTH is TOTALLY worth it. As my kids get older, I realize I want to be around for them for a long time. And I want them to be proud I'm their mama.

    New moms get a really short end of the stick. Our bodies get all messed up and then we feel so much obligation to our family we have a hard time fixing it. The biggest piece of advice to fit in exercise is to tell yourself that out of a 24 hour day, YOUR HEALTH is worth 1 hour. :D
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Get a jogging stroller off of craigslist and go running. Take your daughter with you....... My little one loves to ride in the stroller while I jog.

    I also alternate days with JM's 30DS. If I only have 30 minutes to workout, it'll be a good 30 minutes, whether circut training or running.

    You can do it. You just have to want to do it.
  • 87KHoward
    I just want to thank everyone for their posts, advice and honesty! I will try and take a little bit of something from everyone. My family is my number one priority but it is importnat for me to take care of myself. I don't want to grow old and heavy and be upset about the time I wasted away. I'm really tryin to focus on losing the weight for summer. I want to be able to swim with my daughter and not be ashamed to even be in the water.

    Thank you all!

    Feel free to add me to motivate me! I can handle constructive criticism.
    I do make excuses, I am lazy and I do need to do something.

    Today is a start....
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    People who want it find a way, people who don't find an excuse.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    As someone with older kids (High School), I can tell you that it doesn't get any easier... Sports, music classes, plays, concerts... you name it, they'll do it.