Anyone else have problems finding food to eat



  • jessicatlaux
    jessicatlaux Posts: 1 Member
    what type of greek yogurt did you try? Hopefully not the plain one all by will be hard to swallow. I have tried several and discovered Dannon Oikos Nonfat Greek yogurt is the best....especially the honey on the bottom (make sure to stir up), the vanilla, the key lime, the blueberries on the bottom (stir up), and the black cherry (stir up). They taste like dessert. As for veggies, try putting them in a wrap. I use either lavash bread or whole wheat flatbread (can be found in deli section of grocery store) and put on lettuce (either baby spinach leaves, green leaf, or chopped romaine), chopped roma tomatoes, shredded carrots, black olives, sliced peppered turkey and a homemade creamy cilantro dressing that only has 43 calories for 1/4 cup. There are veggies in the dressing too, like jalapeños, tomatillos, green onions, garlic, and of course cilantro....but because you blend it up, you can't see it or really tell it's in there but for the wonderful flavor it gives the dressing.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Find recipes that will help you incorporate some of the foods you don't like into foods you do like so you don't know you're eating them. I hate the texture of oatmeal. Hate it. But, I figured out how to make an oatmeal cookie that also has quinoa flour and flax meal. It is very yummy.

    I never liked yogurt, but I do like Chobani and Oikos greek yogurt. I prefer Oikos and to me strawberry is the best of both brands. I don't like the texture of cooked quinoa but if I put a bit in soups, I don't even know it is there. I do like almond butter, but if you go into it expecting it to taste like peanut butter I can see that it might be a little shock.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I guess its not really a problem perse. Im just trying to add a little variety to what I eat and the so called healthy foods are terrible.

    Your attitude is the root of "the problem". If you assume they are terrible, that's exactly what they'll be.

    Im not assuming. If you actually read my original post you would see that I mentioned that I tried all of the foods I am talking about. But thanks anyway for weighing in with your condescension .
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the ideas. I will keep trying different ways to make things and see what happens.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I tend to be a somewhat picky eater. For most of mu life I was a meat and potatoes guy. Still am, but I have worked some veggies in as well. Problem is, I eat the same veggies every single day. California blend, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Carrots. Thats it. I cant find other veggies I like. Also, I hear people talk about foods that are great so i try them and they are terrible. For instance: Cottage cheese, Almond butter, greek yogurt (or any yogurt for that matter), Quinoa, all these things I hear are good for you and people love them but I cant do it. I tried to just choke down some Greek Yogurt and I got like two bites into it and had to give up. Same with Cottage cheese. I just cant do it. Anyone else have this problem?

    Those are some healthy vegetables. Sounds like you've got a good thing going here :) As others have said, not really a problem.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    The grocery store is fully of food. I am sure some of it will taste good to you.
    Try cooking foods in different ways (baked, steamed, grilled, etc) and with different spices.

    So do I have problems finding food to eat? No - and I am allergic to milk AND have a gluten intolerance, so I have more of an excuse than many to have a hard time finding food.
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I hated cous cous and now I really enjoy it!

    I love couscous! But it's just pasta, so there is no health reason to try to acquire a taste for it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Marinades are my bestest friends when it comes to making veggies more interesting.

    Italian blend veg + lemon garlic marinade + chicken or fish + small serving of pasta + parmesan cheese.

    Any of the oriental blends + chicken or fish + Teryaki or Thai or Sesame Ginger or Soy sauce marinades + rice.

    Green beans and honey mustard... YUM.
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    I don't like greek yogurt by itself either, so I add a little bit of stevia to it. It cuts out the bitter flavor, and you're left with a smooth and creamy yummy treat. I eat it just about every day now.
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    I guess its not really a problem perse. Im just trying to add a little variety to what I eat and the so called healthy foods are terrible.

    Your attitude is the root of "the problem". If you assume they are terrible, that's exactly what they'll be.

    This is very true! A lot of people on my FL know that I do not like veggies! At all! But one day a lady told me I will get worms in my colon if I don't eat veggies, I decided that day that I like them after all and I have been trying to get at least 1-2 servings of veggies a day since then.

    Worms in your colon????? Holy SHEET, I would not have been able to keep a straight face if a woman said that to me! LMAO!
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    Marinades are my bestest friends when it comes to making veggies more interesting.

    Italian blend veg + lemon garlic marinade + chicken or fish + small serving of pasta + parmesan cheese.

    Any of the oriental blends + chicken or fish + Teryaki or Thai or Sesame Ginger or Soy sauce marinades + rice.

    Green beans and honey mustard... YUM.

    I never even thought about marinading veggies. Awesome. Definitely have to give that a try.
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    I'm definitely not a veggie person. I can list the veggies I like, and it's not many. (squash, peppers, onion, cucumbers....) I'm just having to learn different ways of cooking the few I do enjoy so that I can have them often. Many I have grown out of or I got so used to eating them covered in ham grease (yay for being southern, turnip greens/green beans with bacon in it? oh yes.) that I can't eat them any other way. You sir are not alone.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I eat almost the same thing everyday (squash, zucchini, etc..), and I don't mind the lack of variety. I do try something different sometime and discover something else I like (i.e. tofu, guacamole, dragonfruit).
  • I tend to be a somewhat picky eater. For most of mu life I was a meat and potatoes guy. Still am, but I have worked some veggies in as well. Problem is, I eat the same veggies every single day. California blend, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Carrots. Thats it. I cant find other veggies I like. Also, I hear people talk about foods that are great so i try them and they are terrible. For instance: Cottage cheese, Almond butter, greek yogurt (or any yogurt for that matter), Quinoa, all these things I hear are good for you and people love them but I cant do it. I tried to just choke down some Greek Yogurt and I got like two bites into it and had to give up. Same with Cottage cheese. I just cant do it. Anyone else have this problem?

    I'm with you on the greek yogurt. I've tried every brand I can get my hands on and hate them all.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I tend to be a somewhat picky eater. For most of mu life I was a meat and potatoes guy. Still am, but I have worked some veggies in as well. Problem is, I eat the same veggies every single day. California blend, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Carrots. Thats it. I cant find other veggies I like. Also, I hear people talk about foods that are great so i try them and they are terrible. For instance: Cottage cheese, Almond butter, greek yogurt (or any yogurt for that matter), Quinoa, all these things I hear are good for you and people love them but I cant do it. I tried to just choke down some Greek Yogurt and I got like two bites into it and had to give up. Same with Cottage cheese. I just cant do it. Anyone else have this problem?

    I'm with you on the greek yogurt. I've tried every brand I can get my hands on and hate them all.

    I tried all the ones that come with some sort of fruit to mix in and still couldnt do it. Then I bought some plain and mixed it with my protein shake and it made the whole shake nasty so i gave up on the greek yogurt.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I can only eat one kind of sweet greek yogurt - Chobani Strawberry Banana and I always add extra bananas or strawberries to cut the tangy taste.

    However I have always LOVED Tzatziki sauce, you know - gyro sauce - with grilled chicken. I used to eat that before I ever started watching calories. I didn't even realize it was made with greek yogurt until a friend gave me the recipe.