Rewards for Reaching Goal Weight

So I've set up a couple of mini-rewards for myself at 25 lbs intervals to help motivate my weight loss. I've got new clothes as my first reward, then the replacement of my dying ipod for the next, and then new clothes again for the third. However I can't seem to think of any sort of reward for myself for when I reach my goal weight. I feel like having something to really look forward to will definitely help to motivate me, but I have no ideas. I'm on a student's budget, so I can't have anything to pricey (I know an ipod kind of really pushes that, but mine needs replacing anyway).

Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else has some sort of reward system set up for themselves, and what sort of (preferabley relatively inexpensive) rewards they've chosen.


  • FatNurseSlim
    I am struggling with this as I keep rewarding myself with food - I get weighed on an evening and if Iv lost we celebrate with takeout / fast food.....

    I don't want to reward with clothes as I'm aiming to be 2 sizes below what I am now so don't want to waste money.... So your post has made me think ! Not sure what to reward myself with!!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    For my mini goals, I'm rewarding (and motivating) myself with things I need. First mini goal: new undies (even then, I got them in a smaller size so I'm still motivated by them). Next mini goal: new purse, since my current one is falling apart. My final end goal, I'm getting a bike. It's spendy, and I'm on a budget, otherwise it'd come sooner to help with the weight loss. As it is, it'll help with the maintenance.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I've been trying to come up with goal ideas as well, mini-goals and larger ones. But I'm not working at the moment, so I don't have any extra money to "splurge". I'm trying to come up with things that don't cost money, but so far no luck. :(
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Just decided today that I'm going for a kilt and a simple tattoo when I reach my goal weight.
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member

    New Haircut/Color

  • dododo123
    dododo123 Posts: 105 Member
    A giant cake of course :) When I was dieting before and got to 120 pounds, I bought an expensive but very decadent cake and ate it over a couple of days.
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member
    My ultimate goal is a kind of "fear conquering" thing. I wanted to try indoor skydiving. LOL! But usually, I reward myself with a movie I really wanna see, new girly things like nail polish or a body lotion, clothes. I'm really into electronics, so I'm waiting to get a camera and all that as well. I'm working to get a bikini and whatnot, I have quite a bit. :happy:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I reached and passed my goal weight quite a while ago and didn't get a reward. What can a person do as a reward that doesn't cost money???

    ETA: I actually got a *great* reward - a fit and healthy body - but I didn't get any other type of tangible reward.
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    new clothes. The amount of shopping I will do at my goal weight should be illegal.
  • saralynn594
    I am going to reward myself with clothes...lots of them.
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    I reward myself the the latest running clothes, swim gear or bike gadget that I've been drooling over. I got myself a book rack for my bike, when I'm using it indoors on the trainer. I also finally splurged on a pair of on sale tri shorts that I've had my eyes on forever! That was a great reward, since my thighs finally stopped rubbing that far down to actually appreciate them!!!! Now I'm trying to decide if I the net bonus will be new workout ear buds or **expensive** the new Amphibx Go for underwater music while I swim laps!! Rewards with items that I'll use to reach my new goals is a great way to encourage the workouts!!
  • nichole913
    nichole913 Posts: 13 Member
    I like to use spa treatments. They make me feel so good to celebrate looking and feeling better! I'm moving to the Gulf of Mexico this summer and I am a novice diver, so my end goal reward is personal diving gear. Jewelry that is pretty and inexpensive is another way I like to reward myself for smaller goals achieved. There are websites that sell designer goods for cheaper prices like Gilt Groupe, that I like to use. I feel like I'm being indulgent but on a budget. Best part, it still fits when you lose more weight!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    How about inviting a special friend over and enjoying a delicious healthy meal... then explaining how happy you are to be healthier, and live longer to spend more time with that person?

    I have bought myself an imitation, but very nice tiara.. I get to put it on while I do housework.. but only on weigh-in days when I've lost.
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Mine are sort of odd, my overall goal is fitness, so my rewards are hikes! Arizona is beautiful and has tons of trails, so I get to hike new ones as I hit my goals. I am hoping that I will have lost enough this summer to go wakeboarding (scary! A 50 year old on a wakeboard! LOL!) The hiking goals will probably mean some trips out of town, state as I move on, so that will be a bonus - i love to travel!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    So far after 95 lbs, its been clothes and victoria secret and just recently a sweet work out outfit from final goal is a pair of sweet expensive jeans....if i can find them in my short length anyways! I hate long jeans! Im not tall at all. They make those expensiveones for models! Lol....
  • shrdlicka23
    I just have a reward for the end goal which is a new wardrobe. I'm very excited for it! I'm mostly excited for the fact that I'm counting on being there by July and that's swimsuit season and I love the water. YAY for new suits. Also, an exercise goal is to become a runner. And I'm working on it. But I'm going to reward myself with kayaking lessons when I reach my goal weight.
  • mayaeberhard
    *New underwear - get measured and get a super comfy but fancy bra to match your rocking new body
    *Teeth whitening
    *Awesome workout shoes that are fitted just for you at a place like Road Runner Sport or similar
    *Great hair cut and color
    *Sexy shoes that reminds you of what you worked for
    *The swimsuit you always wanted
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I rewarded my hard work today with a new pair of running shoes! I actually needed them, but it was exciting to get cool looking new shoes AND my reward is related to exercising! Sometimes i'll also reward myself with a new workout top or pants. I'm trying to keep it related to fitness until i actually reach my goal!
    then i shall go shopping for super cute clothes!! :D
  • mayaeberhard
    So far after 95 lbs, its been clothes and victoria secret and just recently a sweet work out outfit from final goal is a pair of sweet expensive jeans....if i can find them in my short length anyways! I hate long jeans! Im not tall at all. They make those expensiveones for models! Lol....

    ^^^This is too funny as I was just replying to a forum regarding where can you possibly find looong inseam jeans (we are talking 36"+)
  • kkester63
    The goal weight reward is of course living longer and better. BUT lol. For me it is a cross country motorcycle trip NY to LA with my best friend. Hey's buying!

    For the wife I've setup a spa membership. Total makeovers every month for a year, and a new wardrobe. She's hinting I should give it to her now and she'll be GOOD. :laugh: