Heart Monitor, HELP!

Hi All,

I recently got a Timex heart monitor for Christmas. The model has gotten good reviews. I have used it for several work outs and it is comfortable and seems to have accurate readings.

One of the main reasons I got it is to have more accurate calories burned numbers for MFP (I have seen on many message boards that the MFP estimates are high). The calories burned I am getting from the HRM so far are higher than MFP estimates and what I have been putting in for the last year.

Yesterday I made sure the programming on the HRM for my weight and heart rate was set. I worked out with my personal trainer for 30 min and did 26 minutes on the elliptical, and the HRM says I burned 673 calories. :noway:

So here are the stats:
CW 162
Max HR 194 (I used the step test calculations in the HRM book as instructed to get this)

Yesterday's work out
30 min with trained HR: 115-140 depending on the exercise (about 60-72% of max)
26 min on elliptical HR: 160-166 (80-85%)

This is a pretty normal level for my work out. I was an athlete in school, so I have always trained hard. I used the elliptical and my own pulse taking to confirm my HR during my cardio.

So my question is: Can I really be burning this many calories in a work out?????? Please Help!


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, return the TImex ASAP and get a Polar.

    Timex is horrible for estimating calories if you are a female because it assumes you are a male, and does not take any info needed to even remotely reach an accurate calorie estimation.

    When I had mine, it told me I burned 580 calories walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes at a speed of 3.0... Um, I think not! Do the same exercise with my Polar, and I burn about 260-300 calories.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    I have a polar with chest strap. Mine still says i burn more than mfp does but not by to much.
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    I probably can't return it. I have been using it for several weeks.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have a Timex also. The calorie is about 1/3 off for women. I used this website to calculate my calorie.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I probably can't return it. I have been using it for several weeks.

    Most places have a 30-60 day return policy on those things.. and it doesn't hurt to try.
  • caschweda
    caschweda Posts: 3 Member
    OMG, i was just looking for something about this tonight! For 2 days in a row, my calories are DOUBLE of that of my firends who is working out with me!! For instance, I don't know how I could burn 1320 calories in a 55 minute 'boot camp' style workout, it just doesn't make sense... So, thank you for posting this - I as well can't return mine, been using it for the last few weeks but bought it over the holidays. :)
  • caschweda
    caschweda Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for posting this!! I have probably the same model Timex and seem to be WAY off my calorie burn so I have been using MFP totals instead of the $80 heart monitor that I bought. A 1/3 less makes perfect sense!! THANK YOU!
  • annieheavrin
    I have a Timex and love it. It is almost always accurate to MFP. It sometimes it lower than what the elliptical will show & higher than what the treadmill will say. I think it's as close as you're going to get to know for sure...which is never going to be possible with a HRM only.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I use Oregon and i too burn more calories than mfp, but not too high though..
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I had a Timex personal trainer HRM. My wife had a Polar F6. We would do the same workout and her Polar would have her burning 400-500 calories and my Timex would have me burning 900. Now, Im sure I burn more than she does as I am a big guy and use to play sports so although I am bigger I can still work pretty hard. However, thats a big difference. So, I took her Polar and reset it and entered all of my stats. I wore it and did the same workout and burnt 600 calories instead of 900. Thats a fairly big difference. If money is an issue, as it is for most of us right now, then keep using the Timex just know that the calories burned is probably over stated. Maybe only log 70% of those calories burnt. But if you can afford one, I would highly recommend any of the Polar products.
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    i have heard good things about polar FT 4 but it is rather expensive. i think i might wait until my birthday in march to get one. i googled it and found it on amazon for around $85 which for a poor college student is a lot to just spend on something. it gets amazing reviews online. i don't think that anything can accurately quantify the amount of calories you actually burn. i always under estimate calories burned according to MFP and the machines at the gym and i always over estimate the calories eaten in order to compensate for any errors.
  • sdag
    sdag Posts: 29
    I got my Polar FT4 on Amazon for $66. I got the bronze one.