My Blog On Taking Phentermine



  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? Well, I guess you could since its basically meth so they would have meth mouth and meth scars....silly me. I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).

    To compare this medication to meth is absolutely LUDICROUS, INSANE and completely and totally INACCURATE!!!!! Look it up!!! It's not even close and to say this to people is terrible.

    The molecular structures are freaking close!!!!!!!





    And yes I'm a chemist.

  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    So you just tried to lose weight for 2 weeks and you gave up and ask a doctor to prescribe you some drug?
    Why? Why? Why?????
    That's nuts!!!!!!

    NO.... you did not read that right. My weight has been a struggle for a while... I recently got on here to make sure I was eating the calories... Yes two weeks and gave up... Comon... Really???!!!

    Hopefully the ignorance will just fall to the wayside and leave room for the curious, the polite and the supporters. May we all pray :)
  • I just started taking Phentermine 1 week ago. So far I have lost about 5lbs total. It is working to curve my appetite and give me energy. I have not had any trouble sleeping but i did have rash on my neck and chest for about 2 days. I used Benadryl and Cortisone cream to clear it up and it has not come back yet. If it does I am going to have to call the Dr. and I am not sure if he will take off of them or not. I had ovarian cancer 2 yrs ago and had to have surgery for it. Since then I have gained about 40lbs and I am having a hard time loosing it. I was on weight watchers for a year and only lost about 10lbs and gained it back very fast. I walk 5 to 7 miles a day at work but i am having a hard time working out at home due to the fact that i have recently been diagnosed with arthritis in my feet and legs. I am on a mission to get healthy this year whatever it takes.
  • I have taken Phentermine for a while and I have lost 134 pounds...i had the jitters but it went away after the first 2 weeks...I have no problems with it now and I go one month with and one month without and have no withdrawl symptoms what so ever...It just depends on the person who takes it as to what your experience will be..Good Luc
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member
    I took phentermine before and lost 30 lbs. Then I ended up in the ER because I was having chest pains, high blood pressure, trouble breathing, and I couldn't stop shaking. One of the side effects of phentermine is pulmonary hypertension, which can lead to death. The ER doctor never confirmed what was happening to me because it went away after a few hours, but that scared the crap out of me.

    Now, I'm afraid to even take green tea supplements to help weight loss. :/ If you're taking phentermine, be careful. Yes, it's great for weight loss, but I gained all 30 lbs back once I stopped taking it. I don't think it's effective for people who want to remain healthy in the long run.
  • I was Morbidly obese and my doctor told me that the risks of staying that size and doing nothing about it were way more than the risks of actually taking the Phentermine..If you take it as prescribed , EXERCISE and take in the correct amount of calories you will see great results...I lost a bit myself before I finally caved and went to the doctor , stuck in a rhutt...I found that I had an under active thyroid and no matter what I would have done on my own , I wouldnt have lost anymore weight without assistance of some kind..I am under constant Doctor supervision and am having no issues with it , Like I said , I take it every other month and I am having no withdrawl symptoms on the off months and I don't gain any weight on the off months either because I continue exercising and keeping track of my caloric intake...
    Also , You HAVE HAVE to take responsibility for yourself and know that you have to use it as a tool to start new and healthy habits to prepair for when you are on your own after reaching your goal weight , If you eat well and exersice while taking it then revert back to your old habits when you stop it , you are dooming yourself for failure..Do not take it unless you are under CONSTANT doctor supervision and if you have any issues with it , the doctor can either adjust the dose or take you off of it completely and employ another weight loss plan....
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I felt though I was floating at some points but could focus in a conversation like I have never done before.

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I took Phentermine at the beginning when I was also 168lb. I lost weight, trained myself while I was on it to eat portions that are appropriately sized, found various ways to enjoy exercise - haven't gained the weight back. It's been 4 years now. It didn't have super strange side-effects for me, and it has no addictive qualities.

    You can use it to lose weight permanently. Just don't use it as a miracle pill. It's not one.

    Don't worry about people who have nothing but their misguided opinions by which to judge you. Phentermine has been FDA approved since 1959. Good luck.
  • cosmoowner
    cosmoowner Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: becareful! I took this and never had any problems. a half of pill everyday for 4 months or so. lost some weight not much.
    I was over weight by 30 lbs. No high cholesterol, no high triglicerides, no blood presure problems. Nothing in family history of heart issues untill i was 48. 3 years after taking this poison my heart nearly stopped. needed a stent and 14 different medicines. Dont use this long its bad . good luck!:wink:
  • I am just curious , Was it a Prescription provided by a doctor that most took or did you buy the herbal alternitive??
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member
    I am just curious , Was it a Prescription provided by a doctor that most took or did you buy the herbal alternitive??

    Prescription from my doctor.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Too many people have weakened their heart valves with this stuff. Good luck gambling with your health although there is more to weight loss then trying to take a magic pill and losing fat.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I, for one, would love to hear about your journey taking Phentermine...It is obviously a touchy subject for some but some of us may need the extra push to get started...I have been considering talking to my doctor about it & also have family members who did well with it but I would love for you to start a blog that takes us on the journey with you & can learn from your experience. I am glad that you are on here talking about this b/c obviously there are many opinions about this drug.

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  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    I find it kind of ironic how people are so quick to judge and tear into someone who is taking a weight loss supplement when those same people embrace and praise people having plastic surgery done for the ultimate quick fix to their problems. I don't think I saw 1 negative comment in any of the tummy tuck, boob jobs or lipo thread "success stories" .

    We're here for 1 common goal, weight loss. We discuss various ways of doing that. This is one of those discussions. I think some people are being very immature in how they are approaching this topic, even if you disagree with Phen, it doesn't give you the right to insult her or her choices.
  • tinattinat
    tinattinat Posts: 56 Member
    I, for one, would love to hear about your journey taking Phentermine...It is obviously a touchy subject for some but some of us may need the extra push to get started...I have been considering talking to my doctor about it & also have family members who did well with it but I would love for you to start a blog that takes us on the journey with you & can learn from your experience. I am glad that you are on here talking about this b/c obviously there are many opinions about this drug.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Well, I wish you the best on your journey. I do wish you would reconsider, but to each his own. I have taken it before. Didn't gain weight back, because I, for the most part, continued eating healthy and always keep up my workouts. But, whether you eat right and exercise while on it or not, it still does damage to your heart. I had to reduce the intensity of my workouts while on it, because my heart rate was too high. Another thing to think about...............God forbid if you lose your insurance and say, have to go out and get an individual or family plan for insurance and not a "group" plan through you or your husband's company. This happened to us. We have been turned down by 4 different insurance companies. One of the reasons every single time has been that I took this medication. I also quickly became "attached" to the JOLT of energy I got from it first thing in the morning. I still miss that. In the long run, it is just not worth the risks to my health, (for me at least) having to back off workouts, loss of sleep and the $$$$ it costs.
    Plus, smoking, taking a diet pill and the energy drinks? A little worrisome. But it is your body. Good luck.
  • tinattinat
    tinattinat Posts: 56 Member
    I, for one, would love to hear about your journey taking Phentermine...It is obviously a touchy subject for some but some of us may need the extra push to get started...I have been considering talking to my doctor about it & also have family members who did well with it but I would love for you to start a blog that takes us on the journey with you & can learn from your experience. I am glad that you are on here talking about this b/c obviously there are many opinions about this drug.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Sorry, my reply was meant for the original poster. I'm a dork. : /

    Well, I wish you the best on your journey. I do wish you would reconsider, but to each his own. I have taken it before. Didn't gain weight back, because I, for the most part, continued eating healthy and always keep up my workouts. But, whether you eat right and exercise while on it or not, it still does damage to your heart. I had to reduce the intensity of my workouts while on it, because my heart rate was too high. Another thing to think about...............God forbid if you lose your insurance and say, have to go out and get an individual or family plan for insurance and not a "group" plan through you or your husband's company. This happened to us. We have been turned down by 4 different insurance companies. One of the reasons every single time has been that I took this medication. I also quickly became "attached" to the JOLT of energy I got from it first thing in the morning. I still miss that. In the long run, it is just not worth the risks to my health, (for me at least) having to back off workouts, loss of sleep and the $$$$ it costs.
    Plus, smoking, taking a diet pill and the energy drinks? A little worrisome. But it is your body. Good luck.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    1. Okay- I know most people say using a crutch like phentermine is not really losing weight. It is not doing the work of eating a sane amount of calories and exercising. This is true. not judge others until you have walked in their shoes.

    2. I have "something" going on in my brain that makes me have an insatiable appetite. I don't know what it is. I can eat and never stop. It is truly insane.

    3. I was prescribed phentermine by a bariatric specialist. This med is saving my life. I do not suffer any side effects. I am a very rare patient to not have side effects. I only have the desired effect of a curbed appetite. My EKG's have been normal. My BP is stable. My heart rate is in the 70's.

    4. This med is not a magic pill. I still have to eat only 1100cals/day. I try to get 95 grams of protien and 65 grams of carbs a day. I am learning what it takes to eat and feel full at 1100 calories a day.

    5. I still HAVE to exercise like a mad women. I am beginning to crave a good burn. I never thought I would like exercise. I now go out in the rain and the dark to get a good jog in. My brain reasoning out what it means to be active and use (burn) calories to lose (maintain) weight. I know I am a slow learner!

    6. It is true that I am losing some muscle weight. I am now going to a personal trainer to help with weight lifting and to restore my muscle tissue.

    7. I am very well aware of the FACT that the use of phentermine is for a limited duration. I know I will have to stop this drug soon. I am worried that uncontrollable urge to eat will return. I am taking it hour by hour, day after day. I hope I have learned to feed my appetite with vegetables, protein, and whole foods. Instead of all my home-baked goodies, McDonalds, endless pieces of pizza, late night bowls of cereal, 4 portions of comfort food dinner each night.

    8. I know people who just plain and simple never have the urge to eat. Their brain chemistry is just different then mine. This med is helping me to accept that I will always have an internal drive to eat eat eat. I just have to know what to eat to ward off obesity.

    9. MFP has been as big a miracle for me as phentermine. I plan on using this site for the remainder of my life (note to self...stay focused!). I will continue to use mfp after I stop phentermine. Because people on here are correct when they adamantly state...
    "calorie control and exercise" . I will need the success stories, support and refreshers from mfp folks when I am managing my appetite without medication. I am scared of what my future holds.

    10. As far as addiction is concerned...I have had grade 4 endometriosis. For more than a decade. I have been given every narcotic known to human kind and never once used them beyond what they were prescribed for. I am not naive, however. And will stay vigilant to the the risk of addiction. As a side note...I gained my weight (besides the brain chemistry/ appetite connection) from medically-induced menopause. I am now 90% better from my endometriosis after I found a gifted surgeon.

    11. Please don't judge us who struggle in different ways to lose weight. We all are different people whose bodies and brains work differently. It is fine to say calories vs calories out because- that is the truth. But the actual act of getting that done is insurmountable for some.
  • I visited my Cardiologist , he made me wear one of those god forsaken heart monitors for 48 hours , through workouts and all , He said my heart is perfectly healthy , after having an echocardiogram and an ultrasound done of my arteries he said everything looked perfect......As I said before , CLOSE DOCTOR SUPERVISION...I get my BP checked once a week and visit my weight loss physician 2 times a month...I had blood work done last week , which all was perfect...I have an under active thyroid and couldnt lose weight on my own if i tried , I am also working with a nutritionist who is helping me design a permenant eating plan..Just because one takes it to aid in weight loss does not mean they are "weak" or doomed to be heavy again when they stop taking it...I agree with the post , WHY is it more acceptable for someone to have plastic surgery than it is for someone to seek help for obesity?
  • I had an emergency Hystrectomy at 32...People have no idea about the struggles some people have and say rude things before they stop and actually think that not any 2 people are alike , every single body is designed differently...
  • Therdigh
    Therdigh Posts: 28 Member
    I used to take Metabolift with ephedra, and I LOVED IT! After it was taken off the market I spent hours and hours searching for alternatives, which I never found. I'm too scared to try the prescription stuff, I think I would get addicted. Good luck and be careful!