Wii Active



  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Are they hard workouts? I haven't been able to start it cause we go away for holidays. Thanks for the info, Kath:flowerforyou:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Kath - There are 3 levels of intensity you can pick from. I started with the easy one. I can do the workouts without needing to stop for a long period of time but I do sweat a lot and I can feel my heart rate go up.

    Jenn - Like I said I haven't not used the balance board so maybe that's why I don't find that it's a problem. I know with the vollyball the balance board is used when you step to the side and stuff.

    I've never had problems with the side lunges. Our tv is on a stand that is probably about belly button height on me and I'm 5'9''. The sensor bar is still under the tv screen though. Which way does everyone seem to be having problems with the side lunges, with the bar on top of the tv or below?

    Yesterday was a rest day for me. I'll be back on the Active tonight. I'll let ya know how it goes.
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Did work out number 3 of the challenge. It was upper body so I didn't burn a lot. Wasn't feeling up to doing any other workouts besides the Active for some reason...wish I did now though :indifferent:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member

    Wow I am dripping right now! I just did Wii Active and burned 354 calories in 40mins!! That is the highest calorie burn so far! Wii Active told me I burned 236 thats a big difference!

    Todays workout was mostly lower body and cardio. I did basketball for the first time and LOVED it! I also did inline skating again and thanks to Kel and telling me to jump when she gets in the green worked!!!!

    Also today I am going to my friends house so It hink I might bike it which will take me between 30-60mins I think...never done it before.

    Well shower time! Have a great workout today!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Jenn sounds like you had a great work out on the Active yesterday!! Way to go!! Seeing the huge difference you've had between the calories the game says vs your HRM is really making me think I want to put a HRM on my christmas list. What kind do you have and where did you get it?? I'm going to have to start shopping around for one so I know what I want to ask for exactly.

    Yesterday I didn't work out on the Active since I didn't come home until 11pm. I'm getting back at it tonight though and tomorrow before I go on my mini vacation.

    I'll let everyone know how my work out goes later.

    Last day of work for me :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Amy: I have the Polar F6 and I got mine on ebay. If you are looking for calories burned the Polar F4 also does it too. Just keep your eyes open. I couldnt wait till xmas. Since I got mine I cant live without it!!

    Today I did Wii Active again and burned 323 in 42 mins. I am really loving all the different workouts. Since I am doing the 30 Day Challegen by Bob Greene (Oprahs Trainer) I never know what workouts I doing each day so it keeps me on my toes.

    The workouts today were jogging, volleyball, bicep curls, kickups, lunges(front&back)and side lunges with toe touches.

    Well time to keep studying! Have a great workout.
  • betsyross
    betsyross Posts: 3
    How is the step part of the new game? I love my step in Wii Fit but wish I could make it go longer instead of stopping and starting.
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Jenn thanks for letting me know about your HRM. I looked at them quick online at work and found the actual website for them. The F6 was quite a price difference compared to the F4. I'm sure since you got yours on ebay it was cheaper. I'll have to hunt around for one or something. I plan to get a treadmill with my tax return in January. Maybe if I have enough I'll buy a HRM too. My family has done a lot of vacations this summer so I don't know if anyone would be able to buy me a HRM. But maybe if I ask for money to put towards one I can kind of get their help in buying it. We'll see though.

    I got back on the Active tonight and was only on it for 18 minutes and burned 117.2 cals according to the game. My brother found the 5lbs weights for me so I used those instead of the resistance band when it said to. It was a lil tough to hold the remote and the weight but I didn't do too bad holding the numchuck and weight. I was have only slight problems with getting the sensor to pick up my movements with my right hand but I managed. Does any one else ever have problems getting your person on the screen to keep running at the same pace?? I don't change how I run or the pace I'm running at but randomly my person will slow down and it says I'm going to slow. It's frustrating since I don't ever change what I'm doing. Any advice is greatly apprecaited!

    Hope everyone had a great Thursday. I'll check in again in the morning after my workout. Saturday is a rest day thank goodness. I'll be too tired to get on the Active anyways, I'll be coming back from an overnight trip to a concert with my boyfriend.

    Good luck everyone!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Just finished with my work out. 17 minutes 97.5 calories. Maybe some day I'll stop and pick up a HRM cuz I know I burn more calories than that. It'll probably be soon.

    Well I gotta run and get ready for my boyfriend to pick me up. He told me I better be ready :laugh:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    HRM are a must! I have the Polar F11 I too got off ebay. More pricey but it's great. The f7 would be great too. Go with Polar though, I have had a few and it seems to be the best. Still haven't started the wii active, cause I'm on holidays at the lake, but am still exercising. Wish I could quit the sugar, oh well at least I'm addicted to that and not drugs.:laugh: Keep on goin guys!:bigsmile:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Well I got on the Active again last night at like 9pm :noway: Getting home late and then watching tv pushed my work out back. I burned like 112 calories in 17:28 according to the game. I'm seriously considering getting a HRM when I have some extra money. Someone suggest that I get one with a chest strap as they're most accurate. How can I tell if a HRM has a chest strap if I'm looking at the polars online??
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Completed another workout in the 30 day challenge tonight. Took me 17:33 and burned 117 cals. Also went for a 1.04 mile walk in 20 minutes. My exercise wasn't enough to balance out all the food I ate though :grumble: At least it wasn't fast food tonight.

    How is everyone else doing on the Active??
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    if y'all are interested, we also have a wii active thread over here:


    So far i've been enjoying the wii active. I haven't been stickin to the 30 day challenge religiously, but I'll mix it in with running, swimming, and wii-fit (mostly for "fun" exercises during my rest days).