How many times have you regained?

Ive lost about 50#'s twice, always finding my way back over 200#'s. This is my 3rd try to lose it.

How many people are like me? Why do you gain it back? I know why I do.

I get to where im happy, i start to feel confident, and I lose my motivation. "I worked so hard I can now eat this cake..." And BS like that. I havent changed my minset from DIET to LIFESTYLE. That is a huge difference that I need to learn.

I re read my old diet journals and cried. I re read my old struggles and achivments. I reread how happy I was to see 160, how I was saying I felt pretty and confident... Why did I ever let that go?


  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I lost 60 (or really 70) pounds - from 208 at my highest (starting actually trying at 198) down to 138 (for about 2 days!)
    I have regained and relost 15-30 of them repeatedly (usually lose them January to Spring as a resolution, then regain the 2nd half of the year when I hit goal and get lazy)
    ...Glad I haven't gained them ALL back, don't think I ever will because I've majorly changed my eating habits - but it's so hard to keep them off, I often feel like I have no self control :ohwell:

    At the moment, I am back to 167.5 - trying to refind 145-150 (and STAY THERE this time!)
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Too many times to count. The first time I lost 60-70lbs and got down to 89lbs (I am 4'11") and was yelled at by my doctor. She told me to stop counting and I gained 30 back in 2 years. I have gained/lost 15-20 lbs several times over the years and the last time gained 30-35 lbs. I am done with the yo-yo and want to learn how to eat and exercise to keep it off for good. Slow and Steady this time!
  • dwallior3326
    I have regained a few times....never big numbers because ive never LOST a big number. But its so frustrating. I regained partially for the same reason you did. And I need to teach myself that its not a diet its a lifestyle change.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Every time :cry:
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    So far? I gained back the 15 I lost. I really hope that going forward, I can say I only did it once. For me, I feel so depressed in thinking "Do I really not care enough about myself to stick to a healthy lifestyle?", but that clearly is not the solution, as it's not motivating me to re-lose this weight just yet :(
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    gain lose gain lose gain lose...never ending battle...but this time GAME OVER!!
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Many times and it is disheartening!

    I think as I hit the lower weights I get complacent and that is not good - eating less and working out more has to be kept going all the time, otherwise yes, the weight goes back up
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Too many times to count. The difference I intend to do this time, once I get down to my target weight, carry on for 4lb or so. Then keep on weighing myself every week, as and when I get to 4lb above my target weight go back to my weight loss diet. Also if I gain a lb or two in a week but not get 4lb above my target weight have a lower calorie day each week or increase the number I have if I am already having some.
  • LittleElephant
    LittleElephant Posts: 106 Member
    Ten years ago I lost the whole 100lbs or so. I was within pounds of my target and I gained the lot back plus some in a very short space of time. I don't know why yet and am tormented trying to figure it out. If I don't know why I let the dream go, I don't know how much chance I have of holding onto it this time.
  • TopazCarey
    After joining MFP last June, I lost about 40 pounds. Then from September to December of last year I put back on about 20 of them. I attribute it to stress (i had so much going on that I fell back into turning to food for comfort). But I'm getting back on track. Once I'm back to where I was and eventually get to my goal, I hope I never regain the weight again.
  • kiyawow
    kiyawow Posts: 38 Member
    Many times, so now doing slimming world as well so I can learn to change my mindset to lifestyle not just diet.. I tend to do the salad and fruit diets and of course that is boring, So hoping this will help me giving me ideas as to what I can eat etc, not just what I think I can eat. Its a long process and wont be easy... but most things you want never are... working on small steps 10% goal, then another 10% and so on...
  • clloy
    clloy Posts: 7
    I lost about 12 pounds over a year, but gained 8 pounds back in the past few months. A large part of that is probably the fact that I apparently developed hypothyroidism about six months ago that got totally out of control before it was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago (like, I'm barely functioning). I probably wouldn't have gained so easily without the hypothyroidism, and I might have been able to lose it without that problem. But I certainly haven't been perfect, so I can't put it all on that.
  • alexia_faith
    alexia_faith Posts: 32 Member
    I keep losing and regaining the same 6lbs

    Its really hacking me off

    I took a total of 4 weeks over Xmas/New Year off and regained all but 2lbs I had lost but for the most part my last year has been relosing the same 6lbs over and over again

    Its a lil demoralising but i guess i just gotta keep at it
  • akiramezu
    i've only ever gained 10 pounds from over eating in special occasions (christmas, new years eve, birthdays etc)
    and when i mean over eat, i mean a few days of going all out at 5-6 thousand calories a day over eat.
    Usually lose it in a fortnight. I guess it really depends on how long you over eat, if you lose a good amount
    and then gain it back again in a period of 6 months or more because you're lazy ... it's gonna be hard to keep off or even lose

    And yeah, ultimately in the end, it is a life style not a diet. learn to love it :D
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    Ive lost about 50#'s twice, always finding my way back over 200#'s. This is my 3rd try to lose it.

    How many people are like me? Why do you gain it back? I know why I do.

    I get to where im happy, i start to feel confident, and I lose my motivation. "I worked so hard I can now eat this cake..." And BS like that. I havent changed my minset from DIET to LIFESTYLE. That is a huge difference that I need to learn.

    I re read my old diet journals and cried. I re read my old struggles and achivments. I reread how happy I was to see 160, how I was saying I felt pretty and confident... Why did I ever let that go?

    Girl, I am right there with you. I was 155 - went up to 170, went down to 160, went up to 227 (pregnancy, loss of baby, etc. etc.) - I went down to 173, regained to 211, and now I'm back at 205. Hoping to get back down to 155 and keep it there!

    We just need to stay motivated and stay healthy! Make this lifestyle permanent!
  • Danigaff13
    Danigaff13 Posts: 3 Member
    I was weighted 174 Jan 2011, lost 20lb by May 2011. Only to gain 10lbs back. It is so frustrating. I'm slowing getting to where I want, but the closer I get the more I worry I'll gain it back! I just have to stay motivated.