someone called me fat...



  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Some people have unrealistic views on what a woman should look like! (my husband is one) You know that a size 6 is not fat don't you? You have done really well and should be soooo proud of yourself! This is the time to enjoy life, in your new fit healthy sexy body!:wink:
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    Chin up darling. You can not let the comments of others dictate your mood nor your day. Stay strong!
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    thanks everyone....that was was a total jerk :smile:

    i did however tell him...maybe you should hit the gym too...your middle section is kinda pudgy...
    which was rude and immature of me to retaliate but he hurt my feelings and i noticed his belly was i said something mean which wasnt nice and didnt make it right of me:indifferent:
  • dachinababe
    dachinababe Posts: 185
    girl..shoulda been like at least im not an *kitten* hole..dont let anybody let you down...they hate because they are in perfect themselves, criticize others make their insecure lil egos feel a lil less miserable...and u lost 107 pounds? GEEZE :flowerforyou: AMAZING....
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I looked at your profile and you are a gorgeous young lady and when you reach your goal....girl the guys are going to be going crazy! Keep up your hard work and don't let rude people get you down.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I don't think I've ever fit into a size 6 ... well maybe in elementary school :laugh:.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Miss Gorgeous,

    I am at the place you began, I was 253 (now 248) and I will break down and cry with joy when I reach your point. You are an inspiration to others such as myself. You truly are Miss Gorgeous.

    The others are right about this guy's unrealistic expectations... he is clearly looking for someone who is so skinny it is dangerously unhealthy and he must have some pretty deep insecurity issues or he is a narcissist and would put down everyone who isn't him.

    The point is, there is something wrong with him. There is nothing wrong with you. I hope you can put those nasty comments out of your head no matter how hard it is because as I mentioned it is all him and nothing to do with you.

    You ARE Miss Gorgeous.

    Take care,
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    thanks everyone....that was was a total jerk :smile:

    i did however tell him...maybe you should hit the gym too...your middle section is kinda pudgy...
    which was rude and immature of me to retaliate but he hurt my feelings and i noticed his belly was i said something mean which wasnt nice and didnt make it right of me:indifferent:
    He totaly had it coming. He dissed one girl, than you. It wasn't like he accidently put his foot in his mouth, he insulted you. He needed a taste of his own medicine.:bigsmile:
  • LovelessSoubi
    The guy was a jerk...first of all, you aren't fat. You're beautiful! You should have slapped the guy and walked off, and allowed it to roll off your back. It's obvious that he has his own personal issues. He's prolly got a small 'package' and compensates for it by saying such awful things about women. He'll be alone forever with that kind of attitude!

    *hugs* He is not worth your thoughts or your time. Ignore the stupid a**.!
  • sineadm09
    sineadm09 Posts: 113
    I just looked at your pictures hun, you are beautiful. I'm a stranger and I don't have to lie too :smile:
    That guy was an idiot.
    Keep your head held high,you're stunning!
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    omg he's nuts! was he a kid? sounds like it!
  • 59dk
    59dk Posts: 3
    R U kidding me??? You are drop dead gorgeous! So you have some weight to lose. As others have said, I would have smacked him on the side of the head. You (like myself) can CHANGE your weight and ultimately your state of mind with it (you WILL get to your goal) but HE WILL BE STUCK WITH HIS SICK THINKING and SHALLOWNESS forever.......He should be a reason to plug away even harder!!!


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Wow, what an *kitten*. Good lord, who says that? Fat at size 6? Not likely.


    lol @ 6 days.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Are you kidding me? You lost 107 pounds in less than a year? That's amazing! That is a huge accomplishment, please don't let this idiot get you down for too long.

    I know how hurtful it is though....after losing almost 20 pounds last summer I had a great day and was feeling good about my body when IT happaned....I was coming home with my boyfriend and my neighbor said, "You haven't had that baby yet"? I was DEVESTATED. To have someone think your pregnant when your not is awful, but for them to think you look big enough to be due ANY DAY killed me.

    But both my neighbor and that guy are freakin a**h**** and you are beautiful and an inspiration to us all. Don't forget that :flowerforyou:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    thanks everyone....that was was a total jerk :smile:

    i did however tell him...maybe you should hit the gym too...your middle section is kinda pudgy...
    which was rude and immature of me to retaliate but he hurt my feelings and i noticed his belly was i said something mean which wasnt nice and didnt make it right of me:indifferent:

    I woulda said the same kind of thing to that just can't fix stupid.