To Cheat or Not to Cheat...

I am wondering what you guys think about giving yourselves 1 cheat day or 1 cheat meal a week? Is this a good idea or is it something that should be avoided all together? I'm trying to decide if I should do it or not. I've heard mixed opinions. Some say it's a day to look forward to each week, therefore making it easier to stay focused and disciplined all the other days. And I've also heard that the spike in calories for just one day can actually be a metabolism booster. On the other hand, I've heard some say they think it's a bad idea, making it too tempting for bad food choices and to "fall off the wagon". Just wanting to get some feedback. Thanks!


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am wondering what you guys think about giving yourselves 1 cheat day or 1 cheat meal a week? Is this a good idea or is it something that should be avoided all together? I'm trying to decide if I should do it or not. I've heard mixed opinions. Some say it's a day to look forward to each week, therefore making it easier to stay focused and disciplined all the other days. And I've also heard that the spike in calories for just one day can actually be a metabolism booster. On the other hand, I've heard some say they think it's a bad idea, making it too tempting for bad food choices and to "fall off the wagon". Just wanting to get some feedback. Thanks!
    I like to cheat by using the search button...

    Any realistic nutrition plan will include anything you want in moderation. Once you start "looking" forward to cheats days, meals, weeks you're looking for trouble.

    Cheat meals have no impact on metabolism, they are used a mental break at best. If you want to remove all of that just read the second part of my comment. Calories in vs calories out.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    depends on you... i usually have a cheat afternoon and end it there. if i give myself a whole cheat day i binge eat all day. if i have a cheat afternoon i usually have a few beers, get a good lunch/dinner that i usually wouldn't eat at home or buy the ingredients for. i find that my cheat afternoon leaves me with more energy and seems to rev me up for the next day. i have struggled with binge eating so setting myself up for a cheat day, the whole thing, usually leads to an uncontrollable binge day for me (which is something i NEVER plan, but occasionally (less occasionally now!) happens)

    find what works for you. one meal of overindulgence isn't going to kill you and mimics "real life" for the long haul. also i try to save up a few calories for my cheat afternoon and try to look at the whole weeks average/shortage of calories before i decide how extravagant to get :)
  • toniachoi
    Great advice. I do think it makes it harder to stay on target if you have a whole day, but again, that's why I'm asking because I'm new to all this stuff. I like the idea of getting a mental break occasionally, but with it being a life-style change, I think a cheat afternoon once every week or two sounds way more reasonable. Thanks for the feedback!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    personally, i "cheat" a little every day. but it's not cheating because it's incorporated into my calorie count (which, at the moment, is actually quite low at 1300 per day). but i manage to still eat something awesome every day, whether it be chocolate, or an extra sushi roll, or whatever.

    that way, i never feel like i'm on a diet. it's just a regular day of eating good food with a reasonable amount of cals. which is something i can sustain for life.

    and if i want to indulge a bit more, i just do more exercise to make up for it. but my net cals will always stay at their intended goal.

    i think i would get stuck in a bit of a binge cycle if i started saving up calories for a day of cheating or something like that. everything in moderation :)
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi, I just did a cheat day, had approx. 6000 calories. It has been 4 days and in one of those days I fasted, 3 days worked out and now on the 5th day I just got back to where I started. BE CAREFUL
  • cutezombiedoll
    Don't think of it as cheating. Instead, think of it as eating a high calorie meal. I ate a higher calorie meal this week because I slept in and ended up skipping breakfast, and my lunch was light. It's ok to go over calories every so often, just so long as it's not a constant thing, but I feel better if I eat lighter the rest of the day if I know I'm going to have a heavier meal later. Or, if I say want to have a snack but don't have enough calories, I might exercise a bit till I have a few more to use.

    That said, I've been known to, say, not count calories at all on the holidays. Then I honestly have no idea if I went over or not. I simply didn't think of tracking.
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, I just did a cheat day, had approx. 6000 calories. It has been 4 days and in one of those days I fasted, 3 days worked out and now on the 5th day I just got back to where I started. BE CAREFUL

    The problem with cheat days like these is that you're increasing simple carbs and sodium intake dramatically which then causes the body to retain more water (to balance out the salt/water ratio). Then the next few days a spent reducing the water retention back again.

    I try to incorporate small cheats daily within my allowance, ie. a small bag of crisps (chips) or small brownie bite. This leaves my with the slightly guilty feeling but, in reality, hasn't really done any damage.
  • kellybib
    At the end of the day you gotta find what works for you evryone has different motivations for me personally, this time round I want to learn to eat better for good so want to learn how to incorparate "cheats" in my life. If I want something I have it. Just in moderation and within my calories. Saying that on a special occasion ie birthday etc I prob would be a little more leaniant.
    Good luck!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I like to work with mother nature.. lol!.. as I naturally get quite strong cravings the week before my TOTM is due I actually eat at maintenance that week, but also up the exercise as I naturally seem to have more energy I don't know why but I heard a ladies metabolism is naturally slightly higher that week anyway - dunno how true this is, but I usually find after the temp water goes back off I have lost another 2-3lbs besides, this is usually my biggest loss of the month and other weeks are either nothing, or 1/2 - 1lb.

    I've been doing this since starting and although my weight loss has slowed down these last few months once I reached under 10lbs to go, I am still losing something each month at least and have not been stuck in a plateau for months yet.. about 5lbs to go.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I guess it's different for everybody but I have always had a 'cheat' day each week. As long as I stick to my allowance the rest of the week I lose consistently. I've lost about 60lb total, all of it with a cheat day (well maybe not a whole day but a meal out or pizza & chocolate night).
    Now I'm almost at goal I've not been having a cheat day as such because I'm impatient to get to goal BUT my weight loss has stalled. I'm re-introducing cheat day in the hopes of jigging it up a bit. It's always worked for me in the past so I'd say try and it and see how it works for you. Good luck :)

    p.s. It also helps stick to it the rest of the week if you don't feel like you're depriving yourself all the time, for me anyway :)
  • StirlingJames
    StirlingJames Posts: 11 Member
    If an obese person eats an apple does it make them fit and healthy? Do they lose 20lbs over night? They do not, so having the odd bad snack or bad meal isn't going to suddenly make you obese again.

    A healthy diet is all about good choices and variety, don't eat a meal just because its low calories. Find low calorie meals that you actually enjoy.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    by calling it a 'cheat' it sounds like you're doign something you shouldnt be.

    to my mind, because my OH and I like to eat out, that will always be part of my lifestyle, and every so often i will have 3 courses and enjoy it!!!

    i managed to lose all the weight i wanted while eating out once a week, i just made a few better choices and made sure i did a bit more exercise to make up for it.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I think the value of a 'cheat' day is immense.

    Psychologically I have found that it is far easier to stick to my plan Sunday thru Friday when I know I have a day off to look forward to. In fact I don't think I ever have a day where I go over target. Dieting is a mild form of torture for me, after all it's going day after day deprived of what you need. Without this respite acting as a light at the end of the tunnel I can can handle it. Without it I wouldn't last 2 weeks.

    Physicologically I think it has immense benefit too. We read an awful lot here about the woes of starvation mode and some folks have a rotten time with it. I have data going back years that proves I do no suffer this effect despite going 700-800 cals below maintenance for months at a time. I believe the 'cheat' day is the reason why. It's a re-feed day and I believe it prevents my body from downgrading my metabolism substantially.

    I think a day off is the right thing to do. On those days just try not to go overboard. I go back up to maintenance cals or maybe 500 above if having a big day out.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Lots of varied answers already.

    In my opinion, it depends how you define 'cheat'. Its important to not make your diet torture, or it will never be sustainable. The ideal diet isn't one you just do to lose weight for a short while, but one that you do for the rest of your life to be healthy, so with this in mind, yes, it's sensible to have times where treat yourself and eat things that you enjoy even though they may be considered 'bad'. Also when social events call for it, there is no harm in joining in, just be sensible.

    This being said, it shouldn't a license to just have a day of complete glutton and consume 20,000 calories in a day, undoing the last 3 weeks work!
    The other pitfall to be wary of is "just 1 little treat" every day, if it fits within your plan, in terms of calories and macros, thats fine, but otherwise, what doesn't seem like much adds up over time.
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    I cheat one day a week. And when I say cheat, I mean I cheeeeeeaaaaat! I nail upwards of 5000-7000 calories for the day, but I dont limit myself at all. It is generally a weekend and it really motivates me and focuses me for the weekend. I am maintaining a loss of around 2lbs or around 600grams weekly. I am happy with this loss rate. My rule is that I log everything though. It does take me about 3 days to get back on track, but I think most of that is water retention. I tried to find out how much actual fat the body can manage to store in one day, I couldnt find evidence for a figure, but I am thinking about 200grams of actual mass, for my individual body, based on my results. I weigh myself daily about 4 times and have done so for about 2 months now. Sounds extreme, but I wanted the most data I could get to make inferences from.
  • TopazCarey
    I have a cheat day every Saturday (if I had a good weigh in for the week). I allow myself to have things that I would normally avoid throughout the week, but I try not to go overboard. Like if I know I'm going out to eat, I'll typically eat well up until that point but then order whatever I want at the restaurant. It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all. And honestly, I don't think I would have made it even this far if not for my cheat days.
  • Stace5
    Stace5 Posts: 70 Member
    I have a cheat day every Saturday (if I had a good weigh in for the week). I allow myself to have things that I would normally avoid throughout the week, but I try not to go overboard. Like if I know I'm going out to eat, I'll typically eat well up until that point but then order whatever I want at the restaurant. It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all. And honestly, I don't think I would have made it even this far if not for my cheat days.

    This is what i do, and it's worked for me so far!!
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I am wondering what you guys think about giving yourselves 1 cheat day or 1 cheat meal a week? Is this a good idea or is it something that should be avoided all together? I'm trying to decide if I should do it or not. I've heard mixed opinions. Some say it's a day to look forward to each week, therefore making it easier to stay focused and disciplined all the other days. And I've also heard that the spike in calories for just one day can actually be a metabolism booster. On the other hand, I've heard some say they think it's a bad idea, making it too tempting for bad food choices and to "fall off the wagon". Just wanting to get some feedback. Thanks!
    I like to cheat by using the search button...

    Any realistic nutrition plan will include anything you want in moderation. Once you start "looking" forward to cheats days, meals, weeks you're looking for trouble.

    Cheat meals have no impact on metabolism, they are used a mental break at best. If you want to remove all of that just read the second part of my comment. Calories in vs calories out.

    I agree. I dont do cheat days because I dont do diets. I eat whatever I want I just watch portion size and try to get as close as possible to my calorie and macro goals as possible.
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    depends on you... i usually have a cheat afternoon and end it there. if i give myself a whole cheat day i binge eat all day. if i have a cheat afternoon i usually have a few beers, get a good lunch/dinner that i usually wouldn't eat at home or buy the ingredients for. i find that my cheat afternoon leaves me with more energy and seems to rev me up for the next day. i have struggled with binge eating so setting myself up for a cheat day, the whole thing, usually leads to an uncontrollable binge day for me (which is something i NEVER plan, but occasionally (less occasionally now!) happens)

    find what works for you. one meal of overindulgence isn't going to kill you and mimics "real life" for the long haul. also i try to save up a few calories for my cheat afternoon and try to look at the whole weeks average/shortage of calories before i decide how extravagant to get :)

    I really like this advice, I have always had a cheat day but have recently found it seems to be scuppering significant weight loss because I too go crazy from the moment I wake to the moment I go to bed. I think I'll start having a really nice meal one day a week rather than a whole day:)
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I always plan when I'm going to go over my calories, and I don't go wild, just don't count everything! I end up doing it about once a fortnight, and it works for me. I've found that I can't eat as much as I used to anyway, so even if we do order pizza (yum!) I'm full after a couple of slices.

    I'd say if you want to have a "cheat" day then do it, plan it, and don't go wild (as in, if you're full, stop!)

    Hope you enjoy it :)