To Cheat or Not to Cheat...



  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Hi, I just did a cheat day, had approx. 6000 calories. It has been 4 days and in one of those days I fasted, 3 days worked out and now on the 5th day I just got back to where I started. BE CAREFUL

    This ^^^ I think it's very easy for planned binges to increase in frequency until there's really no difference to your eating habits before. That way lies disaster; there's a fine line between giving yourself a 'mental break' and putting yourself through 'mental anguish' because you feel you've 'failed' if it all goes pear-shaped. I've done that so many times myself and it's just not worth it.

    I think a cheat meal every once in a while is a nice thing to have - log the calories anyway just so you can keep a tab of when these cheat meals are so you don't do them too often. That's my advice anyway but I would echo Teddybear47's BE CAREFUL.
  • PughTooFew
    PughTooFew Posts: 44 Member
    I'm really not sure what to think, but recently I had a friend's big birthday meal and a family roast in the same weekend and ended up a few hundred over my daily calorie goals due to alcohol, treats and larger portions. I also didn't get in much exercise either. I was worried this would result in an increase, but instead when I weighed myself the following Thursday I'd LOST 2lbs! Rather than making me feel better though, 'cheating' had made me anxious and upset that I'd 'broken' my healthy eating pattern. I'm really on the fence over 'cheats'.....
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    I'm really not sure what to think, but recently I had a friend's big birthday meal and a family roast in the same weekend and ended up a few hundred over my daily calorie goals due to alcohol, treats and larger portions. I also didn't get in much exercise either. I was worried this would result in an increase, but instead when I weighed myself the following Thursday I'd LOST 2lbs! Rather than making me feel better though, 'cheating' had made me anxious and upset that I'd 'broken' my healthy eating pattern. I'm really on the fence over 'cheats'.....

    You were only a few hundred over your daily goal... that can sometimes help weight loss. Going over by 3000 weekly on the other hand, in my opinion, can hinder things significantly.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    No ones diet is going to be perfect. I do not plan cheat days, but if I have a really strong craving for something I will have a small portion of it. For example, I love waffles. I normally have one wheat waffle every Saturday and Sunday. Since I have the waffle, I might pull a little back for lunch or dinner so I am well within my calorie count. Last week I just had to have baklava a really fatty, sweet treat, but I had four pieces over two days and gave the box away. It is a balancing act. A little of your favorite food from time to time so you don't feel miserable, but not so much where you ruin what you are working for. :wink:
  • Jazzmagic
    Jazzmagic Posts: 91 Member
    It's kind of hard to tell I guess trial and error is the best way to find out for each individual... saying this though I have recently just had my bf's birthday (meal out and birthday cupcakes) closely followed by valentines (meal out and brownies) yet I lost 3.5lb! (I did keep up all usual exercise) Not sure yet if I'll pay for it this week...will have to wait and see! x
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i save up calories for a "cheat" that way im not really cheating lol

    like had a low cal day yesterday so i could have a good few drinks tonight and still be under my weekly calories

    :) xx
  • scotslass
    I used to have one every week, then realised I couldn't control myself and went a bit crazy, I would end up messing up all my hard work during the week in just one day! so I don't have one anymore.

  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I used to have one every week, then realised I couldn't control myself and went a bit crazy, I would end up messing up all my hard work during the week in just one day! so I don't have one anymore.


    I used to have this problem also. The issue was alcohol really. By the time I'd drunk a few beers on Saturday night all self control went out of the window and more beers would follow and I'd eat the house clean. I have barely touched a drink since new year and my diet is the better for it.
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    Yup I agree, if alcohol is involved it turns into minimum 2, sometimes 3 cheat days! Better off only drinking once a month if you must at all.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I think of this as a lifestyle change and as part of that I do not feel I can cheat on it. However, for it to be a true lifestyle change, I need to be able incorporate real life into it. And real life has Superbowl Sunday, nights of dancing and drinking and unexpected dinners out. So I do have days that my calorie count is more of a suggestion.

    Some might say I am just justifying a "cheat" day. I would say no - its just part of my lifestyle ;)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Yup I agree, if alcohol is involved it turns into minimum 2, sometimes 3 cheat days! Better off only drinking once a month if you must at all.

    Agreed. In fact my Saturday cheat date soon ended up starting on Friday night with a beer..... or 4