tryiing, but not losing

Hi, so I really have been trying hard. Since January 3, I have been faithfully working out at least 4 times a week (three kids and fullt time job keep me from doing more--however if I can, I try to) and doing intense--not easy workouts. I have also been tracking my calories. Most days I am under my calorie goal--a few days over (birthday dinner, etc), but this is an exception, not a rule. I have lost only 4 pounds. It is very frustrating. I know that I am older and it takes a while, but I am not cheating. I don't eat fast food, drink pop, desserts, etc. I am not saying I am perfect, but I do stay away from the stuff that is not great and I work to eat good lean protein at each meal. One of my problems is that I can only stomach certain vegetables, but not many at all--I have tried--food texture issues and I gag when I try them. But still I stay under my goal and I do not get hungry. A colleauge of mine who is much skinnier than I just joined WW a couple of weeks ago and has already lost 7 pounds without working out (of course she is about 15 years younger than me :-).


  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    It would really help to be able to see your food diary.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    A colleauge of mine who is much skinnier than I just joined WW a couple of weeks ago and has already lost 7 pounds without working out (of course she is about 15 years younger than me :-).

    There's your answer. You're building muscle at the same time you're losing fat, and she's not. 4 lbs net loss is pretty good.

    Also, everyone loses a lot from cutting back on sodium at first. How much you lose depends on how heavily your were bloated with sodium and water when you started. If she ate a ton of chips on new year's eve or was on her period, her initial water loss would have been more -- but that's not fat weight either, and it doesn't count.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    It is hard to give feedback without you diary being open and knowing your stats.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    A colleauge of mine who is much skinnier than I just joined WW a couple of weeks ago and has already lost 7 pounds without working out (of course she is about 15 years younger than me :-).

    There's your answer. You're building muscle at the same time you're losing fat, and she's not. 4 lbs net loss is pretty good.

    Also, everyone loses a lot from cutting back on sodium at first. How much you lose depends on how heavily your were bloated with sodium and water when you started. If she ate a ton of chips on new year's eve or was on her period, her initial water loss would have been more -- but that's not fat weight either, and it doesn't count.
    She is not building muscle.

    Weight loss is not linear. One of the worst things you can do is compare your weight loss to someone else. You don't know what she is doing at home. For all you know she could be taking clenbutral. What I am getting at is the whole idea of turning weight loss into a competition is absurd.

    It only to frustration, self doubt and the person giving up.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It would really help to be able to see your food diary.

    if you are staying under your calorie goal but not going too far under, your diary doesnt mean anything.

    give it time...
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    what are your macro percentages?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    what are your macro percentages?

    doesnt matter. (remember the twinkie diet)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    what are your macro percentages?
    Body doesn't recognize %'s.
  • southernrose5337
    you need to speed up your metabolism. you do this by eating... I stay between 1400 calories and 1600 calories and I eat HEALTHY that means whole grains, fresh veggies, fruits, and I substitute lean ground turkey for ground beef it is yummy.. along with chicxken for fish.. red meat rarely but the key in all of this is exercise. I work out seven days a week and they may be extreme for some but I do at least 30 mins a day on the gazelle. Sometimes an hour. I have lost 7 pounds since I have used fitness pal in a little over two weeks and that is a good healthy weight loss. I also drink TONS of bottled water. I still have more to go but I am being patient I know it can be hard. Also only weight yourself once a week.
  • bjfrezell
    Just remember that you're DOWN 4 pounds, not UP 4 pounds. That's an achievement! You're not just trying to lose weight, you're also getting used to a new healthy lifestyle. Everyone loses weight at a different rate. My husband loses it faster than I do and that could be frustrating if I let it upset me. But instead I just keep plugging along. Hang in there!
  • dawnmariern
    dawnmariern Posts: 14 Member
    I am glad you posted this I am in the same boat and I am interested in hearing some of the feedback. I also have been keeping within my calories I have cut out white rice and pasta. I am doing an exercise class 4 days a week and in 4 weeks have only lost 1 pound. I like the muscle theory but would think my jeans would be looser. The one thing I have noticed is that I have more energy which right now is keeping me motivated.....thanks for the post,
  • Jendisney
    This was my issue today, too. I plan to hang in there.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I have been bouncing down and up for 6 months the same 7 pounds.
    I just know one day it will turn around and I will start to lose again,
    I did just Quit smoking 2 weeks ago, so I have heard that I would gain,
    trying not to to much.
    Positive thoughts :heart:
  • zumbagada
    zumbagada Posts: 24 Member
    Based on your ticker, that 4 pounds is almost 20% of what you are aiming to lose. Sometimes you just need to admit that what you are doing is just acting like a normal healthy person, not dieting. If it takes a longer time than you'd like, it takes a longer time. I'm a few years younger than you with about 3x as much to lose as you, and I've only lost eight pounds since January 2, only two of which have been in the last month. But...... In the last week, six different people have told me it looks like I'm losing weight, so don't get too hung up on the scale as long as what you're doing is a healthy lifestyle rather than a diet.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    what are your macro percentages?

    doesnt matter. (remember the twinkie diet)

    Yeh, he lost weight. Just some do better on certain macro.
  • dawnmariern
    dawnmariern Posts: 14 Member
    Don't know if this will help but I took my diet diary to a nutritionist at work to review. What she told me was that even though I was keeping my calories at 1200 ( ok so a couple days I went over ) I had been eating all wrong. What I thought was healthy and well balanced was actually helping my body hold onto pounds. She told me to follow the ADA rules so put simply take a look at the amount of carbs you are eating and it should only be between 25g to 35g per meal depending on your calories needed per day. So even though I kept my calories down more then 50% of my calories were coming from carbs. So starting today I am going to lower my carbs and increase the amount of fat ( I was avoiding fat ) and protien. I will let you know how this works.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Don't know if this will help but I took my diet diary to a nutritionist at work to review. What she told me was that even though I was keeping my calories at 1200 ( ok so a couple days I went over ) I had been eating all wrong. What I thought was healthy and well balanced was actually helping my body hold onto pounds. She told me to follow the ADA rules so put simply take a look at the amount of carbs you are eating and it should only be between 25g to 35g per meal depending on your calories needed per day. So even though I kept my calories down more then 50% of my calories were coming from carbs. So starting today I am going to lower my carbs and increase the amount of fat ( I was avoiding fat ) and protien. I will let you know how this works.
    This is what I need to do too
    Yes please let us know how you are doing.

  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    hang in there, I started on here around the same time as you. I've lost around 5-8 lbs (need to look at my ticker lol) and I've JUST started to lose steadily. I've changed a lot of my habits and cut out a lot of crap I used to eat. I'm focusing on eating right now and working out for the fun of it, like going for a walk a few nights a week or doing some circuit training while watching tv. Just hang in there, it will get better
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    A colleauge of mine who is much skinnier than I just joined WW a couple of weeks ago and has already lost 7 pounds without working out (of course she is about 15 years younger than me :-).

    There's your answer. You're building muscle at the same time you're losing fat, and she's not. 4 lbs net loss is pretty good.

    You have no idea what kind of work out she is doing how can you assume she is gaining muscle? What if she is just long distance running? Only way she can gain substantial muscle is if she ate at a calorie surplus and lifted wisely.
  • aj_gettingfit
    I'm not losing either but I'm doing a lot of lifting. I'd say I lift 4-5x a week. I try and do cardio 2-3x a week. Each time I workout its for 60-90 min. I'm hoping I'm building muscle while burning fat which is why I'm not seeing a loss on the scale. Stick with it. Eventually it'll pay off.