sore knees after level 2 30ds....

lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
ok, level 1 no prob, level 2 and i get sore knee's.. can anyone think of what would be so different with level 2 over level 1 that would give me sore knees??? i have been racking my brain but i can't think, i know it i guess is a lunge but which one? wasn't there lunges in level 1? i can't remember... this is my 2nd run with 30ds and i recall the same thing happened last time i did level 2.. I let yesteryear be a rest day and we will see how today goes. maybe it's the one that you go forward and then backwards with, if i avoid that exercise, what can i incorporate in place of it at that time? any ideas?


  • vakaranshah786
    vakaranshah786 Posts: 49 Member
    i think they are called pendulam lunges and i get the same problem but i'm doing the beginner version and not going all the way to the ground and it's not as bad afterwards......
  • lucasnjewels
    lucasnjewels Posts: 53 Member
    Just wait until you get to level 3! I'm on day 5 of level 3 (and doing C25k at the same time) and my back is KILLING ME!! I think it also has to do with 30d shred becoming higher impact as you go along.
  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    Yeah, my knees bothered me after I completed 30DS and now, I'm onto Ripped in 30 and my knees are killing me! I just completed level 1, yesterday was my rest day and I'm thinking about taking another rest day because my knees are that sore and achey.

    I'm going to ice my knees today, while I'm working and see if that helps.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    I got sore knees and calves by the end of L1. Nay, injuries more like it! It took a few days for my right calf to feel ok to walk on, but 3 weeks later my knees still really hurt when going up or down stairs, and there are a lot of stairs to get up to my apartment. Never had a sore knee in my life before this. Not happy Jillian!
  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    I think (if I remember rightly) you only do the knee circles in the L1 warm up - I used to pause the DVD and add them in on the other levels before moving into circuit 1.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i have done the whole 30ds before in dec, so i have done it before... it's not a soreness that is like you get from other exercises ( like sore calves, etc), stiff, etc it's PAIN. it's my left knee and on the right inside top area. It hurts just putting pressure on it, rubbing it, etc. I thought about it and i remember the same thing happening to me last time when i did the whole 30ds and only in level 2 once again, so i was wondering which exercise that is different from level 1 would cause it? this way i can avoid it and do with something similar but yet different. I don't go all the way down with any of the lunges, i also follow the beginner method ... any suggestions what exercise would it be from and what i can substitute it with?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I think (if I remember rightly) you only do the knee circles in the L1 warm up - I used to pause the DVD and add them in on the other levels before moving into circuit 1.

    that is a good idea, i will do the same.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Try it barefoot folks.....seriously, give it a shot. It made a HUGE difference for me. Alleviated almost ALL my knee pain.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    oh, i do it barefoot. i found it so much easier...
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    I do mine barefoot too. I have a problem with my shoulder hurting doing the walkout pushups so instead I just do normal push ups. Plus I'm not really sure how to 'plank' so I usually squat or do jumping jacks during that part on Level 2, I'll try to do the plank jumping jacks again tonight but I'm not sure if I have the right form.
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    I was going to ask about this today! I'm doing level 1 with a few days adding level 2 and the C25K. My knees are not good to begin with since I've had tennis and ski injuries in the past and now all the extra weight doesn't help! I've been wearing my knee braces (medium support), they help A LOT (but also interfere a bit with the butt kicks). I've just started icing my knees with frozen corn for 5-10 minutes after I've completely cooled down and I haven't had any pain the next morning. I do take it easy on the pendulum lunges and the side lunges if my knees are bothering me but pretty much do everything else to my full capacity.

    Good ideas about adding in the knee circles in the other levels and I'm going to try to do it barefoot!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    well i did the knee circles added into level 2 and it think it helped. my knee still hurts a bit but not as bad as the day before. Just not sure what exercise is doing it? not sure what to cut out or reduce... i took a easy at pretty much all of them last night and all is ok this am. nothing worse then it was...