What do you do when you go way over one day?



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Good morning all! I'm going over to a friend's house for dinner and have NO idea what they'll be serving so I could pre-track. On the off chance that it's something bad, I was wondering, what do you do when things like this happen?

    Do you do something different beforehand?
    Do you try and make it up later if you go way over your cals?

    Any advice would be appreciated! I've been doing SO well for the past two weeks, I don't want to ruin it by going out!

    To gain fat (not water) you would need to eat not only to mainenance but an extra 3500 on top. Assuming you are on 1lb a week so a defict of 500, that means a huge 4000 calories.

    That is not going to happen,

    You aren'r going to live the rest of this new healthy life never going out to visit friends, so just enjoy it.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I work out harder that day, eat a smaller portion, and than make up for it tomorrow by loading up on veggies and pushing myself at the gym.
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    I take a cheat day each Sunday because we like to go out to a restaurant that has a great buffet after church. I eat what I want, and then come Monday morning, I am back at it! I feel like I need that day to go over, so I don't feel deprived and it gives me more motivation to work out harder the day before and the day after.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I try to do a mega burn workout that day and then go light on calories for breakfast and lunch. I drink lots of water and then pound the fiber and cut the sodium.

    But enjoy yourself - being overly strict has backfired on me in the past with major binges and depression.
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    Congrats on your progress. Whatever you decide to do, start the next day afresh. If you seem less hungry then ok. If you are hungry and make up the same calories as any other 'normal' day, then just keep going. Drive over the bump in the road instead of stopping and wondering.

    Keep at it and you will be there in no time !
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    In situations like those, I go to my friends house, enjoy their company, eat what they serve, thank him/her for the wonderful dinner and don't sweat it. One day does not ruin a diet.
  • I'm a numbers guy so I try not, BUT if done then I do it to where I can still work it off OR do it the meal before. If I know I'm going out to eat then I do my homework and go online to see what I can eat. It helps...
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    just do the best you can today, & tomorrow get back on track. The main things is not to beat yourself up & stay off track.
  • rebeccazeno
    rebeccazeno Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with what the other people have said above. Drink lots of water and eat something healthy before you go. That way, when you get there, you're not starving and can limit your portions. The most important thing is though, to not focus on it so much that you don't enjoy your time with your friends. Consider it as a reward for all the hard work you have been doing and then the next day, jump right back in to taking care of yourself. If you focus so much on the calories ALL the time, then you can't make it a lifestyle change. You'll always feel like losing the weight is a punishment and won't really appreciate the rewards.
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I call it a cheat day and eat clean the next day! xD
  • StrongandTender
    StrongandTender Posts: 44 Member
    I try to exercise as much as I can to build up my calorie bank and eat as lightly as I can before, I enjoy myself during, and I log after it's all said and done (or eaten and drunk).

    Tomorrow is another day. I can always do another workout!
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    To gain fat (not water) you would need to eat not only to mainenance but an extra 3500 on top. Assuming you are on 1lb a week so a defict of 500, that means a huge 4000 calories.

    That is not going to happen,

    You aren'r going to live the rest of this new healthy life never going out to visit friends, so just enjoy it.

    Good point. I will definitely not be eating 4,000 calories and I'm getting ready to get out there for a run and Day 7 of the shred.

    Just getting all this feedback from you all really makes me feel like I can go into tonight stronger and better prepared! I really appreciate it!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Enjoy the heck out of yourself, do not feel guilty (that will ruin it), and drink lots of water.

    I have a splurge day, on average, every other week. Some days I'm just a bit over, some days I'm under, and once in awhile, I'll go all out,

    Just keep up the rest of your discipline - water, rest, exercise, logging.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    If you go over just shake it off. Tomorrow is a new day, no good will come from dwelling on it. Last week before I went I did an extra set of exercising to give me a buffer.

    you cant keep telling yourself "tomorrow is a new day". Set yourself up for success. Have a small healthy meal before you go if you are concerned about what will be served, that way you won't be tempted to over do it.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I have went over by up to 1,000 calories and went right back on track the next day :) It will be ok - just get back into your normal routine the next morning :)
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I would say just be sensible and make sure to manage your portions.
    if you find you've eaten a LOT, then make it up with a little harder exercise work the next day.
    Everyone cant be perfect every day!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I ended up emailing here to see what I could bring and she told me what we were having so I pre-tracked a guesstimate. Ended up going over for the day, but you know what? If I hadn't been thinking about what I was eating, I would have gone over by SO much more.

    Now, onto today and feeling good! Thanks again for the encouragement!