For runners!! What has running done for you?



  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    I started inline skating in 2002 to lose some weight, so that I could stop smoking without getting fat from the subsequent weight gain. I started running in 2003 with a friend, we ran our first amrathon together, and I continued to run while he battled melanoma. He survived and is healthy again, and I've continued running, crazy long distance (100 mile runs), and 43 marathons in 2011. Running has given me a great stress reliever away from a stresstfull job, reduced my cholesterol by 40 points, helped me keep a decent body weight, brought my blood pressure to a textbook 120 / 80, and given me a resting pulse rate of 48 bpm. It has also given me the physical confidence, at age 51, to do things that I may have otherwise shied away from (hiking, ball hockey, running with my dog, kayaking). I'm also pretty certain that running is helping to keep my mentally sharp.
  • Like most others have said, Running has been the main thing helping me to lose weight. I also agree with the stress relief. I use it to just get out and cleear my head. Now I will run for an hour at a time and not even take music.

    8 months ago, I started the C25k program again and found it challenging to run the short times, but now I am training for my 2nd half marathon, and being able to look at that progress really makes it all worth it. It also has increased my energy levels in other day-to-day activities and there really is no comparison for that!
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I've never been a runner.... ever! But... I started with a walking/running program last spring (mostly walking), then I did the C25K on the treadmill over the summer, and again outside last fall. I can finally say that I am a runner, and I now really enjoy it.

    It is definitely the biggest calorie burner for me and a great cardio workout. It also is a stress reliever. It is my "me" time. I now run every other day (5-6 miles), and I am hooked.

    I think running is great for the boy, mind and spirit!
  • I really need to pick up running again. I should have never stopped. Thanks for the reminders as to why running is good for you.
  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    Despite all the physical pluses running has done... the mental side of it is the biggest thing I've gained. I've said time and time again, golf and running are two of the most mentally challenging activities you can participate in. Hockey, football, baseball, etc. are no where near as mentally taxing as running is - at least for me.

    It's the big FU to those who said I can't do it because I'm too fat and slow. It's a big FU to myself when I start to have doubts about finishing a run or even starting one for that matter. It's literally changed my mental approach to challenges in life. In stead of saying "this hurts, I'm going to slow down for just x minutes" I now say "suck it up, if you can run 2 miles then you can run 3".
  • LongRunner77
    LongRunner77 Posts: 71 Member
    Great question...started running years ago as weight management....just could never keep it consistent. Then 2-3 years ago when I started back up I signed up for a 5k and something clicked...I fell in love with running...not only does it help keep the weight off, it's given me more energy, confidence and I love how it challenges me every day. I've met a bunch of great people. I started with a 5k and have worked my way up to a 50 miler later this year in hopes of some time in the next couple of years completing a 100 mile run!!!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    It's my daily anti-depressant!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I started running in early 2011. I cant remember the sequence exactly but I think I had just started dieting and had already joined MFP.

    I wasn't doing much exercise - a couple of trips to the gym a week with up to an hour of CV done on several machines. Normally elliptical and rowing. At the time this felt like very hard work: 30 minutes on one machine was hard to do, even 'cruising'. i wasnt exactly sedentary but I wasn't fit either. I was also 14 stone. (196lb)

    My sister asked me if I would do the 2011 London 10K for the Brighton MS centre - a charity who have given her fantastic support since she was diagnosed with MS in 2009. I agreed and started training properly.

    Not long before the 10K I joined my local running club. At this time I was extremely proud - to the point of being a little cocky - of my my target time of 50 minutes. It didn't take me long to realise that I was a very average runner by the groups standards. I constantly burned out on the training sessions (interval training, hills, speedwork etc). My first 'social run' was 6 miles... I was killing myself trying to keep up with the middle runners... whilst they were all chatting merrily and enjoying the sunshine,...

    Since then, with a lot of good coaching, plus hard work and supportive friends I have built up to 20 miles as my longest run (2 marathons due in April!! ), a 44 minute 10K, 1h39 half marathon, and an ability to have a good laugh whilst putting a lot of miles under my feet.

    I've lost nearly 2 and a half stone - I now weigh 163 lb and don't intend to loose any more (OK, maybe two or three lb - but only because I like round numbers...)

    I have made some fantastic friends and really feel like part of a community

    I've seen a lot of the beautiful local country side which I would never have seen otherwise - including some stunning snowscapes. When travelling with work it gets me out in the evenings and I get to see places which otherwise would have been invisible to me.

    I think most importantly, I've started viewing food as fuel for exercise rather than exercise as a way of allowing me to eat more food. And of course, better quality food = better performance.

    On the downside, I own an alarming amount of Lycra. I think I need to join a team of super heros.
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I have fallen in love with running. I can remember in school dreading having to run the 1 mile for sports. Now I consistently run 3 miles at a shot. For me, not only has it helped me lose weight, but I just feel better. Its my sanity as well. I am a sahm to 3 and I run on the treadmill at naptime. The days I don't run I have less patience with them. Its just been a great experience for me!!!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Do you runners get frequent injuries from running?
    I've started jogging more on my treadmill and increasing incline hoping for some fat loss.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Some days I go on auto-pilot, get ready, and go for my run.

    Other days, I sit and think, "Do I really wanna....?" and the answer is sometimes "No"

    ...but somehow I pick myself off of the couch and get dressed, even if I'm not still fully convinced I want to go. Then I somehow find myself outside, hitting the pavement, and about halfway down the street I realize I made myself go running anyway. lol...

    Then I'm done before I know it and feel great.

    Moral o' story: Just get outside and start, even if you say "Oh, I'm not feeling it today, I'll just go ___ far instead of my usual"'ll probably end up doing your usual, because you feel better once you start.
  • MsAziz
    MsAziz Posts: 71 Member
    Do you runners get frequent injuries from running?
    I've started jogging more on my treadmill and increasing incline hoping for some fat loss.

    I've had a couple falls etc. but nothing too major. its just about knowing your limits. Don't push yourself too hard, but do push yourself that little bit harder when you first feel like you want to stop :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have lost a lot of weight, mostly from my bust! My hips have got a bit wider, waist smaller. Very very toned legs that everyone comments on.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Runnning helps:

    Definitely with weight loss - haven't found anything else as effective; also I find I lose the desire for junk food when I do a lot of running
    General health - I always feel better in general when I'm doing a lot of running
    Stress - great time to be alone and think, much cheaper than therapy
    Provides a great sense of accomplishment when I can complete distances or times that I couldn't do several weeks before
    Also a great sense of accomplishment every time I finish a half or full marathon
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Do you runners get frequent injuries from running?
    I've started jogging more on my treadmill and increasing incline hoping for some fat loss.

    Running isn't what hurts runners. Poor form hurts runners. Pushing too hard too soon hurts runners. Running without a plan hurts runners. Running in and of itself doesn't hurt runners.

    All that said running is something I wish I forced myself to do earlier in life. Long runs help me clear my head, they keep me centered and give me an outlet for my competitve outlet. I LOVE running when you swim and bike first though. :P
  • erichlf
    erichlf Posts: 11 Member
    With no dieting I lost 20lbs, but I was starting to run 40 miles per week. I eventually plateaued, so I started counting calories and then lost another 30lbs (well, after taking a break and gaining some 10 lbs back). Running is what started my weight loss and I love to run. I really need to start running again, but riding my bike and skateboarding didn't leave me much time.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Do you runners get frequent injuries from running?
    I've started jogging more on my treadmill and increasing incline hoping for some fat loss.

    Running isn't what hurts runners. Poor form hurts runners. Pushing too hard too soon hurts runners. Running without a plan hurts runners. Running in and of itself doesn't hurt runners.

    All that said running is something I wish I forced myself to do earlier in life. Long runs help me clear my head, they keep me centered and give me an outlet for my competitve outlet. I LOVE running when you swim and bike first though. :P

    I've been running for 17 months and not had an injury yet, blisters aside.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    MY *kitten* IS MELTING AWAY!
    I've lost weight off the hips and *kitten*, my legs are more toned...
    My lung capacity has improved, and I can tell my circulation has too, I go BRIGHT red as soon as I get a decent sweat on now!
  • haleycl33
    haleycl33 Posts: 2 Member
    I swam competitively for 10 years, and when I finished my last season, I found myself totally at a loss, and I didn't really know who I was without athletics. I started running and not only is it going to help me lose weight this time around, but it also helps me daily, to feel empowered, and to get that little runner's high. It's my own form of heroin :)
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    I started running in November, winter time around here. I told myself that if I could stick to running all winter, there's nothing I could not do. And I did. I run outside 3-4 times a week (I only run outside anyway - whatever the weather), and I totally love it. I'm totally addicted to running. And when life is a bit hard on me, or if I'm stressed out, I choose those specific mornings to raise my mileage or to do intervals... And it works! It is such a great stress reliever!

    And I feel much more confident in every aspect of my life!
    I feel so great about myself! And I can really say that I'm proud of what I accomplish. Every other mile is a great victory! I'm almost at 5 miles now, and I know that I will feel totally different when I'll finally reach that point.

    And the more I run, the more I love it!