A parenting question...what would you do?



  • Try foods that he likes Ice cream, pudding, It doesn't matter with the nutrition at this point. Just get something into him will help. If he's a hardy kid then try noodles and call them worms or something to make it fun. Add some beef broth and call it dirt soup. Longs he has something. If he does not care for it when he well then he won't eat it when he's sick. Hope they feel better soon.
  • jennifeffer
    jennifeffer Posts: 98 Member
    I would take him back to the doctor or the hospital. He may have blisters in his throat. This happened with my sister's kids. Hope they are better soon. Nothing more heart wrenching for a mom than sick babies:(
  • as long as he is drinking fluids he should be fine. he may not feel like eating. how did they get chicken pox? they do 2 vaccines for it now and any time i've seen kids with chicken pox its a very mild case because of the vaccien. if his mouth and throat are that sore you could ask the dr to call in magic mouth wash. it has benadryl, maalox, and viscous lidocain in it and it can help with the pain. hope they feel better.

    They don't immunise against chicken pox in the UK! I guess you could get the vaccine if you are a private patient but its not an NHS thing and most children here are not vaccinated. I didn't know it was any different in America until the other day. Crazy.

    I gave him soup last night but the heat from the soup burst one of the blisters and he cried for ages :( I have spoken with the doctor about it and they say that as he is drinking water there is nothing they can suggest.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Yes, I would call the doctor or nurse on duty and ask. If he will drink, I would probably also give him PediaSure until I got an answer. I have a 12yr old and I still give it to him when he is sick. He should be okay as long as he stays hydrated. Hope he gets better soon.
    I would call your doctors office and talk to a nurse. They would probably have better ideas.

    I feel for you, sick kids are so hard.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Popsicles and chicken broth were the standard with my kids. You might also try pedialyte freezer pops or make homemade pops with gatorade or similar electrolyte drinks if having something cold/frozen helps it go down better.

    You might want to try colloidal oatmeal baths for soothing the skin - Aveeno is one brand.
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    maybe some milkshakes? my mum was on a liquid diet last year and was given high calorie shakes called Esure from the doctor, they taste lovely

    i hope they're better soon sweet x
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I got chicken pox like that when I was younger - I don't even remember how old I was but I remember the chicken pox.

    My mom had me drinking lots - mostly but gatorade etc. Chicken noodle soup was a big thing too. The Dr told her to keep me drinking as much as possible. Jello may work , and I know you want to give him the most nutritious stuff but even some ice cream may help - especially since he has a sore throat.

    Good luck, hope your kids start feeling better soon.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Makes me want to cry. Poor kid. As a mom I would probably at least try the protein shakes, ensure, even carnation breakfast. I have a friend who swears by hot jello water when her kids are sick. I do agree that as long as he's getting fluids he'll be ok. Sending some prayers his way!
  • I'd call your doctor. My son ended up in the hospital with dehydration after having his tonsils out because he refused to eat or drink anything. Call your physician he is the appropriate person to ask.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I would get pediasure and make shakes with that.
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    I know when my daughter had em(a sever case) aveno oatmeal baths helped her with the discomfort. Push fluids and like everyone else said give him what he wants right now.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    For a younger child, I would be hesitant, but he's 11. Unless the ingredient info isn't great, Give him a shake and let the doctor know you're doing it.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Pediasure and Pedialyte. I would push these two things on him all day. The Pediasure has protein and other things that would be the same as a meal replacement for kids that don't typically eat healthy. It comes in really great flavors and tastes REALLY good. If you get them really cold, it can taste like a milk shake. Pedialyte helps restore electrolytes. It doesn't taste the best but does come in popsicle form.

    These are the two things I was going to suggest. I'd suggest putting the pediasure in a glass and telling him its a milkshake, if he is the type to not want something new or different from what he is used to.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    It might not seem like the answer you would want, but he's probably pale and sick from the sickness moreso than from the not eating. Kids can go a good while without eating and will eat when they need to. Hydration is the absolute most important factor. It also might sound contrary to popular opinion, but my grandmother used to give me warm lemonade. It burns a bit at first, but the warmth and the acid leave your throat in a nice state for hours. That really helped me when I was terribly ill as a youngster. Hate to hear that he's so sick, but just help him to understand that he's going to be ok and that he can have anything he asks for.
  • I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said, but I wanted to say good luck and I hope your kiddos get better soon =(
    I know it's rough on ALL of you. Best of luck!!
  • mbroskey
    mbroskey Posts: 17 Member
    Oily and high fat foods are preferably avoided. Keep offering fresh fruits and vegetable soups, and plenty of liquids. Cool treats such as ice candies, ice cream, and frozen juices are favourites among kids with hot, itchy rashes
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I didn't read what people suggested, but I would probably try Pediasure with some ice cream in it to make it a nice shake...he will love that he's getting a milk shake and you will know hes getting nutrients...

    Gatoraide is another fabulous suggestion.

    So weird that they still can get chicken pox with the vaccine...it's plain scarey.
  • as long as he is drinking fluids he should be fine. he may not feel like eating. how did they get chicken pox? they do 2 vaccines for it now and any time i've seen kids with chicken pox its a very mild case because of the vaccien. if his mouth and throat are that sore you could ask the dr to call in magic mouth wash. it has benadryl, maalox, and viscous lidocain in it and it can help with the pain. hope they feel better.

    some parents (like myself) don't vaccinate for chicken pox.

    i'm a peds nurse and know that. the part that makes me nervouse about parents not vaccinating is the large amount of people that you have coming here from another country. you don't know if their vaccines were kept at proper temps and given on the proper schedule. plus i have seen first hand a 4 month old with pertussis and then 2 weeks later meningitis. both could have been prevented with vacciens (which mom is doing an alt schedule now) he made a full recovery but could have suffered life long problems (hearing loss, limp amputation, etc) from the meningitis. i understand why some parents are skeptical about vaccines but from a healthcare perspective if i had children you bet your *kitten* they would get ALL of their shots. if you don't vaccinate because of the "risk of autisim" look up the doc that did that study. He lied about the data and is basically an outcast in the medical field now. he did irreversable damage to people's perspective on vaccination.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    as long as he is drinking fluids he should be fine. he may not feel like eating. how did they get chicken pox? they do 2 vaccines for it now and any time i've seen kids with chicken pox its a very mild case because of the vaccien. if his mouth and throat are that sore you could ask the dr to call in magic mouth wash. it has benadryl, maalox, and viscous lidocain in it and it can help with the pain. hope they feel better.

    They don't immunise against chicken pox in the UK! I guess you could get the vaccine if you are a private patient but its not an NHS thing and most children here are not vaccinated. I didn't know it was any different in America until the other day. Crazy.

    I gave him soup last night but the heat from the soup burst one of the blisters and he cried for ages :( I have spoken with the doctor about it and they say that as he is drinking water there is nothing they can suggest.

    OOOH! Interesting on the Vaccine! Thanks for sharing, I had no clue it wasn't done in the UK.

    Seriously, hang in there. This has to be sooo hard :(
  • Jello, Popsicles, ice cream. Any fluid he likes to keep him hydrated.