Running after bunion surgery

Just wondering if any runners out there have had foot surgery and if so, when they were able to get back to running. I'm having bone spurs, a bunion and arthritis scraped out of my right foot in mid-march. The surgeon says its a 10 week recovery. I'm really nervous about being out of commision for that long! I want to run a 5K on July 15th. What do you think??


  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I haven't had the surgery, but just spoke to the podiatrist yesterday about having it sometime down the road. She told me that as long as you follow the instructions for proper recovery you should be able to get back into your regular exercise routine in 3 months. I'm in no position to have it done right now with 4 young kids (1, 3, 5, and 7) and no family around to help. Search 'bunions' in the message boards and you'll probably find someone that's gone through it. Good luck!
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Funny you should ask-I've been a runner for over 23 yrs. and I was an undiagnosed over pronater. Consequently, I had an incredibly arthritic great toe, that I had fused on 11/8/11. I have an appt. in two weeks, hopefully to release me as a patient, and that's the burning question. He told me prior to the surgery, that I'd be running by summer. But, my surgery was a little more involved that yours is going to be. I'll post in a couple of weeks-or you may be hearing screaming from the roof tops!! Good luck to you!
  • greeneyedredneckangel
    i had that surgery on both feet i have surgical pins in my feet when i was fifteen i am twenty nine now if i run my feet hurt so bad and i can hardly walk it feels like the pins are being stressed plus i now have arthritis and i can not do anything on tip toe i have to do modified workouts such as push ups and such hope this helps i would just take it easy and if you find discomfort take it slow and speak to your doctor .