Breakfast during lent food ideas

Does any one have any good ideas of what to rest for breakfast during lent I'm trying to keep it high in protein and low in carbs about fifty percent protein twenty percent fast and thirty percent carbs about forty total grams of protein for breakfast


  • FitShannonNicole
    How about eggs? There are so many different ways to make them that you shouldn't get too bored before lent is over. Sunny side up with a piece of toast. Scrambled with cheese or salsa, hard boiled, omelets with lots of veggies.
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    what have you decided doing for lent? I'm vegan till easter, but what are u staying away from?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Plain non-fat yogurt with apples & granola
  • nathan72
    nathan72 Posts: 91 Member
    today i had homemade bean

    low carb tortillas
    refried beans (fat free)
    greek yogurt
    a little mozzarella
    avocado slice

    not breakfasty but pretty good!
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    plain greek yogurt has about 15-18g of protein. Eggs are high in protein as well! Steel cut oats have about 5g protein per serving and bananas have a little protein too :)
  • huvaro
    I gave up profanity lol no food the hard part is gonna be trying to get 40 grams of protein for under 300.calories I do eggs 5 whites one whole
  • nay1228
    nay1228 Posts: 64 Member
    Have you tried Morningstar breakfast patties? I put them in the toaster oven and put them on an english muffin with part skim mozzarella.
  • huvaro
    Thank you all I will look intoyour suggestions