Morbidly Obese

I hate that term but its time to admit its true. I am currently 435 and working MFP to loose the weight once and for all. Anyone else out there in the same place? I love this place and the people here but I think I'm in a slightly different place than most of the people I meet here. Let's be honest, there is a difference between someone losing 20 to 50 pounds and someone that might die unless they loss 1-2 hundred pounds.

If you are in the same situation let me know. I would love to meet other in my place.

Please don't think I don't want to interact with everyone. I would just love to know I'm not the only person in my condition.



  • I have a bmi of 42 I am classed as morbidly obese. I am 237lbs so am aiming in the long term to lose 97 lbs and have lost 15 lbs prior to this target before joining this site. Feel free to add me as a friend if you think I can be of support.
  • Hey dont worry your not alone, I have a good 140 + lbs to lose :(

    I think everyone on this is different, some people are already fit and like to keep track of things for fun, there are people who only have to lose a few pounds and then there are people like me who need to lose alot and join this to chat to people to keep them motivated. What kind of diet are you doing?

  • i am 20 years old and i hate to even say my weight but when i first started i was 298 pounds ive only been working out for like i think this is my third week and im 287 and its hard but i know itll get easier and itll be worth it in the end.and if you keep working at it the weight will come off in time and before you know it it will feel amazing and for myself im hoping to loose atleast a hundred and some pounds
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    I was originaly 314 lbs a year and a half ago. My Mom passed away weighting almost 400 lbs. Watching her the last 2 months of her life and the restrictions her weight put on her was an eye opener. I've been "heavy" all my life. Right after my Mom passed, my knee gave out an the doctor wouldn't treat me because he said I would just be in there again soon because of all the weight I was putting on my knees. Instead he said to get ready for a wheel chair, because that was all he could offer me.

    I panicked. I had the lapband done. Wrong move. Because that failed I had to have it converted to a sleeve. Now I am down 121 lbs. People think that is the easy way out, but it wasn't. I was in paid for over a year, and it was still hard work. It was just a tool, which I hear alot of people gain thier weight back because they don't use it correctly.

    Now I am trying to maintain. Sounds easy? NO! I learned one big lesson in this journey. You have to want to make a life style change. It's not for the moment until I get to a certain weight or clothes size. I have to watch everything that goes in my mouth still (MFP), I have to exercise regularly. I hate it all, but my only alternative is 314 lbs or more. I don't want that.

    I guess my point is I went about it the wrong way, but it comes down to eating better and exercise. There are no quick fixes or easy ways about it. We all get discouraged at times, but keep your eyes on the goal. You'll get there, just reming yourself that you are worth it.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I started at almost 350 just about a year ago. I'm still working on my goal, but I feel so much better than I did then! You can make changes and it does pay off!
  • o4joyed
    o4joyed Posts: 12 Member
    When I started I needed to lose 150 lbs. I know that this is going to be a long process. I know it will be hard, but I know that I can and will do this!!! I like all the support I can get, but there's something to be said about people who are in the same boat doing it together!! I also need to know I'm not alone.
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    Was able to just drop my BMI out of the 40's. So definitely know where you are coming from as I am looking to drop initially 100 pounds, and maybe a bit more once that is complete. Honestly I don't even know what to expect myself to look like at that weight as it hasn't been that low since I was in middle school. Friend request incoming.
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    140lb for me to lose in total, 39 lost so far only 10 of those since joining on here a month ago. My wake up was going for my pre-op for shoulder surgery and being told they may cancel as my BMI was over their limit......I was lucky my anaesthetist was prepared to go ahead anyhoo but it was embarrasing.

    Other shoulder due for op later in the year and plan to be well under their BMI target!!

    I'm fairly quiet on here as there are some real extremes on here but on the whole I track my food and interact with those that don't appear to be total and utter nutters (in a bad way, I love a good nutter!).

    You're definitely not the only one in your particular boat ;)
  • afrench799
    afrench799 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, You are definatly not alone. I acually just heard about fitnesspal from my sister so i signed up=) I def. need to lose about 100 lbs or more but i will take it one day at a time. This is a beginning journey for me as well. We can do this together=) Good Luck!
  • jrrflr
    jrrflr Posts: 109
    Mike, at my heaviest I was 300 pounds. I earned 121 pounds of weight loss through diet and exercise at the age of 39. It can be done, but it has to be a complete lifestyle change. It is tough to get started, but easy to maintain focus once you start seeing and feeling the results. Good luck to you in making the change for a healthier you!
  • Mijo88
    Mijo88 Posts: 69 Member
    I am in this situation also. I currently weigh in a 403lbs. I've lost 7lbs. since joining MFP 11 days ago. I am dedicated to creating a new me and a healthy life. Add me if you wish to witness my transformation or if you need some encouragement.

  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    You would be surprised how many there are here in that situation. I started in the 500's and I am mere weeks away from getting into the 300's.
  • I went to the doc for problems with some arthritis in my knee & now I have been diagnosed with Plantar Faciitis in my right foot. Both times, the doc mentioned that if I lost weight, that would really help my knees and feet. When he gave me my follow up paperwork, I noticed that part of my diagnosis is that I am mobidly obese. I weighed 225 then, and was kind of offended when I saw that as part of my diagnosis, because although I am overweight, I didn't think I was "mobidly obese". I have come to terms with this now, and am on a mission to lose weight. Before I started on My Fitness Pal, I went down to 208, just by eating turkey meat instead of ground beef, eating less sweets, and cutting out soda. Since I started on here, I have lost 2 more pounds in about 10 days, but I am having trouble with the lifestyle change as far as what I eat. I started trying to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, but that workout is BRUTAL. I know I should expect to get results, but it is hard on my knees and foot. Anyone know of a good low impact workout, until I can get all this under control. I still want to lose at least 55-60 pounds.
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    mdawson -


    I just wanted to put it out there that I have started a group that is geared towards people who have a lot of weight to lose - I hope that you will consider joining. The name of the group is Heavy Weights and it is for people who have 200 lbs or more to lose.

    My Fitness Pal is fantastic; but there are a lot of people who have 20 lbs or less to lose, and it is not the same challenges that people like me are facing. Such things as: I worry about fitting into movie theater seating or airplane seats...

    Please friend me if you would like and consider joing a group where many of us are in the same place working together to be healthier for a life time.

    Kamalalue (Katie)
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    My current weightloss goal is 80lbs, once I hit that weight I hope to have the ambision to lose another 20lbs and get below the bare minimum of a healthy weight. 228lbs to 145lb is my first goal, after that I would like to get to 125-130lbs so I don't end up in the obese range again if I can 5lbs back. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. Actually, I made a similar post a month or so ago. I started out at 368 pounds and I am a 5'5" woman so I was very big. A lot of the people I encounter on this site have much less weight to lose than I do so it makes it hard to relate. I started my weight loss journey last March (and quit smoking at the same time!) and so far I have lost 68 pounds and still going strong! Sometimes I still get discourage because I think "Wow, I've lost almost 70 pounds and I still have so far to go." But then I think.... if I've made it this far, I can make it all the way. For people who start out at a very high weight, it seems impossible sometimes but it's really not. You can do it!