Would you like to know the real causes of depression?



  • MellyMartinson
    MellyMartinson Posts: 43 Member
    Some people can be such self-righteous *kitten*. Hope you friend gets better.
    I could not agree more!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Thank you to those who expressed sympathies and well wishes for my friend. She's physically okay right now- mentally and emotionally it another story, but she's getting help and she's got friends who love her and who will stand by her, come what may.

    To those saying food and exercise can effect mood- yes, it can and I personally use exercise to help manage my own mood- but depression is a blackness that is not easily treated. It's a despair that runs so deep, some people choose to take their own life rather than live another day with the hopeless pain. It's not the same for everyone. The illness is so complex, so difficult, it can take years to find the right combination or therapy and meds or other treatment.

    None of us are qualified to advise 'treatment' in the form of diet, exercise, and/or natural remedies on this forum. Even if I was a psychiatrist (and I'm not), I would not offer treatment advice to a patient I don't know and don't understand, because the disease is so different for everyone.
  • I haven't been on this site very long and I've not participated in any discussions as yet but this thread has caught my heart. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to your friend and to those of you that love her.

    I'm 58 and I've dealt with major depression, anxiety/panic disorder since I was 8 years old. Food can be for many and is a major addiction in our society. I'm a food addict. To make it very simple...when we are depressed (and I believe strongly that depression is a chemical imbalance in our brain) and have learned to use food to help us feel better, the physiological process is no different than in those people who shoot heroin or take other street drugs, Simply put, in those of us that are food addicted, eating causes an endorphin/ dopamine release in our brain therefore causing a short but strong feeling of relief. Short lived and then there's the guilt and remorse that follows. A feeling of failure. A viscous circle.

    Dr. Gabor Mate in the book Realm of the Hungry Ghost explains the process and while the book is mostly about people addicted to drugs and why he makes it clear that this process is the *same* whether it's drugs, food or any other addiction. The only difference is the amount of dopamine released. Not everyone one overweight is a food addict. But for many it is.....otherwise why is it that it is SO difficult to lose weight and keep it off no matter what type of diet you follow, how committed you are, how desperately one wants to be a normal weight or how your being overweight affects your physical health? Thank goodness for places like this site. It does help. Support and sharing is of major importance.

    It is only in this way that I believe that the food we eat has major effects on depression,


  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    If it were caused by foods, I'd have one strange case of Bipolar I.

    I had a friend who asked me one day if I was bipolar (becasue she thought I was acting weird), I said I might be bipolar but I know for a fact I am not tripolar because no one had tried to mount a camera on me. :bigsmile:
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    I'm glad you're still here to comment on this thread! :) (((HUGS)))) I've not been suicidal, but I deal with depression and anxiety and it sucks. blah. A lot of people just don't understand any of it. :(

    Thanks! Happy to still be here.

    I tell ya, depression sucks!!
    I would not wish it on anyone. I have counsel people with depression in the past, no I am not a professional counselor, I go on my own real life experiences which sometimes is more useful than a guy in a shirt and tie who has never been depressed a day in his life but read a text book about it and so now he knows everything.
  • I usually don't respond in these types of discussions and I'm very sorry about your friend.....I suffer from mild depression on occasion......nothing as serious as her situation though.
    The whole point of my response is this.......Did anyone actually read the whole post?People here seem to be ready and willing to have controversy at a moments notice .At the end of his post he says
    ":My ultimate point is, most studies are bs. They can greatly be influenced by financial gain, or just by bad research. My question to you is, Do you believe that low carb diets make people dumb? Do you believe that high carb diets cause depression and suicide? We all know intuitively mostly these claims aren't true. Yet they are backed by research..."
    I don't know the OP,nor am I a friend of his here........He's not supporting either claim......he's just asking your opinion on these types of research and if you find them valid.

    ^agreed. if you don't want to be "offended," don't troll their forums.

    To address the current topic...there are many causes of depression, and everyone is made differently. Some people may benefit from certain diets, exercise, medication, therapy, etc, or a combination of those things, or just one of them...it all depends on the individual. I have had anxiety & depression since childhood. I need medication to function. Exercise and eating healthy is just the icing on the cake for me. I am a psychiatric nurse, and I've seen a lot of cases of depression and other mental health issues, and everyone responds to different methods of treatment differently.
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126

    I don't think if I eat "greens" is going to fix my back injury and make the economy better so I can support my family, I also don't think eating greens will help my friend who suffers from depression cause she was molested as a child will magically help her either,

    you see some depression can be because of a physical defeshaincy but others can be from a psychological trauma, this is exactly what the poster was talking about

    Dude, I was trying to help. I said it CAN lead to feelings of depression, not that folic acid deficiency was gona make you suicidal. Also 'whichever poster' said they had plenty of greens, you want a medal? I was merely making a suggestion based on something my doctor told me and surely when you're depressed you would want to try anything to get out of it? I appreciate depression can be situational but for those among us who don't have some deep emotional root for it, I was trying to be helpful. Just cos you or someone you know has suffered from it doesn't mean you can be nasty to people who want to help you.
  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    I'm a professional therapist and just wanted to reply that I think many of you have shared very insightful thoughts. Unfortunately so many people have misconceptions about depression and mental health in general, so it's important to share experiences and information. Most mental health conditions are caused by combinations of environmental, biological, and psychological factors. No, diet does not directly cause Major Depressive Disorder. Yes, in combination with other factors, it can increase the severity of depressive symptoms.