Stretch Marks



  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    When I was obese, I had big angry looking purple ones all the way round my lower belly and a few on my arms. Over the years they faded and yes - although they never go away, they honestly become barely noticeable and I wear a bikini and when I'm tanned, they still aren't that noticeable. They are scars yes, but they can be reduced although it did take a while to get to that stage.

    And that picture above - I'd be happy with that!!!! :)

    Honestly, I believe that they are only really noticeable to me and just be proud and confident to get to where you've got. Ex-stretch marks! :)
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I have them, but mine are all below my belly button and I guess they don't bother me that much. I do not have any desire to wear a bikini and my husband is the only person who sees them, and he thinks I am beautiful, stretch marks and all, because they are there because of his beautiful little girls.

    ^^this! :')
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    The scars are much different on darker pigmentation. So it really depends on your skin type (elasticity sp?), pigmentation and how you scar. Scars take forever to go away for me.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I haven't had a baby in 4 years, and mine are still red. Honestly, though, it's not the colour of them that bothers me, it's the fact that I have literally hundreds, there is no skin on my abdomen that isn't stretch mark, so now I have lost weight, it is just unattached skin, which looks old and wrinkly.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I always call them tiger stripes! I totally thought I came up with that :P Oh well. Own them, your body is beautiful. You are beautiful. They make you who you are! I have scars galore, wouldn't trade them for anything! I wouldn't be me without them.

    I call mine that, but because it looks like I have been clawed by a tiger.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I've heard that using Cocoa Butter makes stretch marks disappear.

    Whoever told you that hasn't ever had real stretch marks.
  • snookybear
    They do fade some of mine are over 30 years old!
    They are just a bit silvery.
    When I am toned (and little tanned) they are barely there.
    I think fake tan can exaggerate newer ones, but not so bad on an old chook like me
    Bio oil is pretty good not sure if you can get this in the US.
    I am in Australia,
    I love the "Tiger Stripes" thing,
  • donnabirch123
    you really cant tattoo over them, the skin of a stretch mark makes the ink run, looks horrible,

    i have had stretch marks my hole life, noticed them when i was 12 years old, behind my knees, well bullies did!!! thats how crappy my skin is, i mean how much does a normal weight kids skin get them!!! bullied at school over it, had boyfriends tell me 'you need to sort your stretch marks out they look disgusting' THANKS FOR THE COMPLEX


    i have them all over, old ones have faded to white, and they are ok, im used to them, at school i could just be sitting down, and feel them ripping, look at my self and see a new red one.

    after having a kid my *kitten*, hips, back, tummy are covered, i dont have a square inch with out then,


    they are a part of me, and i have learned to love my self, they are going to be with me for life, and god dam, if i want to be in a bikini on holiday, i will!!!

    i think the most inportant thing to think is, your not the only one whos got them!! dare to bare, just be happy with your self and love the body your in, its the only one you've got
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    The scars are much different on darker pigmentation. So it really depends on your skin type (elasticity sp?), pigmentation and how you scar. Scars take forever to go away for me.

    Totally true. I am pale but then if I go in the sun, I never burn I just go dark brown - but that's if i'm actually abroad and not in rainy England! However, now, even though I am pale at the moment, I can barely see them but yes - complexion totally counts and elasticity ....
  • traciwe
    Be a Tiger, and proud of your body. My wife has them and every time I notice them it reminds me of what she went through to have our four kids, and the love I have for her from that.

    Idon't want to be a tiger. I don't have any kids.

    HAHA...this is what i always say...i am covered in stretch marks from gaining a bunch of weight while on steroids and have no kids to show for them
  • traceyjayne64

    this is the most amazing thing ive ever wonderful
  • BrittanyH8588
    BrittanyH8588 Posts: 77 Member
    Be a Tiger, and proud of your body. My wife has them and every time I notice them it reminds me of what she went through to have our four kids, and the love I have for her from that.

    Idon't want to be a tiger. I don't have any kids.

    HAHA...this is what i always say...i am covered in stretch marks from gaining a bunch of weight while on steroids and have no kids to show for them

    I agree with both these statements I also got mine from being overweight and I have no children so I don't know how I can be proud of them when it was my own laziness that brought them on
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    I don't mind my stretch marks at all. Mine are from kids.

    My husband always refers to them as my "flames".

    LOVE the Tiger analogy!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    this is the most amazing thing ive ever wonderful

    Ha ha ha! I'd be THRILLED if mine were like that.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    The scars are much different on darker pigmentation. So it really depends on your skin type (elasticity sp?), pigmentation and how you scar. Scars take forever to go away for me.

    ^^ So true as to why my stretch marks are just embarrassing to look at. I don't even have children and so of course I don't see them as battle scars and unfortunately they will never go away :(
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Since I've started lifting weights I've notice them "shrinking" an I've been using cocoa butter & shea butter soaps for over a month and they are lighter. I don't think they will go away without surgery but wat I am ding does seem to help them be less noticabe.