100 lb challenge **APRIL**

hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
ITS A NEW MONTH!! Anyone else want to join this challenge?? This is for people looking to lose 100 lbs or more. I will post every 1st and 15th of the month but you caN post whatever you decide

Good luck to all the already existing members

So here goes
Started mfp 12/6/07 @ 258
Last check-in 3/15 235

APRIL 1st 231
Lost 4 lbs!
27 lbs down lots to go

This is actually my weigh in from 2 days ago because I am now on vacation and do not have access to a scale (don't really want one anyway) although I feel as if I am still doing okay down here eating semi-healthy and definitely more energy spent just sightseeing and on the beach. I am actually looking foward to my next weigh in since I will be away from the scalE until at least the 12th


  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    ITS A NEW MONTH!! Anyone else want to join this challenge?? This is for people looking to lose 100 lbs or more. I will post every 1st and 15th of the month but you caN post whatever you decide

    Good luck to all the already existing members

    So here goes
    Started mfp 12/6/07 @ 258
    Last check-in 3/15 235

    APRIL 1st 231
    Lost 4 lbs!
    27 lbs down lots to go

    This is actually my weigh in from 2 days ago because I am now on vacation and do not have access to a scale (don't really want one anyway) although I feel as if I am still doing okay down here eating semi-healthy and definitely more energy spent just sightseeing and on the beach. I am actually looking foward to my next weigh in since I will be away from the scalE until at least the 12th
  • debbie_010
    debbie_010 Posts: 44 Member
    Well...not exactly 100 lbs, but close enough...98 lbs is what I need to lose. I started March 24th and weighed in at 233...weighed in on Monday and had lost 7 lbs. I have 91 more to go.
    Good Luck!!!
    To all of us!!!

  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    I have 260 left to go but I have not weighed in yet this week not till thursday.

    I started MFP on 3-11-08 with out weighing in
    I weighed in on 3-20-08 at 433lbs
    3-27-08 at 425lbs
    4-03-08 at ???lbs Will edit tomorrow!
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    can i join too?????????

    ok i started MFP uhhh like the middle of march not sure the exact day 12th or 13th or something..... anyways i weighed 247
    today i weighed in at 242

    so im down 5 pounds since mid march and 102 pounds to go..

    we are awesome and we can do this!!!!
  • dragonscapes24
    Hey I'll join in on this...
    start of mfp( 3-21-08)--265
    first week(3-28-08)--264
    second week (4-4-08)-- still to come
    99 more lbs to lose...
    I would like to lose at least 8 lbs this month...

    Ready... Set... Goal!!!

  • DustinWed
    DustinWed Posts: 12 Member
    i'll join this too.

    started mfp at 285 on 2/26/08
    last check in 3/24/08 and i was 279

    so i'm down 6 pounds so far.
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    started MFP 2/19/08 at 234
    as of yesterday, 4/1 at 224
    have also lost a total of 15 inches

    10 pounds down, 90 -100 more to get to goal of 125 to 134

    We Can Do It!
  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    Here are my stats:


    1-18-08 226
    4-2-08 203 ****23 pounds lost!*****


    1-18-08 41"
    4-2-08 35"


    1-18-08 41"
    4-2-08 37"


    1-18-08 48"
    4-2--08 44.5"

    Body Fat %

    1-18-08 49%
    4-2-08 41%
  • 5KNohno
    5KNohno Posts: 503
    I started just over a week ago at 265. That was down from my high at Christmas of 273.
    Today I weighed 260. Its a start. :smile:
    My first goal is to get below 200, my second is 180, my third is 160 (Normal weight for my height) I think I would be happy at that and think hubby would too since that's only 5 lbs more than when we got married 14 years and 5 kids ago. Ultimate goal would be 145 (what I weighed when we were dating), That means I have to lose 115 more so I definitely qualify for this challenge, but I've got to keep in mind one pound at a time.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Yahhh!!! Lots of new people. Definitely helps me when I know there are people in the same boat and I love to try to encourage other people. I am still keeping with my healthier vacation I don't even think twice about making a bad choice anymore I just check out the menu and pick one of the healthiest things I can find and that's my meal. Even at the cracker barrel restaurant I think I did great- grilled trout, green beans, coleslaw and mac and cheese (of which I only took a couple bites of). I find myself feeling soooo much happier after I know I didn't over-indulge. -Heather-
    Ps I am extremely happy to see everyone soo positive about this
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Start weight - Sept 6, 2007: 270 lbs
    Weight last week: 199
    Weight today: 195
    Lbs lost this week: 4
    Lbs lost total: 75
    Lbs to lose to get to goal weight: 60
    Goal weight:135

  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Started In January at a whopping 290 lbs!
    Last week I was down to 235 lbs!!!!!!!!!
    This week I am down to 233 lbs!!!!!!!

    I've lost 57 lbs so far thanks to this site, my new found willpower, and my renewed love for exercise and happiness!!!!

    Great job everyone, keep up the great work!!!
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    Started In January at a whopping 290 lbs!
    Last week I was down to 235 lbs!!!!!!!!!
    This week I am down to 233 lbs!!!!!!!

    I've lost 57 lbs so far thanks to this site, my new found willpower, and my renewed love for exercise and happiness!!!!

    Great job everyone, keep up the great work!!!

    you have lost 57 pounds since january...... thats amazing and inspiring :)
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    I have 260 left to go but I have not weighed in yet this week not till thursday.

    I started MFP on 3-11-08 with out weighing in
    I weighed in on 3-20-08 at 433lbs
    3-27-08 at 425lbs
    4-03-08 at ???lbs Will edit tomorrow!

    ok so it would not let me edit today but that is ok I am pretty upset with my weigh in any how.
    I am up a half pound this week. I guess it makes me so angry cause I bust my rump in that pool every night. and now I know I have to work harder this week to make it to my June goal of a size 26.
    Errr how frustrating!
  • dragonscapes24
    don't worry rayneenie... you are probably just building muscle... you dropped a lot last week and you are doing great and keeping up with your diet and exercise... scales are evil beings who delight in torturing us... don't let them win... keep it up and the weight will come off...

    Here's a big hug for you and a pat on the back for a job well done...

  • sweetandstormy
    I'll join in too.

    Started mfp at 275 on 3/27/08
    last check in 03/31/08 and i was 273

    Not bad, 2 lbs in just a few days! I've got a long way to go but I know I (and all of us) can do it!!

  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Ok, even though I am a commitment-phobe (New word!) I will join in here... If you guys can do it, so can I!

    Started diet March 19, 2008 at 335lbs (highest weight ever, scary)
    Started MFP April 2, 2008 at 331lbs.
    My goal is to weigh around 160lbs... whenever I get there
    Really, I'd be extremely happy with anything under 200 :tongue:
  • 5KNohno
    5KNohno Posts: 503
    Hang in there Rayneenie. As long as you are consistent you will ultimately see results - the fluctuations are normal. I know its discouraging though. I weigh every day, but I only "count" the one on my scheduled weigh day. Make sure you are weighing the same time every day - makes a big difference for me. I quote from one of my kids favorite movies Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim, swim.":happy:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I had an incredible dose of reality last week as my father (63) had a massive heart attack and subsequent triple bypass. He is doing well and is home now recovering.

    HE ID NOT CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING HIS EXERCISE PROGRAM!!!! The warning is there for a reason! If you know that you have not lived the healthiest lifestyle (overweight, smoker, couch potato, high cholesterol) PLEASE I BEG YOU - GET YOUR HEART CHECKED!! I saw the results of DENIAL this week and it was not pretty. His cardiologists words to his family were "He dodged a bullet. " He stopped smoking 7 years ago, he is active, he was exercising but it was too little too late, if he had just had the right test he could have avoided a very scary situation.

    thanks for listening!
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    Heres my stats. I started dieting on 1/25/08 weighing in at 305 lbs
    started mfp March 20th at 292 lbs
    March 27th ..... 290 lbs
    April 3rd .......... 288 lbs

    I am averaging 2 lbs a week and im a happy with that. My weight goes up and down during the week so i try not to get discuraged if it looks like i gained a pound or what ever before my end of the week weigh in, it usually goes back down again. Before i started mfp i was only averageing a lil over a pound a week and that was starving myself. I am eating more healthy now and am acually liking my salad now . I have eaten out a couple times . You can eat out and still watch what you eat , just choose less fatning foods that arnt deep fried. I will edit this my once a week for my weight next is on the 10 th.