My 4 month transformation!



  • I to started MFP at 178 I'm five weeks in now and am glad to see some change...looking forward to looking like you!
  • allisonmrichard
    allisonmrichard Posts: 64 Member
    Diet: I really don't eat a lot of bread. I make sure that I only have about two servings a day maximum. The bread products that I do eat, I only eat whole grain. I don't eat ANY red meat, only chicken and fish and I will never eat it fried. I allow myself diet pop, but only one a day. Other than that I only drink water. Alcohol is a rarity, once a week if at all. Occaisionally I will allow myself a "cheat" meal but not very often unless it's a special occasion like a friend's birthday dinner but even then, I try to pick something fairly healthy but I may help myself to a mozerella stick or two for an appetizer. I also drink a lot of tea, especially green tea during the day to keep me energized and my metabolism kicked up a notch and I drink chamomile at night. I almost always have Oikos Non-Fat Greek Yogurt for my AM snack. Hmm...I'm sure there's more, if I think about it I'll let you know!

    Exercise: No matter what I'm doing, I always make sure that I am sweating and sweating HARD. I think where a lot of my friends mess up is that they're not working themselves hard enough at the gym. If you really want results, you should always be pushing yourself even if you feel a little uncomfortable! I have a lot of Jillian Michaels DVDs and I go to my campus rec center a lot too. Also, I run sometimes. I can do 5K in 40 minutes, which I guess isn't very fast but I'm sooo tired afterward haha.

    Any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them. :)
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    You look Awesome!
  • You look awesome! Congrats to you!
  • great work!
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    wow, this is amazing! you're such an inspiration! there's so much change in the 4 months, and it's a motivation for me to see that you just gotta keep pushing yourself and results will show!
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    Great job
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    Amazing work! I'm sure you are so proud of yourself! And we are too!
  • Cpuff70
    Cpuff70 Posts: 153
    Great job!!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Good for you!! AWESOME work :)
  • you look great! how often do you exercise and what kind of workouts do you do? Congratulations!
  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    That is amazing progress in 4 months! You can see a big difference. Congrats!
  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    Well done - you look totally fab!!!
  • you look great! how often do you exercise and what kind of workouts do you do? Congratulations!

    Sorry, just saw your answer! I am working out with the same DVD's! I just started though! keep us posted!
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    What a remarkable transformation! You look amazing!
  • :bigsmile:
    I started using MFP at the end of October. Since then, I've lost nearly 40 pounds. Going from about 178 to 143. I've been exercising regularly and staying at about 1200 calories or less for most of the time, which is more than enough to keep me full during the day. I'm stunned with how much fat I had stored on my body and how so much of it is gone now. Anyone can do it, I tried so many times before and failed, but this time I finally stuck with it and got REAL results. The feeling of being able to feel proud of yourself for something and feel so much better about the way you look...both are just such great feelings. I have never been so happy and I'm on my way to being in the best shape of my life!

  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    AWESOME transformation!
  • GREAT JOB!! I just started 5 days ago, and I weigh 184, and want to get down to 140. I'm doing 1200 calories a day, but today I messed up, and went 244 calories over. REading this has given me more motivation to stick to my goals. Thanks for being an example!!
  • bobbi_jo2
    bobbi_jo2 Posts: 118 Member
    Great job! I'm hoping to get similar results. You seriously look great. Just curious, how tall are you?
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