strugling to use up my calories daily....will this stop me l

this is my 2nd week doing MFP.......before doing it i was 158lbs. i didnt have a very good diet and pigged out on bread crisps and choc all day and lots of greasy food for tea.....i have totally changed my feeding habits but i have found i eat alot smaller portions are feel full alot of the time i have totally stopped eating crisps and choc but i have found that im normally a good couple of hundred calories under my target every day.....MFP advised me to eat 1200 a day but i normally only have around 1000 and sometimes alot less.....i eat 3 healthy meals aday and snack all day but on low fat and low calorie foods like crisp breads and fruit so my calories never add up to much i also try to get some excersise in everyday normally an hor long walk pushing my son in his pram but i have just sharted the 30 day shred......

My prob is im worried that my body will go in to starvation mode and i wont loose anything i have lost 2lb my 1st week....any advice?


  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    1000 a day is gross. Seriously you're trying to survive on that? There is a difference between getting healthy and having an eating disorder. You think you can't eat that much? Stop eating such low calorie things! Swap low fat for full fat. Add olive oil. Nuts and nut butters. 1000 a day is unsafe and you're going to wreck your body. Think about what you're doing. What's more important, fast results or living a long healthy life?
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    You could try adding some nuts as snacks?
  • teagan911

    How is this comment supposed to help her? This is a support community. There is a difference between giving it to her real, and being down right rude.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member

    How is this comment supposed to help her? This is a support community. There is a difference between giving it to her real, and being down right rude.

    I think you misunderstood - it was advice to EAT nuts.
  • teagan911

    How is this comment supposed to help her? This is a support community. There is a difference between giving it to her real, and being down right rude.

    I think you misunderstood - it was advice to EAT nuts.

    Ah, if that's the case, I apologize.
  • mickyjd
    I agree with SilverStrychnine - I don't know why some people get so angry when someone asks for advice?

    Anyway, stephl21uk, I'd up your calories as most people say with nuts, switching to full fat etc. You also need those calories to help you workout / give you energy.

    You definitely don't want your body to starve and then start storing fat. So good luck and up those calories :)
  • KatrineJohansen
    KatrineJohansen Posts: 24 Member
    1000 a day is gross. Seriously you're trying to survive on that? There is a difference between getting healthy and having an eating disorder. You think you can't eat that much? Stop eating such low calorie things! Swap low fat for full fat. Add olive oil. Nuts and nut butters. 1000 a day is unsafe and you're going to wreck your body. Think about what you're doing. What's more important, fast results or living a long healthy life?

    Jesus, settle the f*** down, I don't think she's doing it on purpose.

    Amen. She's actually ASKING for IDEAS on how to eat MORE. Jesus.

    I'd say, try to plan your meals in advance, perhaps?
    Try to choose 5-6 small meals a 200-300 calories a day, type them into your diary and write down on a postit or something if you don't go on MFP a lot throughout the day, so you always remember what you're supposed to eat and when.
    Of course it's not something you need to do FOREVER, but definitely until you naturally acquire 1200-1300 calories a day in stead of 1000. :)
  • teagan911
    OP- I find myself in your situation most days. Like others have said, you can switch your low calorie snacks for slightly higher calorie ones. You can also make sure to eat back your exercise calories. I know it's tempting to not eat the full recommended amount, and continue to see that number go down on the scale. I'm stuck in a position now where if I eat even slightly over my recommended 1200 I will gain weight, and quickly. I am in the process of trying to increase my metabolism. I hope you are able to get it worked out.
  • JEN0206
    JEN0206 Posts: 3 Member
    I've never wrote on this wall but here goes - I can totally understand what you are saying.
    I struggle to use all my calories everyday and I eat alot of food, my portions aren't small and are NOT low fat.I have been doing this now for 6 weeks and been under the 1200 target set everyday and have lost a healthy 2 to 1 lb per week. I have not experienced this so called starvation mode or been hungry.
    I'm not going to force myself to eat more than I wish to eat just so my Food diary is full.
    If you feel fit and well and have loads of energy with what you are eating don't worry about it. Everybody is different thats why one size doesn't fit all.
    Good luck and keep going x
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Maybe you could share your menus for your "3 healthy meals a day"...they probably could have more protein or healthy fats added to them to help you get your calories more to where they should be. Remember besides the whole starvation mode blah blah, you could be missing out on a lot of important vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    until you get to a very low body fat do not worry about starvation mode.

    Listen to your body if you feel tired and low energy try to eat a bit more, the suggestions here are fine for higher energy but still healthy foods.

    Make sure you are getting the right nutrition from your food, which by the sounds of it you are. The lower your calorie intake the more important you make each calorie work for you by getting goodness in.

    That being said 1000 is quite low and you do run the risk that you will start feeling tired and not enough energy to get in the all important exercise.
  • myf1101
    Can I say that I am the same as well. I have been on here almost a week and often get the message about my body going into starvation mode and I worry about whether or not I will lose the weight. I try to eat more but just cannot fit it in without feeling bloated and uncomfortable. I do take on board the comment about nuts though and may try to add these to my diet.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    You could try adding in things like nuts, avocado - basically healthy foods just a bit more calorific.

    If it's physically the eating thing, why not add in a smoothie or two, or a protein drink?

    It also really annoys me when people are blatantly rude on these forums - what I eat and when/how is totally my business, and I've had snarky comments about not eating enough. Ignore people who are rude, and well done on switching your eating habits. I'm sure you'll find out what is right for you in time :)
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    You know what's an awesome snack? Popcorn!!

    And switch back to some full fat products, fat IS important for healthy brain function and makes your hair nice and shiny too :)

    I found it really hard to eat 1200 at first too, but it gets easier :)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You could sneak a bit of chocolate in :)
  • dizzycoolbabe
    dizzycoolbabe Posts: 28 Member
    1,000 calories is too little - you need to up it a bit! People think they need to starve themselves to lose weight but all you have to consume is the amount of calories your body uses for its daily function! 1,400 calories would probably be better!
  • akiramezu
    1500 calories. that is all. don't even need to tell you why as you obviously know yourself 1000 is idiotic.
  • 41degsouth
    325mls of full cream milk has 200 calories, at least around here. Substitute one glass of water for a glass of full cream milk and you're there, as just one option.