Seriously discouraged



  • iwillberipped
    iwillberipped Posts: 27 Member
    Change things can't let your body get into the same habit. It knows what to expect, change your meals around and what you are consuming for a few weeks. Confuse your muscles with a variety of different workouts so it doesn't know what to expect to break through.
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    You should read this thread. It really explains why it happens and how to fix it. Basically the closer you get to your goal, the more you should eat closer to your TDEE (maintenance) calories.

    Hope this helps.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Are you measuring your exercise with a heart rate monitor? I pretty much do the dog walking thing as my exercise and when I got an HRM I found that MFP seriously overestimates the calories burned. Also, our bodies adapt well to walking exercises and the more you do and get your body used to it, the less you will burn in any given time period.

    At the very least a good pedometer will give you a better estimate than MFP does on this articular form of exercise.
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    You're not tracking sugar. I would add sugar to your diary then look to see what those 200 Carbs a day yield in Sugar. I know Slimfast if off the charts if you add it to milk. I just went thru this and found out a healthy male on 2000 cals a day should ingest no more than 40g/day. I was taking in about 150 +- in carbs but they were yielding 130g sugar a day!! Since I'm not healthy and on a 1500 I cut it to 30 for me. first week. Just wrote a fact filled blog on this if interested and yep I really did lose 10.5 this week. Lee
  • hbkanumalla
    hbkanumalla Posts: 61 Member
    First off, congrats on the 59lbs lost so far!

    I just looked at a few days of your diary and noticed a few things. The first thing is that you haven't been logging water intake. How much water do you drink during the day? Although you don't need to drink tons, drinking water for me has helped

    I'd also recommend adding sodium intake to your diary. For me, I know that I do retain water if my sodium level is high for several days. For that, go to settings -> diary settings -> and add sodium to nutrients tracked.

    These are just my recommendations. I know that's worked for me, but what works for one doesn't always work for everyone. I hope that some of this helps. Also, don't get too're making a lot of progress!
  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Oh man. So much to consider now. Maybe I'd best try one thing at a time (you know, in the scientific method sense). Anyway can't say how much I appreciate the informed input.

    I don't walk with a heartrate monitor but do use a pedometer app on my phone. The actually MPH usually averages more like 3.2, a little faster than the "walking dog" rate, but I'm not always feeling like I'm working hard enough.

    And, yeah, the sugar thing. I know in my heart that's a factor, and it has been a recent thing. It may be my answer. But I don't know! (But I'll get to the bottom of it with all your help, thanks again so much.)
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Congratulations on your success. There are many good things about your food log. Two things I noticed and they kind of go hand in hand.

    Maybe more fruits and vegetables... there were quite a few days with none. Most of your days have very little fiber.

    Another idea would be go to maintenance for a week and then go back to calorie reduction. Just to give your system a week-off of having to operate at a deficit.

  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    People have had a lot of good tips for you but I thought I would add my 2 cents. Tracking your sodium as well as your sugar would be a good idea as you tend to eat a lot of processed foods and that may be keeping your weight up by retaining more water. Adding sugar tracking too as someone suggested is a good idea. A lot of times people who stall out at their loss are eating too much sugar.
    I have read that people tend to underestimate their calories by 40% and over estimate their exercise by 20% so if you arent using a HRM or a scale to weight and measure your food you may actually be eating more calories and burning less. This is one reason why I PERSONALLY feel that eating ALL your exercise calories is a bad thing.
    Keep at it as you are doing a super job it just needs some tweaking by you to find out what works the best!

    When you try different things people have said dont expect results overnight. give it time to work!

    Good luck!
  • daveandkika
    daveandkika Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I know I just started this thing here, but I've been watching my weight forever.....and I have a few suggestions for you. I am not at all a Guru or anything like that, but this is what has worked for me for years.
    Try to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day, complete with protein, carbs and fruits/veggies. The ideal would be 3 modest meals plus 1 healthy snack and 1 protein smoothie (look up the Green Monster Smoothie, it is packed with everything you need!).
    Limit your carbs at dinner time, and try not to eat past 7 pm.
    I noticed you often stay well under the calories you should be eating, and you always are way over in protein and way under in carbs and fat. I would try to stay closer to the range suggested. It's ok to stay a little under in carbs and fat, and eat more proteins since you seem to exercise a lot, but I would try to stay closer to the guidelines, because your metabolism needs a certain amount of fat to stay running smooth.
    You need to eat to lose weight!!! You shouldn't feel hungry, you should eat before you feel hungry. That will boost up your metabolism a great deal. As soon as you get up in the morning, have a smoothie or a small apple to kick start your metabolism.
    If you have to eat let's say 10,500 cal per week, try not to eat exactly 1500 cal. per day. Eat one day 1400, one day 1600. Change it up a little, it's another way to trick your metabolism and keep it guessing!
    Drink lots of water.

    This is exactly what I am trying to do. I hope it helps at least a little. Please don't give up. You have done so much and so many people would do anything to get to your results. A small set back is more than normal. You just need to make some small adjustments and you will see, you will be losing again in no time :)

    Let me know how it goes.....
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Congrats on losing 59 pounds lost, that is huge
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    hey there, i have been for a bit too...

    After advise from my great mfp...ers i have done the scariest thing and increased my calories over 300 per day.

    I exercise like the fat lass at boot camp with blood (maybe not) sweat and tears and generally burn 500-1800 cals per day without a rest day.

    I am changing down slightly my exercise routines, to every other day to give my muscles chance to repair and maybe only work out for 60 minutes instead of 2hrs.(when i could, not always).

    I am determined to win this battle...its just scarey increasing to 1540 cals a day instead of the 1240...but it has to be

  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Very scary.
  • ericagraham35
    Ok, looking at your diet diary I would highly highly suggest that you start trying to stay away from processed foods and refined carbs. Processed foods like deli meats and cheeses, canned veggies etc are riddled with chemicals and preservatives. The muffins and cakes and candy I see in the diary are horrible refined carbs. You need to stick to eating as close to nature as possible. Get at least your body weight in grams of protein everyday. Lean protein from lean grilled chicken breasts, lean turkey, lean pork, lean fish. Get a good protein supplement to help as snacks. I HIGHLY recommend Advocare Muscle Gain (www, You need to be getting your carbs from non-starchy veggies: broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, peppers, squash, zucchini, brussell sprouts etc. Throw in sweet potatoes or white potatoes now and then. Fruit is ok sparingly. You also need to get good doses of heart healthy good fats. These are ESSENTIAL FOR FAT LOSS! Good fats come from things like Olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocados, peanuts, almonds fish etc. These healthy fats actually help with fat loss and keep your heart and cardiovascular system running smoothly. By eliminating processed foods it frees your liver up to do what is was meant to do, help burn fat. When you eat a bunch of processed things it is so busy filtering all the chemicals and preservatives out of your blood that it can't spend as much time on fat burning.
    Also, as far as exercise goes, definitely make sure that you are changing your workout routine about every 3 weeks. Definitely want to keep your body guessing to avoid hitting a plateau. Do something that you know is going to be challenging for you! Hope all this helps!
  • ericagraham35
    I would also highly recommend taking a protein shake right before bed time. It is a huge misconception that you shouldn't eat right before bed. You actually do the most muscle growth within the first three hours of good sleep. Your muscles need protein and nourishment to grow. (I am a figure competitor and studying to get me personal training certification and nutritional coach certifications, so I am not pulling this out of nowhere;) I noticed one person said that you are over eating on your protein......there is no such thing! You ALWAYS want to go for a protein source before a carb source. Yes lighten up on carbs as you get into the evening hours but the goal numbers on here shouldn't be taken as the bible. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help if I can:)
  • sligg
    sligg Posts: 1
    Why are you drinking milk? Cow's milk is for calves, not humans. No animal in nature drinks its mother's milk after its weaned, but the Dairy Council says you never outgrow your need for milk...a blatant lie.

  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Why are you drinking milk?

    I use it in my coffee. An indulgence that I hope you'll forgive. So sorry.
  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks again to almost everybody. I haven't weighed in yet, that's Saturday, but I think I am back on track.

    All in all, I have a feeling I just had slipped into autopilot after six months, and needed to become more mindful about it, recommit. Confessing publicly by posting helped that process.