I ate heathy and no weight loss this week :(

I really do not understand why I have not lost weight this week and it is very discouraging. I am eating the calories MFP said I should eat and I did not loose any thing, maybe I need a binge day.


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    No, no, no binge day. Just keep with the program and the loss will come. Sometimes it's not linear. I might not lose one week and lose three pounds the next. Just keep on keeping on... Water retention can make the scale mess with your head.
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    Stay with it. The weight loss will happen..my third week I didn't lose anything. Sometimes our body need time to adjust.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Did you lose inches?
    DId you eat clean?
    Did you track/log all things?

    Dont get discouraged! Stick with it, You can do it!
    Drink lots of water, eat your protein and stay moving:-)
    It will happen.:smile:
  • So, I've been a member of MFP for a month now and someone needs to invent a new word for when one is feeling beyond frustrated. The first week here, I didn't lose anything. Not a shocker because I didn't have a food scale or the right foods in the house. Second week, ordered healthy foods, bought a food scale, became serious about doing this, and GAINED 4 ibs. Someone said that I had probably gained the lbs. from what I had eaten the week before so I didn't get discouraged. Sure enough, week three I lost the 4 lbs. I had gained. I was so excited about today's weigh-in as I figured this would be my break-though week and my little ladybug would finally start creeping along my scale. Another disappointment! I didn't lose an ounce.! After a month, I am STILL at the weight I started. I have counted, measured, and weighed my foods, making sure I do not go over my allotment of calories, fats, and carbs. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    After a steady decline in weight over the past several months, all of a sudden I have gained 2.6 pounds since Wednesday. It's not fun to see, but I know it's not fat. So I am just going to continue and hope for a better result next time I step on that scale.

    Keep up the good work.
  • fourakes
    fourakes Posts: 7 Member
    I will try and drink more water! I drink 6 glasses a day but more is better. i am gonna shoot for 8 today. Thanks!! Thanks
  • dberry01
    dberry01 Posts: 18 Member
    So, I've been a member of MFP for a month now and someone needs to invent a new word for when one is feeling beyond frustrated. The first week here, I didn't lose anything. Not a shocker because I didn't have a food scale or the right foods in the house. Second week, ordered healthy foods, bought a food scale, became serious about doing this, and GAINED 4 ibs. Someone said that I had probably gained the lbs. from what I had eaten the week before so I didn't get discouraged. Sure enough, week three I lost the 4 lbs. I had gained. I was so excited about today's weigh-in as I figured this would be my break-though week and my little ladybug would finally start creeping along my scale. Another disappointment! I didn't lose an ounce.! After a month, I am STILL at the weight I started. I have counted, measured, and weighed my foods, making sure I do not go over my allotment of calories, fats, and carbs. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dberry01
    dberry01 Posts: 18 Member
    I am so with you! My husband is getting frustrated too. He hates to see me like this.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Drink lots of water and watch your sodium. Your body will hold onto that water weight.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Make sure by eating healthy you don't just mean stayed under on calories! Processed foods are the devil : )
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
  • Remember if you are working out you are gaining muscle, so don't go by the scale, go by how you feel, and also take your measurements. Also take a before picture, then take one every couple weeks, don't worry about how you look in the picture, these are for your own private use, not to show the world. Without seeing your food journal it is hard to say, but remember sodium is a woman's worst enemy. It will make you retain water, as if we don't already do that certain times of the month or when we get stressed. Just keep going in the right direction, and eventually the weight melts off and you will see all the physical changes your body is making. This isn't an over-night process. It goes off how you put it on.
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    Drink lots of water and watch your sodium. Your body will hold onto that water weight.

    Sodium was definitely not my friend this week! I can predict amazingly accurately if I will lose or gain, depending on my sodium intake.
  • i KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. Just keep it up. two weeks of eating right for me and not a pound
    on the third week 5 pounds droped! Drink 6-8 glasses of water, write down rverything that goes
    into your mouth and try tea any kind warm or cold. It5 really worked for me. keep it up and best
    of luck! you can do it! anything is possible wG
  • Same thing happened to me. It was two weeks of not losing anything. I had a cheat day and still didnt go over my calories and did not lose 1 lb. for two weeks!!! Talk about frustrating!!! Keep your chin up and keep at it. I am making a lifestyle change and therefore feeling better. I will say that my plateau broke this week and lost 3lbs. So on average Im back to where I should be. Stay with it dont get discouraged. Maybe look at your diet and see if you can mix it up, change your workout routine maybe? Just DON'T GIVE UP!!! You can do it, or you wouldnt be here. NOW GO GET IT!!!
  • Italian_mom
    Italian_mom Posts: 192 Member
    That's how I felt last week, saw the doctor this week and she told me to watch my carbs and drink lots of water. I've given up diet soda to not have that sugar in me, and have beem drinking water and adding crystal light every now and then. I'm italian so eating less carbs is definitely going to be a challenge for me!!
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate constantely! It can be a number of things, sodium content, amount of water you drink, type of foods you are eating (even if you are meeting your calories for the day). It also could be your scale. Also, are you exercising? Throw in some exercise and see if that helps?!

    Best of Luck to all you guys. Do not get discouraged and don't use not losing weight *one* week as an excuse to give up. I did that and never became successful. Now, I don't allow myself to make those excuses and I have lost 25 lbs! I used to have every excuse in the book! Once I started being honest with myself and just admitted that I was lazy, I started doing something about it. I'm NOT saying that any of you are lazy, just talking about my own journey :)

    For me, most of this journey is mental. I still fight the mental battle every morning when I wake up, I want to make an excuse to stay in bed but I just tell myself NO and think about how far I've come in just a few months. If I can do it, anyone can :)
  • jelicaa
    jelicaa Posts: 83 Member
    If you're not a water drinker...you can always add fresh lemon juice, or cut up lemons. I sometimes through in a few sliced strawberries too - to give a tiny splash of flavor when I'm just absolutely sick of water ;)
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Unfortunately, weight loss is neither predictable nor always linear. Just stick with it and you will see results with time. Do you exercise? I've found that to be a great help. It keeps me focused on something other than scale numbers.

  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    So, I've been a member of MFP for a month now and someone needs to invent a new word for when one is feeling beyond frustrated. The first week here, I didn't lose anything. Not a shocker because I didn't have a food scale or the right foods in the house. Second week, ordered healthy foods, bought a food scale, became serious about doing this, and GAINED 4 ibs. Someone said that I had probably gained the lbs. from what I had eaten the week before so I didn't get discouraged. Sure enough, week three I lost the 4 lbs. I had gained. I was so excited about today's weigh-in as I figured this would be my break-though week and my little ladybug would finally start creeping along my scale. Another disappointment! I didn't lose an ounce.! After a month, I am STILL at the weight I started. I have counted, measured, and weighed my foods, making sure I do not go over my allotment of calories, fats, and carbs. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How many calories a day are you eating? I've seen on here that some people actually lose more when they give their body more healthy calories in. I know for me I don't lose as well at 1,200 as I do at 1,390 for the moment.