Protein Supplements

RunLillian Posts: 23 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

I'm interested in taking a Protein Supplement but since I'm a woman, it's kind of difficult to find the right kind. I'm looking to gain some muscle, but at the same time not be huge!

If anyone has any suggestion/advice please let me know!


  • lilmonita
    lilmonita Posts: 31
    I take Nitro-Tech Hardcore (I like the Vanilla). It's made by MuscleTech and is only 110 calories per scoop w/only 2 g sugar. I like to take 1 scoop in the morning before my workout & another scoop in the evening right before bed.

    Here's their website:

    Don't let the big "HULK" muscle man they use as advertisement scare you. I'm a woman weighing in at 119...haha.

    Also, if you have some spare time, go to It's a quick & easy "protein finder."

    Good luck.

  • RunLillian
    RunLillian Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the help! I like to workout as well but work 13 hour shifts and don't always have time to do so. I usually do cardio and am looking to tone a bit with some strength training. Just to lose the flab on my arms and thighs. My arms are already large (thanks grandma) and when I lift, my arms usually just get big without any definition.

    A friend of mine suggested doing lighter weights with more repetitions (about 3 sets of 20). How long do you think it would typically take on average to see the fat start to decrease arms once you start lifting? I'm 5'7" and 168 right now and my goal is about 155. I feel as though I'm starting to plateau and I need a new workout routine to get motivated.
  • lilmonita
    lilmonita Posts: 31
    How long? Question of the ages, my dear. But, I can tell you this. Increasing lean muscle mass will also increase your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This means that your body will burn more calories because it has more muscle (mass) to fuel.

    If there's ONE place that I always recommend female weight train on, it's what I like to call the "powerhouse muscles," and they include your quads, hammies, and glutes (thighs and butt). The reason I suggest it is that those are our largest, most lean muscles. Increasin lean muscle there will significantly help your metabolism, kick-starting your body to burn burn burn.

    With the arms, your friend's definitely on the right track: low weight high reps. It should still be a challenge by the last set. "Low weight" doesn't mean "no weight." I would say start with some dumbell bicep curls (using 5lb weights)--3 sets of 12-15. Also, throw in some Overhead tricep extensions (using 8 lb weights)-- again 3 sets of 12-15. Let me know how that goes.

    I'm also a big fan of using your own body weight, meaning doing things like push-ups, wall sits etc.

    Good luck, hun,
  • RunLillian
    RunLillian Posts: 23 Member
    thanks for the help again! I'll have to work more on my legs. I run 1.5-3 miles every 2 days and i don't see results from it. It is getting depressing...haha. But hopefully I'll stick to the weights and push past the bulkiness and see some better results. Thanks again!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I like Jay Robb...........

    It is all natural and sweetened with stevia.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Thanks for the help! I like to workout as well but work 13 hour shifts and don't always have time to do so. I usually do cardio and am looking to tone a bit with some strength training. Just to lose the flab on my arms and thighs. My arms are already large (thanks grandma) and when I lift, my arms usually just get big without any definition.

    A friend of mine suggested doing lighter weights with more repetitions (about 3 sets of 20). How long do you think it would typically take on average to see the fat start to decrease arms once you start lifting? I'm 5'7" and 168 right now and my goal is about 155. I feel as though I'm starting to plateau and I need a new workout routine to get motivated.

    Sorry, love. You won't see fat start to reduce on your arms once you start to train. That's called spot reduction and it's impossible. Just type "Spot reduction" into Google and you'll see a ton of pages about how it can't be done. Think about it. How many times have you seen someone that does a ton of cruches but still has a beer gut? Don't get me wrong. You should still do strength training. It's a great work out, it does help tighten up the jiggling, and it may break you platau by introducing new exercises into your routine but it won't make the fat layer go away. That takes the calorie deficit and cardio. I just wanted to warn you so you wouldn't get discouraged if you don't see the results you want.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I like Chike. I have a protein shake for breakfast every morning.

    I also get Nashua Nutrition Protein Hot Chocolate and I often have that as an evening or afternoon snack.

    It's very hard for women to bulk up. I wouldn't worry about it because it's not something that happens by accident -- you have to consume gobs of protein and do all sorts of special workouts.
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    I have not found a shake or bar that I can eat/drink without gagging. I use protein water by Designer Whey, called Protein Blitz. Unfortunately it has artificial sweetners, but since I don't eat or drink anything else with this stuff, I figure 1/2 serving every other day (I only drink after strength training) can't do too much damage. The 1/2 serving amounts to 15 grams protein.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have not found a shake or bar that I can eat/drink without gagging. I use protein water by Designer Whey, called Protein Blitz. Unfortunately it has artificial sweetners, but since I don't eat or drink anything else with this stuff, I figure 1/2 serving every other day (I only drink after strength training) can't do too much damage. The 1/2 serving amounts to 15 grams protein.

    Try Jay Robb protein
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I've been curious about protein supplements as well. I'll have to try some of the things all of you have suggested.
  • RunLillian
    RunLillian Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone! I do cardio about 3-4 a week and I usually run or do the elliptical...I just think my body is getting used to it. I want to start strength training too so I can get more muscle definition! Hopefully this works!
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