I'M JUST STARTING TO GET BACK ON TRACK BUT THE PORTION CONTROL IS KILLING ME, I cant seem to find any foods that taste good & satisfy my hunger, so i at times notice i eat healthier but a lot more of it... I've tried "smart ones" & "lean cuisine" both good especially for lunch but im sill hungry so i'll eat 2 or 3 box's in one sitting (-_-)


  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    If I have a Lean Cuisine or similar, I add at least a cup of frozen veggies to it before I cook it. It bulks it up and is really yummy!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    The packaged stuff is short on protein and fiber, and long on sodium. It doesn't take too much planning or prep to have a healthy meal ready to grab-n-go. And you can make something much healthier and more filling (and cheaper) than anything you will find pre-packaged.

    Make sure to get good portions of protein and fibrous veggies in your meal. Also try drinking lots of water with your meal, and eat slowly. Make sure your hunger signal are true hunger, not just habit. I was one who didn't feel full until I felt over-full. It takes a while to change that mindset, but it is possible if you work at it diligently.

    I pre-cook chicken and package it in individual portion sizes to freeze. Same with brown rice. And I keep a selection of steam-in-bag veggies on hand. Grab meat/rice/veg, then some teriyaki sauce, lemon, or whatever flavor I'm feeling, and there is a healthy, home-cooked lunch; just nuke and enjoy! (Get ready for the complaints from office-mates when you microwave broccoli, though! Hehehe!)

    Good luck. Don't foget- it's a process. Few people get it right the very first try! You CAN do this!
  • kihomara
    Thanks to both of you for the tips, I will try them & i will make it happen.....when on the other hand is the issue, hahha :laugh: