MFP lied!

So five weeks ago MFP said maintain this calorie count and you will weigh 205 in five weeks..well guess what I still weigh 220...the first two weeks I lost ten pounds and there I have stayed..the last two weeks based on advice from others I have increased my calorie count and yet here I am still at 220....I cut out bread cut out my protein bars...what else do I need to do....


  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    Just looking back over the week.. I would say you are eating wayyyy too little. Eat more (healthy foods still) and fuel your body, it will realize your not trying to starve it and start to let go of the weight again. I've lost 51 lbs and I always eat almost all of my calories.
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Just looking at your diary over the last week or so, you aren't getting enough calories. Most days, you don't even get in 1000. Have you used a calculator to figure out your BMR? I'm sure you are well below it which will cause a stall. Personally, my weight loss slowed at 1200 cals a day and I had to up them to almost 1600.

    Additionally, your diet is no where near balanced. A lot of what you're eating looks like bread products. Where's the veg?
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    you need to EAT!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    It sounds like you were expecting to lose five pounds a week. That's not reasonable or healthy. What do you need to do? In my opinion, reevaluate and set reasonable expectations.
  • Alarista
    Alarista Posts: 77 Member
    To be real with you, I agree with everyone else on the way too little.

    What else I have to say is you're often in the area of "don't eat these few of calories unless under the supervision of a medical professional". What I would recommend, is see a nutritionist, and work out a plan. You may have to hunt around for one you like, meet with them and work out a healthy plan.

    I did a liquid diet, like a medifast, under the supervision of a health professional with little calories like that, and was hospitalized and spent four days there, it was not cool (it was painful, expensive, and embarrassing). I know you want to see fast results, but you want to be healthy.

    You have to remember, the tool here that calculates your calories is just a calculator, it says how much weight do you want to lose and how long and calculates, it doesn't think about what's healthy really, so you need to evaluate what's healthy for you.

    The other thing is, how much have you worked out? Has some of your fat loss been hidden by muscle gain?
  • adellinger01
    Do not be afraid to eat!

    Try something like this - Eat a healthy bowl of cereal in the morning, then maybe a banana mid morning, a sensible lunch (chicken, sushi, whatever - healthy), an orange mid-day, steak or chicken dinner and then maybe a little fruit early evening.
    make sure to drink lots of water (no soda).
    That will probably balance to 1600-2000 calories and I am sure you will see weight come off.
    Your metabolism will stay active and your body will continually be working.

    If time allows kick in some cardio (at least 20 minutes a day also)
    Good luck!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    YES eat more! Aim for what the program gives you if anything go over 10-50 calories. Try that for a couple weeks and see if it works.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    Eat more and, I don't know if you just don't log it or what but you should really be working out too.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    That estimate is based solely on the calorie deficit for the day and a bit of math to extrapolate that number. The body isn't quite that formulaic. A number of factors contribute to the number on the scale.

    For example, if you eat too little, you body will instead try to conserve the fat it has because it is worried that it won't be fed enough. It will hold on to its energy stores instead of feeling comfortable to let it go. FEED YOURSELF!
  • cjm109
    cjm109 Posts: 264 Member
    I more and you need veggies....lots of them.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,707 Member
    This is a perfect example of how reducing calories to extreme will only be temporary weight loss then hitting a major stall. Stick to the basics. Eat a negative 500 calories from your TDEE and you'll lose a pound a week.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I just said "Complete this Entry," after nothing but my 400 calorie breakfast. MFP didn't lie to me when it said I'd be down to 204 from 230 in five weeks. It used a mathematical formula to extrapolate from unreasonable input to an unreasonable output.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    So five weeks ago MFP said maintain this calorie count and you will weigh 205 in five weeks..well guess what I still weigh 220...the first two weeks I lost ten pounds and there I have stayed..the last two weeks based on advice from others I have increased my calorie count and yet here I am still at 220....I cut out bread cut out my protein bars...what else do I need to do....

    That is a little quirky thing that states if "everyday were like today....", it is not a cut and dried "this is what you WILL weigh" lol.

    Look at what you eat rather than the calories, cut out all the crap. Did four pancakes really come to just 289 calories?
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I think I may have said this before in a thread similar to this one but take some measurements. I found that I can go 2-3 weeks without losing a single pound or even with a small gain but it's in those weeks that I lose an inch or two and then I see the scale move for a bit and stall again. I've really had to learn not to get discouraged during the stalls because in the end I'm still exercising and eating better than I was before logging my food on MFP and I feel stronger.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I think I may have said this before in a thread similar to this one but take some measurements. I found that I can go 2-3 weeks without losing a single pound or even with a small gain but it's in those weeks that I lose an inch or two and then I see the scale move for a bit and stall again. I've really had to learn not to get discouraged during the stalls because in the end I'm still exercising and eating better than I was before logging my food on MFP and I feel stronger.

    This for me as well. I tend to hang onto a lb or bounce between two for a week, but in that week I drop a half or whole inch somewhere, and then the scale twitches lower.

    Everything you do is gradual. And it does pay to eat.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    I would try to cut the carbs and maybe up the protein.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm not a dietician but i agree with rdsxgrl28. Your protein is way too low and your carbs are really high. From what I have been told women should try for 20 grams at least 4 times a day. Most days you are no where near 80 grams. And your carbs are really high. I would cut down on the bread products, up veggies and meat and then give it a go again.
  • biancardi
    Just from viewing your diary - you do need to add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet and cut out fast food/cookie/chocolate snacks.

    I have a HUGE sweet tooth myself, and I understand the need for it, but MFP didn't lie - you aren't eating enough of good calories and eating too many empty calories.

    I have found this great water drink for my chocolate sweet tooth - and it has NO calories and NO sugar: MetroMint chocolatemint water = made with real mint & cocoa essence - give it a try. I found it in the natural/organic section of my grocery store - they have a store locator at their site

    you also need to journal better with your food diary. You skip meals and I am not sure if that is because you skipped that meal or you forgot to add it in.

    anyway, if you are skipping one of the 3 major meals, you shouldn't. Even just have a nice salad with cucs, tomatoes, chickpeas, shredded carrots with low fat dressing is getting your veggies in.

    instead of those bars you are having for breakfast, why not get unsweetened shredded wheat & bran cereal, with 1% milk and some fresh berries? You will feel more satisfied than a bar. I eat fiber bars myself, but I save those for a snack and I Fiber One - Fiber One, Oats & Chocolate - 140 cals per bar. Much less Abbott - Classic Zone Perfect® - Fudge Graham Nutrition Bar.
  • sazzet
    sazzet Posts: 56 Member
    I checked your food diary , not enough calories and not enough fresh and mean fresh from the market vegetables. Broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, asparagus, carrots. Don't be afraid of green, I eat more green than meat and when i want protein i go for fish and chicken breasts. Use olive oil and lemon on asparagus and salads. Get your fats from nuts, like peanuts and almonds. They're great on salads. Just a handful a day. Take a few days off what you are doing and make a diet change, add more calories and see what happens. Don't forget the 8 cups of water.

    Also forgot to mention fresh fruits, always have them around. Bananas, strawberries, oranges, pears.