Eating out

Hello All,

Hope you don't mind me barging straight in with a question?

I am new to MFP, and am a little anxious about it- I have a lot of health and diet restrictions- but I am hoping to manage some weight loss- anyway, tomorrow we are out for lunch with friends, I have eaten at home all week, and have weighed foods, and been strict with calorie counting- how does this work when eating out?

Thank you in advance.


  • lizzy_joyce
    I've noticed that if you're going to a chain restaurent, MFP has a lot of dishes in their system. If you're not, I'd just eyeball what you're eating and input each ingredient once you get home. It won't be perfect, but it's better than not logging the calories at all, in my opinion.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Lot's of places have menu's and nutritional info available online. If possible, I try to look that all up and plan what I'm going to have ahead of time.
  • PWanks
    PWanks Posts: 22 Member
    It's ideal if you can check out the menu online beforehand (most chain restaurants post their nutrition info online). That way, you can pick what you're going to eat and log it accordingly. If there's no nutrition info available to you, you can either ask for it at the restaurant or just be smart about what you choose and log the closest thing you can. Remember, ordering a salad isn't always the answer as creamy dressing, nuts and cheese can all add a lot of cals. Be sensible and you'll be fine!
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    Or Fast Food Nurtion has a great app... But YES MFP has most on here, JUST plan ahead if u can! & stick w/ it!
  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    Even if your not going to a chain restaurant, many items are prepared pretty similarly in most restaurants... I think a guestimate using the chain food items will probably get you to the same place. And always remember, it's one meal. Unless your planning on not ever eating out again as a lifestyle change, you will be eating out from time to time. This big thing is to take that into consideration when planning the rest of your day or week (however you count things).

    If I know I'm going out, I try to eat a lean but full of protein breakfast and get a good work out in that day.
  • polrbear
    polrbear Posts: 31 Member
    If it is a chain restraunt, I always look for their nutritional menu online so I know what to order before going in. I try to stick with grilled or steamed veggies as a side and stay away from anything fried. Grilled food always seems to be the best option for me. If you should happen to indulge and go over your allotted calories for the day, just start again tomorrow. This is a life long committment an indulgence is going to happen. It doesn't mean it is the end to your new lifestyle.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I agree with what others have said, I always look up nutritional info online and plan ahead whenever possible.

    Another option is to eat a small lunch at home before you go out with friends, then order something simple at the restaurant (a small salad or a vegetable soup, for example). That way you can still be involved but you know you're not having too many calories at the restaurant.
  • nuttytart770223
    nuttytart770223 Posts: 43 Member
    What I do is look up on the internet beforehand, alot of chains have their menus and calorie content on their websites, i pick what I am eating before I leave the house.
    If there is not calorie information out there or if it is a small restaurant i tend to stick with lasgne as I know roughly how much this is!!
    If I want to have a blow out then I got to the gym in the morning and work-out until I have enough calories to cover eating out.
    This has worked for me so far :love:
  • Beffster
    Thank you for your replies, it's not a chain- just a good old English country pub. Will try to be sensible with my choice- thank you.
  • nopswd
    nopswd Posts: 12
    I just went through this exact same problem. Of course I ate too much and it was fried seafood, but I have decided to track EVERYTHING so I came home and used the database to log everything in and It seemed to work pretty well. I overestimated a bit I think, but I bet it's pretty close. I'm just winging it I'm sure it's not exact but It's fun to do. And don't be intimidated by the database. There are lots of choices. But if you try hard enough you can find almost anything. Good luck
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    If you know what they serve, try to find something similar from a chain restaurant and use that as a guide for calories, etc.
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Most chain restaurants offer nutrition information on their website. If you know where you'll be eating tomorrow, go to the place's site tonight and look up the nutritional information and pick what you're going to eat based on that tonight. If the nutritional information isn't available, then take a look at the menu (it should be on their website at least) and try to pick something that is grilled or blackened (those are two ways to cook that have FAR less calories than other methods; whatever you do avoid anything that is fried) and always choose vegetables as your side (most places will let you substitute sides). Also, make sure you ask for the lunch portion of a meal; some places give you the dinner portion unless you ask otherwise.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    Hello All,

    Hope you don't mind me barging straight in with a question?

    I am new to MFP, and am a little anxious about it- I have a lot of health and diet restrictions- but I am hoping to manage some weight loss- anyway, tomorrow we are out for lunch with friends, I have eaten at home all week, and have weighed foods, and been strict with calorie counting- how does this work when eating out?

    Thank you in advance.

    Just do your best at lunch and adjust your breakfast and dinner to accommodate for any extra calories you may consume during lunch.

    a few tips I consider when I eat out:

    1. Dont drink your calories. If at all possible just drink water (maybe with lemon) with your meal.

    2. Stick to meal choices that are broiled, baked or poached-- staying away from words like fried, stuffed or smothered.

    3. If your ordering a salad, ask for your dressing on the side

    4. If your ordering a sandwich, try a whole wheat bread or a wrap

    5. If the portions are bigger than what you would normally have measured for yourself, ask for half your meal to be wrapped right way.

    Try not to worrying to much about it and have fun. If the rest of your week was okay, it will all balance out.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    I always go for the lean protein choices and ask for substitutions. Like I'll get chicken Marsala, skip the pasta and order spinich, stuff like that. Ice tea, no soda, 6ox steak extra veggies, skip the potato etc. and of course, NO Cheese Cake!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Stick to grilled, like grilled chicken salad.
    I normally have chicken Caesar salad, write all the ingredients I can see, down on a napkin & track those when I get home :]
  • Beffster
    Thank you everyone, great advice. Will have a look at the menu tonight and see what's what. (Annoyingly there are hardly any vegetables I am able to eat, the same with fruit, and any high fibre foods- and excercise is limited too! )

    You've been really helpful, thank you.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Thank you for your replies, it's not a chain- just a good old English country pub. Will try to be sensible with my choice- thank you.

    They'll probably have jacket potatoes, you can get tuna mayo with a side salad for around 600calories.
  • Taitiant
    I deff try and Plan my meals before i go out, and look them up, but always find my self taking an extra 5- 10 minutes to order when out just so i can look at the nutr menu.... I Hate places now that dont offer the Nutr value in their food, i will just walk out now.. LOL kinda harsh, but i need that still.. im still new to this whole thing.. Good luck.. Cheers to you for making the right step! :drinker:
